1. Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates overstate their oil capacities, Iran’s state news agency IRNA reported on...

  2. heh heh, it's always a pleasant surprise when stumbling across someone else who has similar contrarian views on oil & gas, renewables, climate panic,...

  3. Welcome to the API inventory data thread. This thread will be updated weekly with the crude oil inventory data that is published weekly on...

  4. Does the world agree with Iran's oil sanctions ??? Oil exporting countries are seeking to stabilize high oil prices and importing countries are trying to...

  5. EXCERPT:  It is, in fact, entirely accurate and fair to explain the high energy prices as a result of clean energy transition policies. It...

  6. The Permian Shrugs Off Below-Zero Natural Gas Prices in Texas English Español عربي Français By Tsvetana Paraskova - May 01, 2024, 5:00 PM CDT Natural gas prices at the Waha...

  7. Can the price of oil be gamed? As the price has bounced up and down over the last four years, perplexed analysts have tried...

  8. Today, President Donald J. Trump will meet with executives in the energy industry to discuss the impact of COVID-19 and recent developments in energy...

  9. "Managers of traditional energy businesses need to spend in areas that attract new customers, such as batteries, auto charging and renewable electricity, said Andrew...

  10. The US has told its allies to cut all oil purchases from Iran to zero by November as it prepares to reinstate sanctions against...

  11. Let the games begin! This should be an amusing show to watch.  From ZeroHedge: Slash Oil Output Or Else! Senate Bill Would Remove US Troops From Saudi...

  12. There are millions of barrels floating offshore China in Asia without a home. Saudis had no option. Do you think Saudis clients were going to...

  13. .      

  14. We need to immediately put a tariff on all imported oil to the USA to keep our domestic oif field service companies, and oil...

  15. .

  16. Generally, I support increasing oil & gas pipeline infrastructure pretty much anywhere in the world, regardless of the geopolitics entangled in any particular pipeline. Pipelines...

  17. Venezuela's political situation is boiling hot and noose is tightening around Maduro's neck . What is unfolding every day in Venezuela is a matter...

  18. Nasty oil spill in Mauritius.  As if the cessation of tourism weren't enough, if they don't get this one cleaned up pretty quick, tourists...

  19. .

  20. Okay, I know, I know it sounds ridiculous but here's a call to do just that. It's more of a political call than anything...

  21. From comments made by Iran's OPEC governor: "Some producers have limited production capacity. Therefore, they may be faced with lower demand for production, while on...

  22. Shell Eyes Looming UK Fuels Ban     (Bloomberg) -- Royal Dutch Shell Plc expects the U.K. can end the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles in...

  23. At the 3:42 minute mark of this video, a lady who runs personnel recruitment for the OIl and Gas Industry describes how some companies...

  24. I am wondering over the upcoming Maritime Act of 2020. Are the proposed regulations to reduce the sulphur emissions on all sea going vessels still on...

  25. The Tylers over on Zero Hedge do a great job laying out how much oil is in EVs. Visualizing How Much Oil Is In An...

  26. https://www.iea.org/commentaries/electric-cars-fend-off-supply-challenges-to-more-than-double-global-sales Note: Hybrids will play a big role in sales for the U.S.A.  Projections may be overly optimistic.  Large vehicles are not included. They burn the most...

  27. Sometimes the market won't give you the targets you request, at those times you need to take what you can, and say thank you,...

  28. China's 2019 coal imports set to rise more than 10%: analysts     BEIJING/MELBOURNE (Reuters) - China, the world's top coal buyer, is on track to boost...