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TailingsPond last won the day on September 26

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About TailingsPond

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    Oil Major

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  1. How can you tell he and his campaign is broke? What a joke. Make sure you buy several Eco and Ron. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNiC-2DuLLM
  2. They can cry all they want. Let me know when they change the plan.
  3. How is a petroleum company stock losing >20% of its value in just 6 months bad news for EV cars? How am I part of "you guys" in trouble? And where is the trouble? Tesla is up >40% in last 6 months. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=Tesla+stock One again for the slow learners, the oil company Eco lauded is down a lot, the EV company he hates is up a lot. https://www.google.com/finance/quote/OXY:NYSE?window=6M Take ownership of your predictions. Accept that you suck at this.
  4. How is that OXY stock you like trending? Told ya. https://www.google.com/finance/quote/OXY:NYSE?window=6M
  5. Yep tomorrow the green revolution will be gone, no EVs available for sale and trump will be up in the polls. Time to wake up Eco.
  6. I suspect Ecocharger thinks his partner is satisfied because demand is trending downwards. 😄
  7. Don't bring up demand curves and year over year numbers without accepting oil is in the crapper. Data is data, speculation is speculation. Oil also has artificial scarcity on its side (OPEC+ cuts).
  8. Ignore trend lines you say? WTI one year ago was $90.4 today it is $71.6. That is a whopping 20.8% drop.
  9. What forms of pollution would you support limiting with government regulation? You seem to support all forms of pollution. If not CO2 how about methane, heavy metals, carbon monoxide, ozone, PM 2.5?
  10. Do you not think anthropogenic CO2 increases plant growth? Do you deny the "plant food" theory, or do you accept that humans have had an impact on mother earth? You ask people questions but never answer any. Stop asking or start answering.
  11. TSLA - All electric +4.2% today +43.8% 6 months +0.53% YOY Ford - Some electric but decided to slow EV transition +0.18% today -15.5% 6 months -13.4% YOY Would you choose losing 15.5% over the last 6 months or gaining 43.8% over the same time period?
  12. Did you not see the share price rise?
  13. The interest rate cut benefits Tesla more than other manufactures. The markets think if you can get cheaper loans you will choose EV. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Energys-Biggest-Gainers-After-Fed-Rate-Cut.html "In the energy sector, EV maker Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) made the biggest gain at 7.3%, with lower interest rates likely to benefit car stocks since it makes car financing more affordable, easing companies’ need to lower prices and increasing demand." Oil shares get a bump of maybe 2% "Meanwhile, stocks of Big Oil companies also enjoyed a bump following the big rate cut: Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE:XOM)+2.4%, Chevron Corp.(NYSE:CVX)+1.7%, Marathon Oil (NYSE:MRO)+1.7%, Shell Plc (NYSE:SHEL)+ 1.5% and BP Plc (NYSE:BP)+2.3%.
  14. You recognize that government subsidies for EV increases the number of EV sales (see a quote below), therefore you understand that lowering the cost of an EV increases sale numbers. "Numbers of EV sales have been dropping severely ever since the government supports for EV consumers were removed" With that established you understand that great deals on new and used EVs will increase sales. Obviously you can't simultaneously say that price increases due to removal of government subsidies will decrease sale numbers at the same time as claiming industry price reductions will not increase sales. The price has an effect or it does not. A great economist such as yourself knows the price has an effect. There is no difference from a MSRP of 55K with a government incentive of 5K than there is MSRP of 50K. Even better is a MSRP of 40K. Also you notice that used EVs are at very reasonable prices, as you put it above "EVs are being offered at giveaway prices."
  15. https://www.ford.ca/electric-vehicles/ GM is committed to 100% EV https://www.gm.ca/en/home/commitments/electrification.html