1. .  

  2. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/02/09/delingpole-green-jobs-collapse-in-germany-and-go-to-china-instead-what-a-surprise/ Delingpole: Green Jobs Collapse in Germany and Go to China Instead. What a Surprise!y  Exactly what I have been saying all along. RCW  1,905

  3. Definitive information FROM THE CDC that wearing a mask does not protect the person wearing the mask.  We've been saying this for months here...

  4. The all volunteer United States military is being dismantled before our eyes. Wrong think is being punished, if a soldier dares to espouse a...

  5. https://tfipost.com/2020/05/our-survival-is-at-stake-now-chinese-telecom-giant-huawei-crumbles-after-us-ban-on-semiconductor-exports/ ‘Our survival is at stake now,’ Chinese Telecom giant Huawei crumbles after US ban on Semiconductor exports Will Democrats keep up pressure on China?

  6. REPUBLICANS OFFICIALLY OKAY VIOLENT DEATH THREATS AGAINST DEMOCRATS, PSYCHOTIC CONSPIRACY THEORIES ABOUT JEWISH LASER BEAMS https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/02/kevin-mccarthy-marjorie-taylor-greene-no-action?utm_source=nl&utm_brand=vf&utm_mailing=VF_Hive_020421&utm_medium=email&bxid=5bea15512ddf9c72dc912311&cndid=17768489&hasha=5a9f69fe1b66f2fb53c95925d88b6cc2&hashb=d9494cf78f9811846899547106258772f12f3a53&hashc=89a3d2964591281b25afc03928bd48192f0f4328071a64b8e9ff9715dfe90030&eAUTO_MERGE&utm_campaign=VF_Hive_020421&utm_term=VYF_Hive

  7. The haters that gave us four years of hoaxes , false narratives and demonization will put on two more days hyper partisan "Impeachment for...

  8. Check out the data of each country's GDP, Q4 gdp had all being in decline, apart from China, but after lately virus ravaging, its...

  9. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/09/03/navalny-case-poisons-ties-between-germany-russia-a71336 Putin and his cronies are losing touch with the Russian people. The people can see through them and know how rotten their government is....

  10. .            

  11. We've argued at much length about hydroxychloroquine on this site. I said it was effective and was wrongfully shouted down by the usual members...

  12. Can anybody translate this into plain English? JOE BIDEN: “We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the...

  13. The cold-war between China and the West shows no sign of abating since the outbreak of the Coronavirus. On the contrary, it is escalating...

  14. So now we have a serious clash between richest man in China founder of Alibaba Jack Ma  who is under investigation allegedly on the...

  15. Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, that used to enjoy relative stability with a fragile democracy, started grabbing headlines again for all the wrong reasons. After...

  16. So either the world is going down the toilet, we're all going to die of a virus, WW3 is about to happen or things...

  17. The US is about to reimpose tarrif on steel that comes from the UAE, according to the Washington Post. This comes hot on the...

  18. Military junta: Why, given how popular we are, we couldn't possibly have lost the election.  Guess it must have been fraud.   Etc. etc. So, what's your...

  19. Having recently read the General's book titled "It Doesn't Take a Hero", this story was a great follow on.  An interesting thing about Stormin'...

  20. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/09/23/what-russia-doesnt-get-about-germany-a71527   What Russia Doesn’t Get About Germany Moscow has repeatedly rejected any responsibility for its most contentious actions. As a result, Berlin’s trust and willingness to...

  21.  Budget revenues compare revenues: oil&gas vs non-oil&gas Oil money is unpredictable but here we can very clear trend growth in non-oil&gas revenues  diversification  Non-oil&gas was x1.5 oil&gas...

  22. https://www.theepochtimes.com/china-trade-war-against-australia-backfires_3674931.html China Trade War Against Australia Backfires One of our top allies is standing up to China. RCWJanuary 27, 2021 Updated: January 27, 2021   BY REUTERS   January 27, 2021 Updated: January...

  23. Just came across this today. I have a not so sneaky feeling we're about to see a GIANT backlash from the CCP and some...

  24. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-22/parler-s-new-partner-has-ties-to-the-russian-government?srnd=cybersecurity&sref=RzXyyOXY When you can't deal with American censorship any more, give Russia a chance!

  25.     This article stating that repealing the "Carried Interest" tax loophole will cost 24 million jobs is such a bunch of bull.   Then it goes...

  26. In the 40th civil complaint filed in the federal courts for the District of Columbia, Dominion Voting Machines has sued Sydney Powell et al,...

  27. Tom Nolan Here:  Again, I want to make it clear that I intentionally don’t vote, because the entire system is broken.  I am neither...