Marina Schwarz

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Marina Schwarz last won the day on October 28 2018

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  1. Stupid is exactly what the majority will be called on Twitter, I bet. Apparently, the minority is incapable of accepting some realities. I'm glad the majority has been consistent, though. Well done. P.S. The kids on Twitter are blaming Boomers again. Which, to me, means the kids did not vote. Am I missing something, such as logic?
  2. This is what I would politely call a disgrace for Labour. The pendulum has swung even farther than I thought. Oh, well, I guess we'll be seeing the sort of mass emigration we saw after Trump won in 2016, right? Oh, wait...
  3. I see you've been having fun. Me, I had to google AGW, so that's one new thing I learned today. What did you learn because I see good manners is not among these things for some of you. Kudos to some of the others for trying to keep things civil. I'll now do you one better: When will we see oil at $500? And I'll tell you: when "Keep it in the ground" wins and Big Oil stops pumping at once. Thank you for your attention.
  4. Decarbonising US power grid 'may cost US$4.5 trillion' After reading the whole story I think the price tag is the least of the problems this complete transformation would face.
  5. *Insert sarcasm font*
  6. Anecdotal evidence to remind all plastics haters that plastics are popular for more than one reason, such as cost. They do save a lot of trouble as packaging.
  7. Jay Inslee targets fossil fuel interests with new presidential promises I'm having trouble deciding who I would root for in these Democratic primaries. It's like a beauty pageant and all the girls are, well, beautiful.
  8. I am actually certain you are wrong if out of the right reasons.
  9. Anyone who's ever broken a glass bottle of vegetable oil will think twice before slamming all plastics as evil, trust me.
  10. I suspect your "a little bit" is the same as their "a little bit" but I agree there must be solutions that don't require billions. Although on an industry-wide scale it could and probably would cost billions. IMO says 90% of the world's trade is maritime, so...
  11. 'Storm approaching': firms fear for deliveries in shipping shakeup "Ship owners must cut sulphur emissions to 0.5% from 3.5%. They can do this by using low-sulphur fuel, installing exhaust gas cleaning systems or opting for other, more expensive, clean fuels such as liquefied natural gas or traveling more slowly." What a brilliantly simple solution. So why the worry? Oh, wait... costs? Prices? Hmmm.
  12. Let's do it together: a huge MOOC on common sense and critical thinking.
  13. Thanks, a view from the inside is always the best. I saw Cat was releasing two new e-trucks and they look impressive, certainly, but until they go all-electric, I'm not buying the hype. I'm thinking of starting an online course "How to Differentiate between Facts and Wishful Thinking". It will be a blast, I'm sure.
  14. By "largely" you probably mean "They make a few electric trucks". I checked Caterpillar's website. They haven't gone all-electric as of yet. Something tells me neither have their competitors. I'm sure people are queuing to fly on one of these. When's Boeing going out of business because last I heard they actually managed to strike a deal for that 767 Max that got so much bad rep recently? I respect optimism but could we not make it sound as if it's a matter of a couple of years before every single vehicle on the road -- and every single aircraft -- is electric, please? Because it won't be a couple of years. Thanks.
  15. .

    Only question that matters. I disagree Saudi Arabia has no interest in a war.