1. I know you are out there 🙂 How one of the most intelligent minds of this century, and a conservative to boot, is thinking about...

  2. For me, this is the $64,000 question.  When I hear all the prognostications, I always wonder.  Thoughts?

  3. Hello All! I have been away due to some health issues but now as I have recovered considerably...time is ripe to start anew. Interesting times for...

  4. < *sigh* > Reluctantly, I have to agree with this assessment by Nick Cunningham. A gentle reminder, I do not want to see triple digit oil prices....

  5. Biden is definitely NOT getting my vote.  This Climate Apocalypse scaremongering is getting more Kool Aid punch drunk by the day.  Rubbish. Biden Says He’s Willing...

  6. Through this forum, I became aware of the Tony Seba report, Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030. I have a lot of reading to do to, hopefully,...

  7. .

  8. It now seems to be a daily occurrence which has flipped 180 from BOOM to BUST, are we finally beginning to see reason? https://www.rigzone.com/news/shale_oil_pioneers_say_the_boom_is_ending-6-nov-2019-160255-article/?utm_source=GLOBAL_ENG&utm_medium=SM_LI&utm_campaign=SHARE_DESKTOP

  9. US lawmakers re-introduced legislation in the Senate that’s aimed at allowing the government to bring lawsuits against OPEC members for antitrust violations. Lawmakers in the...

  10. Why US consumes more oil than any other country?

  11.  .   .   .   So they are talking to their enemies.  That's good. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/26/world/middleeast/saudi-iran-qatar-talks.html It's about time.  Why should U.S. spend over $30 Billion a...

  12. Recommended reading, as it covers both pros and cons without the usual hyperbolic hysterics from either camp.  2 thumbs up to the author. 👍 👍 Is the...

  13. https://denver.cbslocal.com/2019/09/25/oil-gas-law-industry-jared-polis/

  14. Welcome to the EIA inventory data thread. This thread will be updated weekly and will serve as the basis for all relevant conversation about...

  15. Not often I share an article from Washington Post these days, since it went totally off the rails batsh&t crazy as a biased asset of...

  16. Presented without my usual comments. U.S. will sanction any countries that import Iranian oil: special envoy (Reuters) - The United States will sanction any country that...

  17. Saudi say 15 buildings hit .  Not if look at this picture it's outside complex and mostly desert. Your U.S. military said the first drone...

  18. Crude futures turned lower Friday after President Donald Trump suggested in a tweet that OPEC is keeping oil prices artificially high and said he would...

  19. Where we are now Monitoring committee recommended a production cut OPEC agreed a cut will be forthcoming Russia went back home to check in with Big Daddy...

  20. Banks raised their forecasts for oil prices for the 10th successive month in July amid anticipation of less Iranian crude and declining global inventories,...

  21. Over the past year, France has led a European push to keep trade with Iran alive after the United States tore up the nuclear...

  22. Not least because the driving ban is now gone and Aramco's IPO is yet to happen. But Bloomberg has estimated the removal of the...

  23. "Green New Deal" is insanity. Green New Deal FAQ attached.  Please do read it. Here's an excerpt.  $4.6 Trillion to repair and upgrade U.S. infrastructure ? !    Here's a...

  24. Hope this doesn't get me into hot water, but I am going to share the beginning excerpt from a current Oil Price Editorial, which is...

  25. Enbridge asks Canadian government to support oil pipeline in dispute with Michigan     CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - Enbridge Inc asked the Canadian government on Tuesday to...

  26. Venezuela has pulled out of a partnership with Cuba in its Cienfuegos oil refinery and the Caribbean island has taken full ownership of the...

  27. And it's going to get worse, before it gets better. And ... when global economies eventually recover, when the global oil glut eventually dissipates, and...

  28. All sorts of things jostling around lately in international oil & gas + related geopolitics. This article covers quite a bit of them. And I'm hoping...

  29. Canada may hold the world’s third-largest crude reserves, but that’s little help to its largest refinery after a weekend attack disrupted production in Saudi...

  30. The IEA and OPEC have both revised their oil demand projections, hinting that prices could see a meaningful decline in the coming months. China’s latest...