Observatus Geopoliticus

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  1. US-Paki is more than ''notional'', it endured for decades. Pakistan belonged to OTASE and CENTO, Pakistan welcomed US bases, Pakistan and US were hand in hand in supporting the moujahidines, then Hekmatyar, then the Talibans in Afghanistan... As for the US dislike of India, the reason is not the socialism of the country. After all, Washington backed the Khmers rouges in Cambodia. When you support Pol Pot, you can support every regime... lol But India was and somehow still is allied to US' arch rival : Russia. What was your point ?
  2. Why ''Trojan horse'' ? Russia actually is the only great power to be able to amend ties between the two. China is completely unbalanced, the US are little bit irrelevant in the area. As for the EU... lol
  3. Funny, funny... When one doesn't have facts to give, to call names and discredite is the usual tactics. Anywaaay... At the UN, the game goes on. Russia and China vetoed a US resolution. Few minutes later, the US and its European poddles vetoed a Russian resolution. Stalemate... On the field, some foreign videos appear for few days to counterbalande Western MSM propaganda, showing the humanitaria crisis is ''not that bad'' : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p5xWpJCicw https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/307101-turista-argentino-caracas-estafa-mundial-venezuela I'm split about that. Clearly, the usual Western presstitute has exagerated the situation in Venezuela, almost suggesting people are dying by thousands. When Western countries interests are involved, don't expect a fair information : incubator babies in Kuwayt, genocide invented in Kosovo, Al Qaeda magically labelled as ''moderate rebels'' in Syria, half-nazis Maidan coup labelled as a ''democratic revolution'' in Ukraine... the list of Western propaganda is endless. Nevertheless, to deny the Venezuelan crisis is just as dumb. Millions have fled and I personnaly see venezuelan refugees every day. As we said in the previous message, Guaido may have miscalculed the ssituation. The self-proclaimed thought he would come back to Venezuela with the US ''humanitarian aid'' after the concert supposed to draw hundreds of thousands of fans. The concert flopped badly and he's still stuck abroad. He promises to go back to Venezuela soon and the next days may see another outburst.
  4. Tension is growing. After the downing of an Indian jet by Pakistan and the parading of the prisonner, New Delhi sends reinforcements to the border : https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-02-27/indian-enraged-pakistani-video-parading-injured-downed-pilot-tanks-mustering Note that islamabad says 2 jets were downed while India says they hit one Pakistani plane...
  5. Good reading below for some folks out there. Oh, if the moderator wants to censure posts, it's ok but let's start with the trolls calling troll everybody they disagree with. It's the pot calling the kettle black. As for myself, I study and write about geopolitics for 25 years so I don't accept being called 'troll' by people who don't have 2% of my knowledge.
  6. Three of the main countries on Earth oppose any US intervention in Venezuela : https://southfront.org/china-india-russia-stand-against-us-military-intervention-in-venezuela/ European US puppets seem to have cooled down the rhetorics against Maduro. Guaido who wanted to reach with the US ''humanitarian'' aid is now stuck in Colombia and little bit isolated. Strategic blunder as it seems : http://www.lefigaro.fr/international/2019/02/27/01003-20190227ARTFIG00229-guaido-veut-rentrer-au-venezuela-pour-defier-maduro.php
  7. Nah, the thug regimes don't collapse when they're supported by the US : Saudi Arabia (gold medal of thugish regimes), Qatar, Turkey. Koweit, Bahrein...
  8. I disagree with you. The Deep State is deeply involved in the energetic Great game aiming at controling world's hydrocarbures. Not to steal it as some would say. Just control the energetic sources and roads in order to have a grip on the planet. Venezzuela, with its fabulous reserves, is a prize for the Deep State. Ths usual imperialists suspects completely support the move : neocons and neolibs, MSM...
  9. Most Democrats and Republicans are of the same imperialist brand and for the outside world, there's no difference between war criminal Bush Jr and so called Nobel peace prize but war mongering Obama. The hope of the world is that an american peacefull leadership comes to power. Fisrt hope was Trump and his ''Drain the swamp'' programme. Yet, he finally bowed down to the Deep State as we see in the Venezuelan case. I wish everything best for Tulsi in 2020 but the imperial presstitute is at her already. Other US politicians I like : Ron Paul , Rand Paul, Pat Buchanan and somehow Bernie Sanders. Their common point : say f.... to the Deep State and stop US imperialist wars. As for my nationality, I'm French living abroad for a long time.
  10. Ukraine has been dismenbered by the US'backed Maidan coup. Disagree ? Even George Friedman admits it : http://us-russia.org/2902-in-ukraine-us-interests-are-incompatible-with-the-interests-of-the-russian-federation-stratfor-chief-george-friedman-on-the-roots-of-the-ukraine-crisis.html As he calls it, THE MOST BLATANT COUP IN HISTORY. So you can rant all you want about bad Russians, mercenaries or illuminati if you want. One responsible for the Ukraine crisis : the US, as usual...
  11. Usual answer by a troll who doesn't state a single fact/argument. I sum up your mindset : ''You doesn't agree with me but I have no clue nor argument to oppose, so you're a Russian troll''. Poor guy...
  12. Tell the millions they killed. Tell the millions they made suffer with a coup. Easy to be pro-american in Europe because, it's true, they helped nurture democracy there against the Soviet Union. But in other continents, they helped military dictatures (Latin America), they armed islamic terrorists (Asia) and they even supported Pol Pot's Khmers rouges and his maoist murderous gang. So no, sorry sir, they're not decent at all. They're a huge problem for the world, not a solution...
  13. No humanitarian crisis in Iraq. Just a brutal but stable dictator or anarchy and civil war. The US choosed the latest. The only problem is the US supported Saddam when he was commiting his crimes against Kurds and Iran, even helping him with satellite imagery when he gased the Iranians : http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB82 When they no longer needed him, they dropped and attacked him. So the US cared about iraqi humanitarian situation as I care about cricket in Antartica... Guaido isn't legitimate and Maduro, for better or worst, is. In Vietnam, there was a coup orchestrated by the US to give power to Diem. He was not the legitimate president. Check your history.
  14. Chechnya is Russia. Ukraine was the theatre of a US coup. Georgia wasn't invaded. Syria invited Russia. Your propaganda trolling falls apart.
  15. Everybody know that the Taliban movement was created in the Pakistani refugees zones near the Afghan border. There, the children received a beautifull US jihadist education in the 80's : http://www.dailynebraskan.com/controversial-textbook-topics-oked-by-uno/article_874a37e2-2682-5011-85cd-001a98867b3a.html Fully grown up one decade later, they were launched against Afghanistan by US ally Pakistan with tacit Washington approval : https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2001/11/05/how-afghanistan-went-unlisted-as-terrorist-sponsor/903bfb89-5877-4e48-87c6-4d76d906fbac/?utm_term=.0fd96b9ccfef The goal ? To conquer all Afghanistan and allow Unocal's pipeline to go through the country. That's the time when US invited the bearded fanatics to visit Texas, including the Nasa center : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/west_asia/37021.stm But these goddamned Talibans asked for astronomical transit fees and the US administration started to loose patience : http://www.worldpress.org/specials/pp/pipeline_timeline.htm One last effort was made in August 2001 to secure the pipeline deal : http://www.historycommons.org/entity.jsp?entity=christina_rocca Then, September 11, the US bombing of Afghanistan, the retreat of the Talibans and their come back etc. Almost 20 years later, unable to stabilize Afghanistan, the US start to talk again to their ex-buddies : https://worldview.stratfor.com/situation-report/afghanistan-us-special-envoy-meets-senior-taliban-official-ahead-new-round-talks?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=article Two possibilities here. First one is to negociate the US withdrawal with the future masters of Afghanistan. Some observers say nonetheless that the goal is to find a common ground in order to attack Iran. A remake of the US-Saudi-Pakistani alliance with their Taliban proxies, this time against Iran : https://indianpunchline.com/iran-accuses-pak-isi-of-cross-border-terrorism/ Only the future will tell us wich one is true...