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  1. Reality is checking the growth of the wild Green Mania, truth is triumphing over falsehood. "The EU elections are right around the corner, and the results are likely to have sweeping impacts on the bloc’s policy landscape. Many predict a political shift to the right following similar recent results in national elections, which could usher in a period of heightened Euroscepticism and decreased appetite to tackle climate change and the energy transition from a continental perspective. Next year is a pivotal one for the EU’s climate change progress, with reevaluations of its nationally determined contributions (NDC) and emissions goals expected, so significant political upheaval could have a long-lasting impact. The stakes are high in the upcoming EU election – as the EU strives to remain competitive in the global clean tech market, the rising right-wing populist wave could critically heighten the EU’s risk of falling further behind the US and China. The next few years are critical, and hesitancy or a lack of cohesion could see the bloc lagging its counterparts for decades to come. As things stand, the EU is losing ground and is highly unlikely to reach its lofty goals..."
  2. I read it, the problems with lithium remain. "These side effects include: use of large quantities of water and related pollution; potential increase in carbon dioxide emissions; production of large quantities of mineral waste; increased respiratory problems; alteration of the hydrological cycle." "Lithium, referred to as “white gold,” is essential to the fabrication of “green” technologies, and extracting it enacts as much devastation as harvesting fossil fuels." "The Center for Interdisciplinary Environmental Justice’s analysis, however, shows that national emissions would reduce only by 6% with the electrification of cars, in part because these vehicles still rely on electricity generation, roughly 60% of which comes from gas, oil, and coal. The [lithium] mine would directly release the equivalent of 152,713 tons of carbon dioxide each year, equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions of a small city, according to the federally issued final environmental impact statement."
  3. The average American will not buy an EV, the Prez is planning to remove all fossil fuel cars from the American driveway...that equals a disaster for the standard of living for most people.
  4. I read it, the problems with lithium remain. "These side effects include: use of large quantities of water and related pollution; potential increase in carbon dioxide emissions; production of large quantities of mineral waste; increased respiratory problems; alteration of the hydrological cycle." "Lithium, referred to as “white gold,” is essential to the fabrication of “green” technologies, and extracting it enacts as much devastation as harvesting fossil fuels." "The Center for Interdisciplinary Environmental Justice’s analysis, however, shows that national emissions would reduce only by 6% with the electrification of cars, in part because these vehicles still rely on electricity generation, roughly 60% of which comes from gas, oil, and coal. The [lithium] mine would directly release the equivalent of 152,713 tons of carbon dioxide each year, equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions of a small city, according to the federally issued final environmental impact statement."
  5. Even left wing anti-CO2 corporate execs (the few of them who exist) are only too, too happy to make a fistful of bucks by serving any right-wing politico who wants to make good, sound logical arguments against the Green Mania. In other words: Money talks!!!
  6. Try to remember, this whole nonsense is being launched on the premise that CO2 is the greatest danger in the history of the world. Therefore, if this dependence on lithium is real, the war against CO2 is being frustrated, and the average American is being deprived of personal automobile transportation for NO good reason.
  7. Lithium is nasty in the extreme. "These side effects include: use of large quantities of water and related pollution; potential increase in carbon dioxide emissions; production of large quantities of mineral waste; increased respiratory problems; alteration of the hydrological cycle."
  8. Lithium is a disaster waiting to happen, and the frenzied activists running deceived governments are going to be held accountable for unleashing this disaster on somnambulant populations. "These side effects include: use of large quantities of water and related pollution; potential increase in carbon dioxide emissions; production of large quantities of mineral waste; increased respiratory problems; alteration of the hydrological cycle." "Lithium, referred to as “white gold,” is essential to the fabrication of “green” technologies, and extracting it enacts as much devastation as harvesting fossil fuels." "The Center for Interdisciplinary Environmental Justice’s analysis, however, shows that national emissions would reduce only by 6% with the electrification of cars, in part because these vehicles still rely on electricity generation, roughly 60% of which comes from gas, oil, and coal. The [lithium] mine would directly release the equivalent of 152,713 tons of carbon dioxide each year, equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions of a small city, according to the federally issued final environmental impact statement."
  9. Rob, read something and learn. Lithium is a disaster waiting to happen, and the frenzied activists running deceived governments are going to be held accountable for unleashing this disaster on somnambulant populations. "These side effects include: use of large quantities of water and related pollution; potential increase in carbon dioxide emissions; production of large quantities of mineral waste; increased respiratory problems; alteration of the hydrological cycle." "Lithium, referred to as “white gold,” is essential to the fabrication of “green” technologies, and extracting it enacts as much devastation as harvesting fossil fuels." "The Center for Interdisciplinary Environmental Justice’s analysis, however, shows that national emissions would reduce only by 6% with the electrification of cars, in part because these vehicles still rely on electricity generation, roughly 60% of which comes from gas, oil, and coal. The [lithium] mine would directly release the equivalent of 152,713 tons of carbon dioxide each year, equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions of a small city, according to the federally issued final environmental impact statement."
  10. Certainly realities of the energy industry transcend nations and politics.
  11. The Greenies have really gone off the deep end this time, with a wild unsupported legal attack on the oil industry. This "law" really encapsulates in one piece of rubbish all the usual canards about the oil industry and attempts to impose retributions on an industry whose existence is central and critical for the continued existence of Vermont. Could anything be more foolish? The purpose appears to be a money grab to finance the idiotic climate change programs of government. "The bill, S.259, ‘An act relating to climate change cost recovery,’ became law without the signature of Vermont’s Republican Governor Philip B. Scott. The law stipulates that Vermont’s state treasurer, in consultation with the Agency of Natural Resources, assess the total cost to Vermonters and the state from the emission of greenhouse gases from January 1, 1995, to December 31, 2024. " The governor himself is fearful of failure, and for good reason. "In this attempt to make Big Oil pay in the polluter-pays model, Vermont could fail and hamper efforts by other states, and add costs for Vermonters and the state, Governor Scott said in a letter to Vermont State lawmakers. “Taking on “Big Oil” should not be taken lightly. And with just $600,000 appropriated by the Legislature to complete an analysis that will need to withstand intense legal scrutiny from a well-funded defense, we are not positioning ourselves for success,” Governor Scott said. “I’m deeply concerned about both short- and long-term costs and outcomes. Just look at our unsuccessful nationally-focused cases on GMOs, campaign finance and pharmaceutical marketing practices. I’m also fearful that if we fail in this legal challenge, it will set precedent and hamper other states’ ability to recover damages.”"
  12. Another joke, this is all projection and not reality, the fact remains that China is increasingly reliant on coal. You can try and twist it any way you want with imaginary scenarios, but facts are facts.
  13. Some joke. China is already scaling back on EVs for Europe, the writing is on the wall. "With each day that goes by, there is more and more news indicating the EV market is saturated. First, it was manufacturers cutting back on EV investments, then a gradual shift back to hybrid vehicles - and now it's China pulling out of investments in Germany due to lack of demand."
  14. The straightforward economics of autos favor the fossil fuel variety, there is no study showing superiority for EVs in terms of consumer purchasing. We are now seeing European consumers reject EVs, and this is just the beginning of Green Fatigue which will unwind the wasted investments in renewable transportation.
  15. EV sales in Europe are cratering and stumbling into failure. The Green Dream is unraveling in an abrupt time frame. "Chinese battery makers are scaling back expansion in Germany due to a drop in EV sales. The decline in investment follows Germany's decision to end EV purchase subsidies. Major German automakers are moving away from combustion engine vehicles due to the EU's 2035 ban on their production, but that ban itself is now coming under criticism."