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Eagle Ford - Update Through June 2019

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This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive dashboards. Furthermore, they allow you to uncover other insights as well.


This interactive presentation contains the latest oil & gas production data from all 23,149 horizontal wells in the Eagle Ford region, that have started producing from 2008 onward, through June 2019.

Oil production came in at 1.3 million bo/d in June, unchanged from the month before. Since March, the horizontal rig count in this basin has dropped from 82 to 62, the lowest number in the past 1.5 year. Natural gas production was 6.2 Bcf/d, almost back to the level in December last year.

In the “Well quality” tab, the performance of all these wells can be found. It reveals that after many years of improvements, since 2017 well productivity has no longer increased. We find that on a normalized basis (lateral length) 2018 results were even a bit lower than a year before.

This is the same conclusion that this WSJ article from yesterday reached: Shale Boom Is
Slowing Just When the World Needs Oil Most (behind paywall).

Using our analytics service, they found that EOG’s performance in the Eagle Ford has deteriorated, on a normalized basis. See here the dashboard they used for this analysis:


The chart shows that the average well that started in Q2 2016 outperformed the wells that began 1 and 2 years later, based on the first 24 months cumulative oil production per horizontal lateral foot.

The ‘Advanced Insights’ presentation is displayed below:


This “Ultimate recovery” overview reveals the relationship between production rates and cumulative production. Wells are grouped and averaged by the year in which production started.

Here you can also find that well productivity did not improve further in 2018 (while laterals got longer and proppant intensity increased further).

The following dashboard, also from our advanced analytics service, displays the t otal production in the top 5 oil-producing counties in The Eagle Ford.


Karnes is well ahead of the other counties. But only Gonzales is at a multi-year high.

Tomorrow, Tuesday October 1st, at noon (ET), we will present a new monthly briefing (~20 minutes) on all the major tight oil basins in the US, in our ShaleProfile channel on enelyst. Registering is free: enelyst registration page.

Early next week we will have a new post on all covered states in the US.

Production data is subject to revisions, especially for the last few months.

For this presentation, I used data gathered from the following sources:

Texas RRC. Production data is provided on lease level. Individual well production data is estimated from a range of data sources, including regular well tests, and pending lease reports.


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