1. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ceo-moderna-moment-first-realized-130100215.html Politics aside, this has been a fascinating read.  ******************** Bancel: Yes. So, I've been working in infectious disease all my career, and I've developed an eye for outbreaks....

  2. Wait A Second! Merkel Did What? by Tyler Durden Monday, Jan 02, 2023 - 08:20 AM Authored by Natasha Wright, Even if Merkel had not been accomplice to...

  3. Thought this was interesting although I highly doubt any thinking person hasn't already thought about the significance of this and that some of the...

  4. .  

  5. https://thefederalist.com/2020/06/23/its-time-for-republicans-to-stand-up-for-america-already/ "The United States of America is starting to resemble a Target in Minneapolis, overrun by lawless mobs and left for dead by the very...

  6. China didn't export any oil products to North Korea in November, customs data say. And all this time Washington has been insisting they do...

  7. Reuters just published this in-depth story on Saudi Arabia. Interesting read, I thought. It would be nice if those of you who have direct...

  8. .  

  9. Saudi oil minister Khalid Al-Falih announced that Shaybah Field was attacked today by Houthi rebels' drones sent from Yemen. The official stated that there...

  10. It was perhaps bound to happen, especially as months of bellicose threats against Iran now give way to mere new sanctions roll out, and...

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdmkGOFXPFc           vehicle if the brand disappears you alsowon't be able to sell the car                         1:24 / 19:08 EV Prices Plummet, China Dumps Excess Production Globally; US, Japan, Korea Escalate...

  12. .  

  13. A confidential report allegedly leaked to Western media says malware targeted Aramco's computer systems designed to prevent a disaster at an industrial facility. Not...

  14. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/12/kuwait-has-more-on-line-with-rising-oil-prices-than-saudi-arabia.html

  15. The cold-war between China and the West shows no sign of abating since the outbreak of the Coronavirus. On the contrary, it is escalating...

  16. Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie told House Democrats that Steve Bannon, President Donald Trump’s former adviser, was behind much of the company’s early focus...

  17. The real climate debate is not between "believers" and "deniers". And not between Republicans and Democrats. The real debate is certainly not over whether global warming, spurred...

  18. Zeihan at Land Expo March 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kch4Z1GpNOQ  

  19. Nancy understands that the President's attorneys and Republican Senator will embarrass the House and destroy any credibility they thought the articles of Impeachment might...

  20. You can only have 2 out of 3 : 1. COVID-free society 2. Functioning economy 3. Livil liberties (democracy) So we have : 1. Chinese model: 1 & 2....

  21. In coming days a new meeting of the GECF will be held in Equatorial Guinea with a general landscape on its behalf and advantage...

  22. Since the rhetoric here at Oil Price has reached hysterical levels of racism, hatred, nationalism, and including threats of vigilantism, may we please collectively take...

  23. Now was the turn for Abadan refinery to be hit by what was alleged was a cyber attack... after recently ARAMCO was hit in...

  24. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/53jazk/i-accidentally-ate-the-worlds-most-illegally-trafficked-animal Probably very tasty if you're the type that like pungent flavored meat.  

  25. Tom , looks like you were correct.  You can't make this stuff up.  Looks like your Dem impeachment might backfire on them. Excerpt from Article A...

  26. More to follow . . .  The "SQUAD" won't let Nancy go back on Impeachment.  The SQUAD rules.   Can't wait till Senate trial. . ....

  27. https://gloria.tv/text/JA2gAn2WQPnf6LpbZiduQ2AjK http://thetradforum.com/index.php?topic=477.msg6423 Pope Francis and climate change Press release June 21, 2018: Catholic Church and enviromental protection Pater Rolf Hermann Lingen, Goldbrink 2a, D - 46282 Dorsten, 49236245083, www.pater-lingen.de "It...

  28. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-denmark-election-welfare-insight/danes-make-welfare-a-hot-election-issue-as-cracks-show-in-nordic-model-idUSKCN1SZ0IC It should be clear that no economic system could go on forever without changes but that's theoretical. @Rasmus Jorgensen, what is your take on...

  29. The usual, usual lies - masks do not work, HCQ does, but now it gets bizarre - allegedly a female "expert" quoted by Trump...

  30.  https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-52762291 Time for a real trade war with China. RCW NPC: China moves to impose controversial Hong Kong security law