1. Looks like : * 2/3 of U.S. agrees with Trump and Pompeo * 1/4 of U.S. agrees with  CCP, Communist Secretary General Xi Jinping  ,  Pelosi...

  2. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/2019/02/25/trump-eyes-nobel-peace-prize-with-north-korea-policy.html https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/23/opinion/sunday/north-korea-summit-trump.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/trump-should-get-the-nobel-peace-prize-for-north-korea-talks-says-souths-moon/2018/04/30/9f89798c-4c6d-11e8-b966-bfb0da2dad62_story.html?utm_term=.89afbeb5c18b  

  3. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/20/chamber-of-commerce-u-s-must-not-reshore-all-production-to-the-u-s/ I expect we may have a lot of various opinions on this topic. Here is your chance to tell us your ideas. RCW Chamber of...

  4. Look What I found Conservatives on an "NBC" affiliated Website.  Think!   https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-s-withdrawal-iran-nuclear-deal-has-been-vindicated-ncna1003091

  5. EU leadership in a panic now that the UK has exited and EU cannot continue taxing the UK to subsidize the EU Socialist compulsions. EU budget is now €75...

  6.  By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney Insights April 07, 2022 We will look back at current events and realise that they marked the change from a dollar-based global economy underwritten...

  7. I’m trying to make sense of this KSA situation as I find it hard to believe (but not completely implausible) that people could be so sloppy....

  8. Interesting article on conspiracy theories, I thought. I'm sure some of you will appreciate some of the references.

  9. This week's top global oil and gas news intersected with political risks worldwide: 1.) President Donald Trump announced U.S. decission to reimpose sanctions on...

  10. https://www.wsj.com/articles/rising-oil-prices-are-bad-news-for-saudi-arabia-1537915829 Who would have thought?

  11. $4 trillion climate plan that aims to tax carbon, return funds to American people   Democratic presidential candidate John Delaney became the latest 2020 candidate to...

  12. 1st Type dealt well with the epidemic from the start, or nearly from the start. Relatively Low number of cases and death rates. High achievers in...

  13. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/john-yoo-the-lawyer-who-wrote-bush-s-torture-memos-confirms-he-s-helping-the-trump-administration-find-ways-to-skirt-congress-and-impose-his-own-policies/ar-BB16ZSDd The attorney who helped craft the Bush administration's 2002 legal justification for torture told The Guardian he is giving advice to the White House on how...

  14. My first and last post under this username. I used to post  a lot here a few years ago but gave it up as...

  15. Nigeria's incumbent president has won a second term. Good news for the industry because the runner-up had some eccentric ideas about the oil industry that...

  16. This is an excerpt from his report for Czech government from 21th April: "... specifically, we don't know: how large virus load is out there the precise...

  17. The Republican leader of the U.S. Senate offered legislation on Tuesday urging the United States to keep troops in Syria and Afghanistan, as President...

  18. If you’re in the mood for some depressing amusement, just type the words “Kremlin talking point” without quotation marks into Twitter’s search engine and...

  19. Just an article. Chill out everyone.    La la la la la .... ''have the courage to be open to change.'' VATICAN CITY (Reuters)  -  Pope...

  20. Military junta: Why, given how popular we are, we couldn't possibly have lost the election.  Guess it must have been fraud.   Etc. etc. So, what's your...

  21. Very interested to see how the likely Iraq election win by Shi'ite Al-Sadr pans our for all the external players on this field, and...

  22.                       .

  23. As you no doubt know by now, Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister of Japan, was assassinated in broad daylight on Friday. So what happened?...

  24. I think one of the most pressing geopolitical issues we should be considering right now is whether the Saudis will really try to go...

  25. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/2173479/singapore-leader-lee-hsien-loong-warns-region-may-have-choose That didn't take long.

  26. If this is confirmed .  .  .  .    https://nationalfile.com/evidence-video-shows-georgia-vote-counters-pull-ballots-out-of-black-suitcases-after-sending-everyone-home/

  27. The purpose of Putin in Syria is not to fight against ISIL, but to hold on to the throne the bloodthirsty dictator Assad. Russian...

  28. This country needs some "Profiles in Courage" .  The Deep State will cancel anyone who resists.  They will destroy your career.  Barr is close friends with Mueller for...

  29. This is the great apokalyptein that we are living through: the uncovering of our true selves. What we are being offered is a chance...