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  1. 4 points
    Who is advocating an immediate shutdown of 80% of the world's energy? Those that do are indeed extreme fools. Most "greenies" are advocating for a transition to cleaner energy. That transition is underway, perhaps not as rapidly as some would wish. My personal estimate is that we will still be using fossil fuels for 20% of the world's energy (as measured by today's per capita consumption of BTU's) by 2050. But..that's just me. "The stone age ended, not for the lack of stone..."
  2. 3 points
    Did you read the paper? Hardly anyone drinks raw dairy which complicates the math. Would you suggest that the polio vaccine does nothing as nobody catches polio even without the vaccine? We have essentially eliminated raw milk therefore very few get sick from it. Very similar is the concept that when we eliminate coal use the number of deaths attributed to coal falls to zero. That doesn't mean coal is safe to use, it just means we eliminated it and all the associated risks. E-charger, and perhaps yourself, will wrongly take that reduction in deaths as evidence coal is safe instead of the much more logical interpretation that coal elimination has made us safe. No raw milk, no raw milk deaths. Simple. If you want raw milk buy a cow and suck on its boobs. Mmm warm pus and whatever literal crap is on a cows underside.
  3. 3 points
    I do hope you drive on the right hand sides of roads in the USA. What's the difference? Studies in the US suggest a small percentage of the population consumes raw milk, somewhere around 5% reporting consumption at least once a year. One study estimated an 840 times greater likelihood of contracting a food-borne illness by consuming raw milk. While good practices on farms can reduce contamination, they cannot guarantee safety from harmful germs. Pasteurized milk offers the same nutritional benefits without the risks of raw milk consumption. Since the early 1900s, pasteurization has greatly reduced milk-borne illnesses. Driving in the correct side of the road has the greatly reduces death and injury. Raw milk does not cure lactose intolerance. Raw milk does not cure or treat asthma and allergy. Raw milk is not more effective in preventing osteoporosis than pasteurized milk. There are no beneficial bacteria in raw milk for gastrointestinal health. Raw milk is not an immune system building food and is particularly unsafe for children. There are no immunoglobulins in raw milk that enhance the human immune system. There are no additional protease and lipases in raw milk that facilitate milk digestion. Raw milk is not nutritionally superior to pasteurized milk. The only vitamin that is significantly heat labile is vitamin C, but milk is an insignificant source for vitamin C. Raw milk does not contain natural antimicrobial components that make milk safe. Raw milk does not contain nisin for pathogen inhibition. Folate binding protein (FBP) is not denatured during pasteurization and folate utilization is not reduced in pasteurized milk. Raw milk causes a greater rate of food-borne outbreaks than pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk is FAR safer than raw milk. Any false “health benefits” claims of raw milk advocates causes some parents to give raw milk to their children and immuno-compromised people, such as pregnant women, the elderly, and hospitalized patients, who are under the impression that it is "better nutrition", to also start consuming raw milk. It is these very same sub-groups of the population that are most at risk for becoming ill or even dying from food-borne illness as a result of consuming raw milk. That said, go right ahead and consume it. I guess we DO know who is the actual ignorant here.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    If this thread was posted in China, at least ½ of the posters here would hear a knock on the door, and the next day would be in a "re-education" camp. Think about that.
  6. 2 points
    Modern day slavery (forced labour) is not handled through the WTO, but through the ILO. The WTO is there to encourage trade, not to enforce the treaties falling under different UN organizations. Unfortunately, not all countries in the world have ratified the "forced labour" ILO 29. Especially the USA stands out as a major blocker (together with Afghanistan, and some Pacific micro-states) [see below]. I am uncertain why the USA does not want to ratify - I suspect it does not want to adhere to article 2 that bans the use of prison labour without government supervision (and many prisons are private endeavours). Hence, the WTO cannot use the ILO 29 to put blockers to "slaving countries", because a major playor does not play ball. In the end, the EU has chosen to just ban any product from its market made by forced labour (23 April 2024).
  7. 2 points
    Possibly the most ill informed comment ever on this site whilst also inferring people who don't agree with his BS statement are "sick perverted lying sacks of crap" Wow the arrogance (and stupidity) of the man is staggering!
  8. 2 points
    Tailings pond is saying shouldn't the US (and perhaps other developed countries) strive to be better, reduce coal use, and increase renewable use? Are you really that obtuse?
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    So in the article you reference your very worst bearish scenario is that EV sales fall 2% y-o-y and you claim thats "cratering". Your own article is saying the likely scenario is a y-o-y growth of 21%!!! Can't you read??? You are referencing material that actually counters your argument!
  11. 2 points
    You must be epic stupid to think they would recharge the batteries instead of swapping. Pop out dead battery, pop in new one. Surely you have done this in your life with various devices. You can pretend the EV race cars will lose to fossil fuel but it is not true even according to F1 themselves. They know the EVs would dominate so are creating a new league. Should anyone take auto racing advice from a guy who wrote it takes a few minutes to refuel a car when in reality it is less than 2 seconds? Leave your biases at the door bud.
  12. 2 points
    It would seem quite apparent Doomsday has arrived. The Supreme Court Overturns the Chevron Doctrine, Gutting Federal Environmental Protections Scrapping the legal precedent could send a "convulsive shock" to decades of federal environmental, financial, and health-care regulations The Supreme Court on Friday threw into question the future of climate and environmental regulation in the United States, scrapping a decades-old legal precedent that gave federal agencies leeway to interpret laws according to their expertise and scientific evidence. The impact of the decision to scrap the so-called Chevron deference will take years to become clear, but it could allow for far more legal challenges against regulations by agencies like the EPA and the Department of the Interior that have a huge role in the climate fight. https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/supreme-court-overturns-chevron-doctrine-gutting-federal-environmental-protections
  13. 2 points
    As others have noted, either your reading/general comprehension skills are lacking or you just enjoy gaslighting the crap out of everyone. Either way, you are wrong, almost everyone else knows it (with the exception of your fellow gas-lighters), and I am happy to leave it at that.
  14. 2 points
    Exactly Ron, only 2 years ago the EU countries were offering subsidies and incentives to buy an EV, now EV's are cheaper than their domestic ICE manufacturers. Technology moves at a pace, Mark Lawson and others on here always fail to recognise this fact!
  15. 2 points
    The air is still not clean. Consider the possibility that the number of deaths attributed to outdoor particulate matter are correct, not that the linkage between PM2.5 and disease is weak. I could entertain the idea that there could have been some change in the ways deaths are attributed to a cause over all that time. More PM2.5 related deaths are being detected. Detection rates and incidence are not the same. Lots of diseases have high incidence, few symptoms, and delayed detection. A not so long time ago people didn't attribute any disease to cigarette smoke. It wasn't until 1964 before the S. General released a statement saying cigs kill. Of course, cigarettes have been killing people since there invention, it's just the cause of death was not attributed to smoking. Lastly, the people were working during the high PM2.5 times may only now be presenting the diseases it caused, cancer takes time. Think of asbestos, people who die from asbestos-related lung disease often were last exposed to asbestos more than a decade previous to detection and eventual death.
  16. 2 points
    Who would have ever have conceived that "1's & 0"s" would demand so much electric power? Ah, well... One measure of data center operations efficiency is to keep cooling demands low. Recent articles seem to indicate that the average is about 40% of power consumption is used for cooling the servers/equipment! Seems to me that either these facilities should be located where it's cold for much of the year, or at least use a geothermal sink and implement heat pumps.
  17. 2 points
    Electricity demand in the AI industry has made it impossible to reach CO2 goals. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Googles-Emissions-Have-Surged-Nearly-50-Due-to-AI-Energy-Demand.html "Google’s greenhouse gas emissions have climbed over 48% since 2019, with the search giant’s increasing dependency on AI in its data centers dramatically increasing its power consumption. In the company’s 2024 Environmental Report, Google has now conceded that there’s “significant uncertainty” around reaching its target, saying it “won’t be easy” to reach its “extremely ambitious” goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2030."
  18. 2 points
    You pointed out yourself (following my observation) that world deaths attributed to outdoor PM have not declined significantly despite the reduction in outdoor PM25 levels. The American data show a drastic reduction in PM25 but I do not see the distinction between indoor and outdoor pollution levels deaths. Perhaps the detailed data have something, but on a world basis the major reduction from pollution deaths is clearly related to indoor solid fuels reduction.
  19. 2 points
    I'll just drive on the correct side of the road, like 99.9999999% of the sheep here do. While the desire for profit can take businessmen to implement rather extreme practices, I believe you give such charlatans WAY too much credit.
  20. 2 points
    Regarding Biz-Centric. That is the opposite of what medical CARE should be. It must be patient centric. Computer demands should be decided by the practitioners who do the care. Practitioners of all kinds need to be monitored for safety and efficacy, not how well they fill out computer demands. The computer should not rule over medical care. Practitioners should. They should also be paid for extra computer work that they must do beyond forty hours per week. Many people are leaving the field because of the extraordinary demands and stresses, computer work is the most time consuming extraneous work. I worked through all the phases of computer work in the field.
  21. 2 points
    your chart does not show a rate per 100,000 individuals decrease in deaths related to outdoor particulate matter...the world population has increased by 60 percent since 1990...so the total deaths related to outdoor particulate matter PM 2.5 has increased from 2 million deaths a year globally to around 3.4 million annual deaths a year now and you are okay with these numbers???????? One could argue this is small compared to the 10 Million deaths a year due to cancer globally ..........but 2.5 million deaths a year from cancer are due to smoking...self inflicted cancers... so deaths due to particulates is around 40 percent due to cancers not self inflicted.... You do realize the world is fighting a war on Cancer........it is reasonable to fight a war on deaths due to particulates and that war would involve getting rid of pollution from burning coal and using dirty fuels such as diesel etc.... no shock that you ignored particulates in your discussions.... as it is more than obvious you defend the rights of a small majority to pollute the air breathed by everyone guess low IQ people such as yourself, will babble BS no matter how wrong your argument is...... below is your chart ...notice the death rate for particulates is a flat line at 40 to 42 death per 100,000 for the past 30 years...or maybe you need your doctor to explain it to you......
  22. 2 points
    You're wasting your time arguing with him, he refuses to believe anything other than his own propaganda.
  23. 2 points
    This is what the behemoth, and it's 5-chime steam whistle, looked like as it passed about a mile (+) by my home this morning. No coal needed, but three tenders, two with H₂O. Perhaps selective oil burning has it's place. https://cowboystatedaily.com/2024/06/30/big-boy-4014-gets-rock-star-welcome-at-first-whistlestop-in-laramie/
  24. 2 points
    Do you just love all forms of pollution? Is there anything you think should be regulated? Seriously answer that question? You seem to defend all forms of pollution saying they are not a problem. What does your fantasy future look like? Defending florinated hydrocarbons is crazy. CFC's are definitely bad purely due to their persistence. All florinated compounds are being regulated. PFOS, PTFE, fluro waxes are essentially forever chemicals. Do you yearn for the days when PCBs were in everything? We can still detect them in humans and the environment despite them being phased out years ago. You would understand if you knew the chemistry involved. C-F bonds are very strong and can not be broken down well by biological processes. Same with Ar-Cl bonds. Essentially the definition of a persistent pollutant (forever chemical).
  25. 1 point
    Funny, you never see solar panel spills. Massive oil spill after tanker containing 1,400,000 litres of fuel capsizes (msn.com)
  26. 1 point
    Things are now winding down, the era of Climate panic and CO2-phobia is fading fast in the rearview mirror. The Transition is dead and gone. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Net-Zero-Ambitions-Hit-Major-Roadblocks-in-Europe-UK-and-US.html "Net-Zero transition targets touted so proudly in Europe, the UK, and the U.S. are proving to be a lot more challenging to hit than expected. Euronews: three of the biggest economies in the EU—Italy, France, and Germany—were falling short of the EU’s targets. Rhodium Group: The U.S. will fail to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 50% from 2005 levels by 2030." "Local opposition to wind and solar installations is on the rise, EV demand is slowing down, and federal agencies just lost the privilege to devise rules and regulations based on their own interpretation of the law, known as the Chevron deference."
  27. 1 point
    You have said that American firms are the "price-takers", AND they are part of the market, who you say are are the price-makers. Now, I am confused.
  28. 1 point
    oh my an SUV for less than $14000 ICE vehicles are doomed...cash for clunkers anyone????? BYD added a new Yuan Up model this week, the “Vitality Edition.” Starting at $13,700 (RMB 99,800), the Vitality model gets up to 250 miles (401 km) CLTC range and is designed to offer buyers more range at a lower price.2 days ago BYD launches longer-range Yuan Up EV starting under $14,000 Electrek https://electrek.co › 2024/07/19 › byd-launches-longer-... a day ago a day ago About featured snippets• Feedback BYD Launches Affordable “Vitality Edition” Yuan Up ... EV.com https://ev.com › news › byd-launches-affordable-vitality-... 1 day ago — This extended range arrives at a modest price increase of just RMB 3,000 ($400) over the entry-level trim, making it an attractive option for ... Electrek.co X https://twitter.com › ElectrekCo › status 2 days ago — BYD launches new Yuan Up electric SUV model with more range ... BYD launches new Yuan Up electric SUV model with more range for under $14,000. BYD launches new Yuan Up electric SUV model with more ... Ground News https://ground.news › article › byd-launches-new-yuan-... 2 days ago — BYD launches new Yuan Up electric SUV model with more range for under $14,000. In the latest addition to BYD's seemingly ever-expanding EV ... BYD launches new variant for compact SUV Yuan Up ... CnEVPost https://cnevpost.com › BYD 3 days ago — The new variant of the BYD Yuan Up is priced at RMB 3000 more than the entry-level version, but the range has increased by 100 km to 401 km. Missing: $14000 ‎| Show results with: $14000
  29. 1 point
    Nope, but if they wanna burn coal, it's their prerogative, same with India. I can tell you, you will not succeed in shaming them into the "green" energy as too many people need energy and India is now digging their own coal now and building coal fired plants like China, 1 a week. So 2 new coal plants every week tells me they are opting for the cheaper way out.
  30. 1 point
    Bwahahaha! You really cant read can you? What do you think the article says??? Let me help you AGAIN In their "bear-case" scenario EV sales fall 2% y-o-y HOWEVER thats still growth for many years, their "base-case" expect EV sales to INCREASE by 21%. So they are EXPECTING a 21% INCREASE!!!! They don't even state what they think the "bull-case" figure would be but obviously a lot higher than 21% growth. Mr economist do you even understand the terms a "bear market" and a "bull market"? Maybe you think they are referring to the sale of animals??
  31. 1 point
    India is pushing ahead with growth in oil and gas production. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/India-To-Launch-10thRound-for-Oil-Gas-Blocks.html "For India—the world’s second-largest oil importer—foreign investment in developing its oil and gas industry is critical, with the country’s crude oil demand growing this year despite higher prices. According to the IEA, India is set to become the biggest driver of oil demand growth in the world between now and 2030. It currently imports 4.6 million bpd."
  32. 1 point
    The Saudi oil giant likes to spread its eggs across several baskets, and it looks like the ICE basket is still quite popular. People are still buying a lot more internal combustion engine cars than electric vehicles. A lot of EV drivers want to go back to their internal combustion engine car. Things are not looking good for the electrification of transport, with the normal glitches of new technology still being sorted out. However, they are looking as robust as ever for internal combustion.
  33. 1 point
    "Renault, China’s Geely, and Saudi Aramco are investing in new internal combustion engine technology.????? yawn Saudi Aramco?????? they are building cars now??????? an internal combustion engine has its thermodynamic limitations ....remember when you took thermo in college??? the Otto cycle ring a bell.......you can only squeeze out a max of 35 percent conversion of fuel energy to useful energy out of an ICE engine and todays tech is already there.IE nothing more to squeeze unless you are one of the idiots who believes you can add water to the gas and get more energy.......a Luddite dream you keep hoping for a miracle as the rest of the world moves to EVs/ and Plug in Hybrids.........China is now at 50 percent new vehicle sales...Most Chinese now prefer EVs/plug in Hybrids when buying a new car and the China market is the biggest in the world..... Enjoy the Boom
  34. 1 point
    No one really takes those timetables seriously the timetable to eliminate coal in both the UK and the US are right on track...... Coal Consumption in the UK is now down to less than 5 percent of its peak...pesky Wind turbines...........they wiped out coal right on schedule any Coal miner ignoring the timetable in the UK can only mine coal in their dreams today in the US same path ....2030 and US coal will be one tenth of its peak Coal consumption in the United Kingdom 1970-2022The consumption of inland coal has decreased significantly since 1970, when it amounted to 157 million metric tons. By 2022, this figure had fallen to just 7.6 million metric tons.Apr 23, 2024 UK: Coal consumption 2022 - Statista
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    the Brent rally is sustainable well past $90/bbl.?????????????? unbelievable you clung onto this pile of crap just 6 days ago how bad did Standard Chartered analysts blow this one, it was known well over 6 days ago tanker traffic was known to have fallen off a cliff Poof the rally ended on China oil tanker traffic revisiting 2020 pandemic levels.....now where was crude during the Pandemic...... and just 6 days later the Bears are in Charge .........China has rolled over and EVs have taken over the new vehicle market Standard Chartered sold their clients on booming demand ....suckers are born everyday reality Brent is getting hammered as the tanker traffic to China has falling off a cliff Brent was unable to hold at the key support level of $84.50 (last summers low point) and the next test is $82 ( where the market found bottoms 3 times in the past year) Good luck being long as the refinery ramp up for the summer season is over and now refiners are looking at the fall season which is usually a crapshoot Could China Deliver a Bearish Shock to Oil Markets? Crude Oil Prices Today | OilPrice.com https://oilprice.com › Energy › Crude Oil 6 hours ago — Demand forecasts appear to assume that China will keep using more and more crude, giving the country an outsized role in price trends. Bloomberg ...
  37. 1 point
    Look at real-time air pollution numbers, look at the research. The air is dirtiest in oil and gas territory and there is zero doubt that PM2.5 causes a whole slew of illness. You can't win the toxins argument bud, argue about climate change all you want, but the toxic data is very clear. Fossil fuels --> air pollution --> air pollution related deaths. https://www.iqair.com/ca/usa/texas https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=PM+2.5+human+health Look at smog, you can see the pollution with your own eyes. Do you deny your own eyes?
  38. 1 point
    and the Green Agenda is now the Winner The result has promising implications for the UK green economy with Labour’s intention to make Britain a ‘green energy superpower’. This includes promises to double onshore wind, treble solar power and quadruple offshore wind by 2030. The party is hoping to rid the national grid of fossil fuel generation entirely by that time. Renewable Energy Magazine Labour Party wins UK General Election with promising implications for the UK green economy The Labour Party has won the UK General Election today (5th July 2024) bringing Sir Keir Starmer into power as the country?s new Prime... . 3 hours ago
  39. 1 point
    <<Palm in face>> No, no they aren't. Not even close. You could import $4000 "new" chinese ICE cars too... This is all about EU's current environmental CO2 religion.
  40. 1 point
    You seem to have misread the material. If outdoor particulates were a principal cause of deaths, we would expect a decline in related deaths due to the rapid decline in outdoor particulates. However, death rates do not seem to have declined in terms of outdoor particulates, it is mainly indoor pollution caused by solid fuels and ozone reduction which has declined together with related deaths. "...data from the global burden of disease project (figure 8) indicate that globally the world may now be on a downward trend of death rates from outdoor PM2.5 and from ground-level ozone. Figure 8. Annual death rates attributed to outdoor PM2.5, outdoor ground-level ozone and indoor pollution from solid fuels 1990–2017. Source: www.ourworldindata.org/air-pollution/ based on data from the Global Burden of Disease project."
  41. 1 point
    Wow! A repeat response. Consume what you wish. Just like a sheep, I'll drive on the correct side of the road.
  42. 1 point
    Mark you got the title wrong for this post....... it should read Bad news for Big Oil as E-cars keeps coming Investor's Business Daily Tesla Rival Revs Up, With Its Model Y Rival For Mass Market Due Nio nearly doubled EV sales in Q2 while BYD's nearly hit one million. Zeekr, Li Auto and XPeng rose. China EV stocks jumped Monday. . 4 hours ago Reuters Focus: Zeekr's sales jump as Chinese dominate Russian EV market Sales of Zeekr electric vehicles have shot up in Russia in the last year, putting Chinese carmakers ahead of local competition in Russia's... . 4 days ago Electrek BYD just set a new sales record as aggressive price cuts take effect, is it enough to top Tesla? China's leading EV maker, BYD, set a new monthly NEV sales record as it battles for market share in an increasingly competitive market. . 5 hours ago GuruFocus China's EV Market Gains Momentum Amid Strong June Deliveries from Li Auto, NIO, and XPeng Electric vehicle (EV) sales in China are gaining traction despite a competitive market and economic challenges. Strong June delivery reports... . 38 minutes ago
  43. 1 point
    Yes, the curtains are now descending on the Green Dream, reality is beginning to emerge.
  44. 1 point
    Ah, you have a split personality I see, but at least you admit you are BOTH corners of crazy!
  45. 1 point
    Still giving us wild "projections" of a fantasized future? Why not show us instead the necessity of fossil fuels to make life possible on this planet for its billions of needy people? Reality shows that without fossil fuels, billions would die quickly. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Can-Renewable-Energy-Sustain-Our-Cooling-Needs-During-Heat-Waves.html "More likely, modern HVAC systems will become unavailable for large swaths of the population. Because, in addition to the effort to ban fossil fuels, today’s environmentalists have also set their sights on the refrigerants these systems rely on. It began in the nineties when the world’s governments seized on a scare that CFCs were causing a hole in the ozone layer (which was essentially a complete hoax) to ban the refrigerant and force a transition to a worse alternative called hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The coerced adoption of HFCs made refrigerators, air conditioning systems, and even asthma inhalers more expensive and less effective. That’s the big reason why, as Thornton pointed out in the article linked above, air conditioning’s march to affordability reversed course in the 1990s and now costs so much. But it gets worse. The US government has already passed legislation to phase in a total ban on HFCs. Most bans are set to kick in over the next couple of years, but unlike the CFC ban thirty years ago, there is no clear alternative this time around. If it’s mentioned at all, the other options presented are the same toxic, flammable, inefficient compounds like ammonia and propane that were used in the early air conditioning units ninety-five years ago. Companies have begun hoarding HFCs as the phaseout progresses and, earlier this year, the first arrest was made for smuggling the refrigerant into the country. As air conditioning becomes even less affordable and available, all the benefits outlined above begin to slip out of reach as well. Life grows more expensive because internet, food, and rent prices will rise as the supply of data centers, refrigeration systems, and urban housing takes a hit. And, ironically, the warmest parts of the country will become less inhabitable, not because of a change in the climate, but because so-called green policies are destroying our ability to make them livable. So, in a sense, environmentalists are right when they warn that heat waves will become more dangerous. But it’s not because of small increases in their average peak temperature. It’s because of the environmentalists themselves."
  46. 1 point
    Dump your clunker and save a life..... Electricity generation and transportation are the two most polluting sectors and pollution is responsible for killing hundreds of people a year in Illinois. https://www.iqair.com/us/usa/illinois Illinois Air Quality Index (AQI) and USA Air Pollution IQAir https://www.iqair.com › usa › illinois Air pollution is harmful to Illinois residents' health and quality of life. Exposure to pollutants such as ozone and PM2. 5 is associated with an increased ... What are the sources of air pollution in Illinois? Cars, trucks, and buses are a significant source of air pollution in Illinois, with air pollution from vehicles affecting everyone. Additionally, there are over 5 million people living in Cook County, which includes Chicago, all of whom experience air pollution from transportation that is amongst the worst in the nation. How does Illinois rank in the air pollution stakes? The American Lung Association publishes annual reports about the air quality in most states in the US. The report released in January 2019 ranked Chicago as the 18th most polluted city when considering the levels of ozone (O3). This is actually worse because during the previous year it was ranked as 22nd. The report concluded that Chicago was subject to 14 days when ozone levels were too high to be accepted. The average for the previous year was 9.8 unhealthy days! The increase in ozone production is mainly due to an increase in the number of vehicles using the roads and the rise in temperature which produces hotter weather. The three years of 2015 - 2017 were recorded as being the hottest on record. The other airborne pollutant which is monitored is PM2.5 which consists of soot or tiny particles that come from coal-fired power stations, vehicle emissions, wildfires and wood-burning devices. It is noteworthy that, unlike ozone, PM2.5 concentrations are on the decline due to stricter emission controls and the phasing out of some coal-fired power stations. Electricity generation and transportation are the two most polluting sectors and pollution is responsible for killing hundreds of people a year in Illinois. What is needed is a transition to clean renewable power sources such as wind and solar, whilst promoting the use of electric cars, buses and transport that eliminates pollution in Illinois.
  47. 1 point
    Computer centric is one thing, business centric is another. Using computer to keep info, sort, search, and know which doctor is incharged on certain cases etc might improve a) the need of space for large volume of paper/cards/ hand written records; b) search to extract file or patients' history, what had been administered and worked, or may be what not and issue raised c) pint point who should be responsible shall there is issue etc Developing and less developed countries might still be catching up with this. 50 years, in gap of progress. Specialization allows young nurses to start off with data or record entry etc computer work. Not sure if tasks assignment/ delegation is commonly applied? Many years ago, for modern doctors here whom might have memory for "all fever and pain shall be given panadol or pain killers" only, a cult kid suggested to allow them to have access to internet in order to check on or verify info they are not sure. The aim has been to reduce percentage of misdiagnosis and mishandling. The idea has been adopted by royalty of Perak and Johor. Some humble and kind specialists and pharmacists catch on quickly. Most others could not be bothered. Computers here, hence, is a back up for what doctors have learnt and forgotten, most of it. Minor for data entry. 'o' 'n' 2. Biz centric - received a video today. It mentioned a surgeon who categorizes every diagnosis as same condition, in need of surgical procedure. Medication, he would prescribe them even though you do not need them, particularly when he needs to hit a certain target that month. All for money, not about the patients. @TailingsPond there, it is real....
  48. 1 point
    That's an answer? Try this one: Bribery: The offering, promising, or giving of something of value (money, gifts, favors) to influence the action of a public official or business associate in an improper way. Bribery can distort decision-making processes and lead to unfair advantages. Embezzlement: This is the stealing or misappropriation of funds or property entrusted to someone. In government, this could involve officials diverting public funds for personal gain. In business, it could involve employees stealing money from the company. Nepotism: The favoring of family members or close associates for jobs, promotions, or contracts regardless of their qualifications. It creates an unfair advantage for those connected to powerful figures and undermines meritocratic principles. Extortion: Obtaining something (especially money), by threats or violence. In a business context, this could involve a company threatening to withhold supplies or services unless they are paid an exorbitant fee. In government, it could involve officials demanding bribes under threat of punishment. Fraud: Deception for personal gain, often through misrepresentation of facts. It can take many forms, such as creating fake documents, manipulating financial statements, or using shell companies to hide illegal "stuff". Cronyism: The awarding of contracts (or favors) to friends or associates regardless of their qualifications. It's similar to nepotism but extends beyond family members to a wider circle of relationships. Patronage: This is the exchange of favors or support between powerful people and those who depend on them. It can create a system of obligation and loyalty that can distort decision-making processes. Trading in Influence: Using one's position or connections to improperly influence decisions in exchange for personal gain. This can be done by lobbying for favorable policies or regulations or by using insider information to make profitable investments. Conflicts of Interest: This arises when someone has a personal interest that could influence their professional judgment. This could involve a government official having ownership in a company they are supposed to regulate, or a business executive profiting from a deal with a relative's company. Hmmm.. sounds somewhat like Congress? ..and there's the gray areas. The line between "acceptable behavior" and corruption can sometimes be, um, "blurry". This make's it difficult to detect, much less prosecute. I'll say this, corruption has a devastating impact on a country's economy and social development. It can also undermine public trust in institutions and lead to political instability. While the 10 Commandments do not address corruption directly, #8 clearly speaks against lying and deceit. False testimony can be a tool used in corrupt practices to frame someone or gain an unfair advantage. #10 speaks against greed and envy, which can be motivating factors in corruption. People can be driven to corrupt practices to acquire what someone else has.
  49. 1 point
    In other words, you cannot find any reference to the proportion of atmospheric CO2 which is derived from anthropogenic emissions....okay, just say it. You have no graph. It must be miniscule given the fact that natural sources are thirty times the scale of the anthropogenic component. The reality is that CO2 plays less than a bit part in the global warming calculations, and the most probable big explanations for global warming are related to the reduction of atmospheric particulates in recent decades.
  50. 1 point
    If I'm so dumb how come I drive a new BMW 330E hybrid, dont pay anything for fuel, dont pay anything for maintenance, dont pay anything for insurance? It REALLY does seem driving a $5,800 vehicle where you insure it, maintain it yourself etc is really the dumb thing to do if you can afford not to. I guess you cant, which also makes you dumb. I guess youre one of those guys who is "good with their hands" but a bit limited in the IQ stakes. Ive worked hard for what I have but by using my brain not my hands, that said I can change a car engine if i want to as I did when i was a kid and poor. Maybe you should try being an insurance salesman 🤣🤡