1. To counter the hyperbole about the U.S. being energy independent.  While the U.S. currently exports more crude oil than it imports, the U.S. is very...

  2. Over in the other window, In a surprise to no one, New York cuts off its nose to spite its face Quote In an unsurprising move, the...

  3. GOM Production Poised to Set New Records   Oil production in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is poised to set new records in the imminent...

  4. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. How about accepting a little responsibility and not blame everybody else aka "the trump way" ?....

  5. This is an excerpt from an article in iSee cars where they have crunched the numbers. The article strongly suggests that Hybrids will eventually dominate...

  6. According to the Houston Chronicle: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/energy/article/Texas-taxpayers-could-face-117B-cost-to-clean-up-15611824.php a recent study shows that the surety bonds for P@A will cover less than one percent of the required P@A,...

  7. WTI Price Forecasting  Will Down Till 31.00   Without any explanation Please comment your view 

  8. Iran will sell its oil and break sanctions reimposed by the United States on its vital energy and banking sectors, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani...

  9. Zerohedge reported Iranian oil tanker was hit by two missiles in Red Sea 60 nm off Jeddah. Israel is blamed. Fire and leak seems...

  10. So in just one two days demand for Aramco's maiden bond has swollen from the $30 billion mentioned by Al-Falih to, wait for it,...

  11. EXCERPTS - European politicians are eager to be seen as “doing something” to oppose the Russian regime following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Most European...

  12. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1212121026072592384?s=19 Trump has tweeted and give warning to Iran for any damage on US facilities after the Iraq embassy attack.  "This is not a Warning, it...

  13. Aramco Raises $25.6B in World's Biggest IPO   (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Aramco raised $25.6 billion from the world’s biggest initial public offering, closing a deal that...

  14. Iraq is angry with the Saudis for raising production without consulting with OPEC. It's also angry with other producers: "Producers who are or are not...

  15. just received a note home about my fourth grader's science curriculum this term.  here is one of the six "big ideas" they will be learning...

  16. One have to admire China for taking advantage of the situation... To be fair, 20Mbbl is ~2 days worth of crude imports to China. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-22/millions-of-barrels-of-iranian-oil-are-piled-up-in-china-s-ports Tankers are...

  17. Saudi Aramco 'Suspends' Noble Corp. Jack-Up Rig Bartolomej Tomic, Editor Bartolomej Tomic is managing editor of Offshore Engineer.... May 7, 2020 Noble Scott...

  18. Will WTI go up cause of US Iran tension?? and Saudi's investment in India. if you look at demand supply factors. Demand is normal, and...

  19. Saudi Arabia and Russia are discussing raising OPEC and non-OPEC oil production by some 1 million barrels a day, sources said, while OPEC's chief...

  20. This amusing item was on the BBC site. The police in Scotland did well in stopping the car without injury to anyone or even...

  21. In a monthly report, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said world oil demand next year would rise by 1.29 million barrels per...

  22. The U.S. Democrats say Trump has no plan.  Really ?  I don't think the letter was a mistake.  I think the unsigned letter to the...

  23. I am an Italian investor and I am worried about the performance of oil stocks. Do you think the current situation for oil companies...

  24. In today's 'Articles' I see we have, yet again, another surprise 'build'. Why doesn't this surprise me! I wonder when they will wake up and adjust...

  25. Last week Wednesday (it was a holiday here) I had a nice long lunch conversation with a newspaper editor about Malaysia and international oil...

  26. BP chief likens U.S. oil sector to 'market without brain' Well, I didn't know markets had brains but if Dudley says they do, he must...

  27. "The complex web of U.S. pipelines, tanks and export terminals that’s helped make America the world’s top oil producer is causing a headache for...

  28. Iranian oil productions continue unabated despite the severe US-led sanctions. In spite of the rhetoric to the contrary, it’s a sign that the Iranians...

  29. I guess this is another resource curse story ... The IMF is calling on Guyana to rewrite its tax laws because of an Exxon...

  30. No.  Just ... NO. Stick to $70.00 Brent, please. $70 Brent should keep global oil prices relatively stable. OPEC getting greedy and pushing for $80+ Brent is...