1. Economy Minister Peter Altmeier just gave a very simple lesson in defending national interest to at least half of the European Union: “They are looking...

  2. Why European Islam’s current problems might reflect a 100-year-old mistake A fascinating take on Europe's Islam problem as the author calls it and some insight...

  3. "Mexico’s leftist presidential front-runner, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, may allow more oil and gas fields to be auctioned off if elected on July 1,...

  4. Even if now for this weekend global investors and analysts of oil and gas markets are watching closely presidential elections in Venezuela and its...

  5. "East Timor, one of the world's poorest countries, could still be an economic success story despite reports its main oil and gas fields will...

  6. If this is true you will see the end of OPEC and the start of an oil price war. Untold damage on many fronts.  According to...

  7. It totally stops, apparently. 

  8. Many questions on tensions around the world and especially with China, and China vs Taiwan issues are after he makes his statement.  Recommend, if...

  9.           .

  10. Industrial production growth in %, in comparison to the same month of the previous year. US China Japan Germany India UK France Italy Brazil Canada end

  11. https://prospect.org/economy/the-china-hack-and-how-to-reverse-iut/ Should we just allow China to become the leader of the world or should we take requisite actions along with our allies and potential...

  12. To merge a few threads and to take off on a tangent, I would like to ask the question: How effective and timely would the...

  13. https://www.theepochtimes.com/chinese-regime-hoards-global-inventory-of-medical-supplies-leading-to-growing-shortage-outside-china_3298893.html   Chinese Regime Hoards Global Inventory of Medical Supplies, Leading to Growing Shortage Outside China BY NICOLE HAO   April 6, 2020 Updated: April 7, 2020

  14. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/president-trump-weighed-all-options-to-stop-irans-growing-nuclear-program-but-was-talked-out-of-it Key quote: The IAEA report said Iran has amassed a stockpile of 5,385.7 pounds of low-enriched uranium as of Nov. 2, up from 4,641.6 pounds...

  15. FULL SPEECH -   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mHtjunI7F4   01:00 - 37.25

  16. Quote   Formally, in 2021, an energy crisis occurred in the world. On the other hand, no one has died from this crisis so far, which means...

  17. https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/Middle-East/A-New-Middle-East-Mega-War-Is-Unfolding-Right-Before-Our-Eyes.html Kind of surprised no one on this forum has commented on this Oil Price.com article yet. If the author of this article is correct...

  18. Or will you just become more stubborn? 

  19. I know this is from Salon (No I'm not a Liberal Democrat) it is interesting Tho.  I Wondered where Trump's early ties to Russia...

  20. It would be interesting to debate the demerits of the great hoax of our day, Climate Alarmism.  CO2 can only raise global temperatures by...

  21. Brexiters hit back at Tusk for commenting that they deserve a special place in Hell for Brexit happening without a deal. Welsh first minister...

  22.  attem his toughne    

  23. The US has been hacking into Russia's electrical grid and other targets, presumably planting malware should it become necessary to disable or degrade Russia's electrical networks...

  24. WASHINGTON (WSJ) -  House committees will subpoena Gordon Sondland after the State Department directed the U.S. ambassador to the European Union to skip a...

  25. While it will mention all the criminal acts that took place with FISA warrant it might say they don't rise to the level of...

  26. Two UK Healthcare workers had serious reaction to the Pfizer vaccine on Tuesday.  The two experienced serious allergic reactions in the past and carry...

  27. A CIA employee who lodged a whistleblower complaint over President Trump's request that Ukraine investigate former Vice President Joe Biden has a "professional relationship with...