1. Ireland government has launched an ambitious plan which details how more than €116 billion will be spent on infrastructure projects over the next 22...

  2. This sounds pathetic but let's see what happens. Here. “The current government of B.C. has repeatedly committed publicly to doing everything it can to prevent...

  3. As electric charging stations continue to sprout across the country, hydrogen fueling stations haven't experienced the same rapid growth.That's an issue in California, where...

  4. Puerto Rico’s embattled governor announced his resignation; ending weeks of public protests over his widening corruption and hurricane relief scandal.  His resignation, effective Aug. 2,...

  5. Wyoming has joined Ohio and Iowa in cracking down on pipeline protests with a bill that would criminalize protest activities. Would we see more...

  6. Trump proposes $200B for infrastructure to be cut from other federal programs to pave way for $1.5T  for roads, bridges, waterways and railways. Trump’s...

  7. Container Shipping Backlog - Working CA Ports 24/7 Will Not Help https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/314108-2021-10-16-container-shipping-backlog-working-ca-ports-24-7-will-not.htm VIA Corbett Report Subsciber Newsletter "Recommended Reading" - https://www.corbettreport.com/the-idiot-box-how-tv-hypnotizes-you/   2nd Part of an article...

  8. What will change in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa(COMESA) for a New Refinery with a capacity to refine 1million barrel per/day? The...

  9. Greenpeace trying to expose weakness in nuclear power plants by proving it is vulnerable to a terrorist attack. INDEED. "The activists told AFP that the drone struck 'a storage...

  10. "We're getting a reputation around the world as a country that can't get things done," McMillan [head of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers]...

  11. Norway is building floating underwater road tunnel with 2 tubes. Each tube will be enough for 2 lanes of traffic. The tunnel will run...

  12. Chinese and Russians evaluate venezuelan refineries

  13. "Houston's Kinder Morgan and Midland-based EagleClaw Midstream said they've authorized the proposed $2 billion Permian Highway Pipeline project to transport natural gas from West...

  14. There could be a whole list of phrases surrounding this story... Pulp Shortage Risk Raises Threat of Higher Tissue Prices https://finance.yahoo.com/news/pulp-shortage-risk-raises-threat-153306779.html Tatiana Freitas Fri, May 6, 2022, 10:     (Bloomberg)...

  15. New investment and big political implications. Saudi Arabia and Egypt have agreed to create a $10 billion joint fund to develop a mega-city in...

  16. More than five months after Hurricane Maria plowed through Puerto Rico, some parts of the island are still in the dark. More than 10,000...

  17. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission agreed to remove what it described as regulatory "barriers" for batteries and other energy storage equipment on the grid. Now most...

  18. Someone else on this forum has been talking about the danger of cargoes going to/through Yemen in the middle of this proxy Iran-Saudi war,...

  19. Well... the rebuild playbook, not the we-have-millions-without-power playbook.  Wait... the US already has that playbook. Puerto Rico announced plans today to rebuild its electric grid to...

  20. The European Union will within a few years be supplying electricity to Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank and Syria’s Golan Heights, all...

  21. Hello, Is it possible to track the path of the gas that I put into my truck?  Explanation: I buy my gas from XYZ gas station. (point...

  22. I did a very quick Google search and I found stuff like "43 residents of Seattle occupied the BNSF office in SoDo Seattle to...

  23. Sorry, I meant the right of B.C. to police the flow of oil across its territory. This should be interesting but not as interesting...

  24. Texas, BC https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-19/texas-plans-to-become-the-u-s-bitcoin-capital-can-its-grid-ercot-handle-it?srnd=premium&sref=RzXyyOXY Neanderthals?

  25. One of the newest "children" of Elon Musk aims to drill a network of tunnels under the big cities to relieve traffic congestion. Sounds great...

  26. Over half of US thermal capacity is more than 30 years old and expected to reach retirement age by 2030. Utilities are investing massively in...

  27. "South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem said Monday that she’s proposing legislation before construction begins on the Keystone XL oil pipeline that would create a...

  28. https://globalnews-ca.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/globalnews.ca/news/7582352/keystone-pipeline-cancelled-biden/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=16109573974908&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s   As I suspected, with Harris/Biden at the helm, prepare for Western Canadian O&G to get squeezed out of the "partnership" between Canada and...

  29. Good irony needs to be appreciated. Why Russian oil — and not Canadian — will keep fuelling the U.S. Pacific Northwest

  30. TRIBAL LEADERS: U.S.-CANADA OIL PIPELINE HURTS ORCAS, FISHING TRADE, CULTURE here's a suggestion: just cancel the bloody thing already and see what they'll jump on...

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