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  1. Today
  2. So you still have not read your own source, no surprise. Your study does not use any data on Chinese production and emissions related to Chinese use of coal, this is simply a review of American production. There is nothing here which is relevant to the Norway study. This only looks at LDVs (light duty vehicles), does not consider anything above small SUVs, while the medium and large SUV numbers are ignored. Ridiculous. Using a 2016 study as the basis? "This study is intended to provide a better understanding of the GHG emissions and costs associated with the vehicle and fuel combinations described in (Elgowainy et al. 2016). Note that in this context cost represents the cost to a consumer to purchase the vehicle and energy for the vehicle; it does not include maintenance, insurance, and other costs necessary in vehicle ownership." Here is the conclusion with respect to greenhouse gas emission reduction, read carefully, "Large GHG reductions for LDVs are challenging and require consideration of the entire life cycle, including vehicle manufacture, fuel production, and vehicle operation." Read before you spout more nonsense. Here are the conclusions from the Norway research, for which your cited work above is not even relevant. "Given that China emits 600 grams of CO2 per kwh (China is where almost all of Norway's EV batteries are manufactured), we calculate Norway’s EV fleet would emit 21 mm tonnes of CO2. Norway’s gasoline and diesel consumption fell by a meager 3,200 barrels per day or 50 mm gallons per year. Assuming 9 kg of CO2 per gallon of gasoline or diesel, Norway’s entire EV fleet mitigates a mere 450,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, compared with an upfront emission of 21 mm tonnes. In other words, it would take forty-five years of CO2 savings from reduced gasoline and diesel consumption to offset the initial emissions from the manufacturing of the vehicles. Since an EV battery has a useful life of only ten to fifteen years, it is clear that Norway's EV rollout has increased total lifecycle CO2 emissions dramatically. Incredibly, this is true despite Norway having the lowest carbon hydroelectricity in the world. "
  3. Yesterday
  4. We are perfectly aware of molten salt reactor designs. After all WE TOLD YOU ABOUT THEM!!! YOU linked to US nuclear subs.... Guess what they run on? Solid Plutonium Not molten salt which governments REFUSE to fund which are INHERENTLY safe and been known to be safe since Oak Ridge Labs made the first one back in the 1960's!!! But lost due to fact you can't harvest Plutonium out of them as easily as you can with the current designs. Ai carumba ... Use a mirror man
  5. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive dashboards. Furthermore, they allow you to uncover other insights as well. Visit the blog to explore the full interactive dashboard This interactive presentation contains the latest oil & gas production data from all 47,909 horizontal wells in the Permian (Texas & New Mexico) that started producing from 2001 onward, through January 2024. Total Production Permian tight oil production came in at 5.4 million b/d in January (after upcoming revisions, horizontal wells only), 2% higher than a year earlier. Natural gas production was 22 Bcf/d, representing an annual increase of about 10%. In 2023 5,822 horizontal wells started producing, almost the same number as the year before (5,869), which was the highest ever. Drilling Activity Drilling activity in the Permian Basin has edged up again since the start of this year with the increase in WTI. Currently, 303 rigs are drilling unconventional oil wells in the Permian, or 2/3rds of the US total (source: Baker Hughes): Number of oil-directed rigs drilling horizontal wells in the US, by basin. Source: Baker Hughes. WTI (dark curve) is shown on the right-hand axis. The number of data customers that Novi Labs has is growing fast, and many of these customers who are on the operational side have agreed to share data with us, especially completion and production data, which we call the Novi Data Network. A good portion of these customers have also allowed to republish data within our data products. In the Texas side of the Permian for example, we are now receiving production data from proprietary sources for over 1/3rd of the total unconventional oil production. This means that we don’t need to allocate lease-level production, which is the common way to estimate well level production data in Texas. Furthermore, that has allowed us to further finetune our lease allocation methods for the cases where we don’t have proprietary data. The result of all that is that not only is our production data way more accurate, but it also allows making far better production forecasts, which Novi Labs’ models were already very good at. As part of our data schema, customers can identify exactly which data came from proprietary sources. We’re excited that every month new customers sign up for this program. Supply projection The current level of drilling & completion activity should be enough to further expand the production capacity of the Permian Basin, all else being equal: Supply Projection for the Permian Basin. The horizontal rig count is shown in the top chart, and historical & projected oil production in the bottom, by subbasin. As you can see, the Delaware has become the most prolific part of the basin, and on the current trend would produce almost twice as much as the Midland by the end of the decade. Well productivity In the next overview you can find how well performance has developed over time in each of the subbasins of the Permian, as well as the key completion parameters (lateral length & proppant loadings): Well productivity, and completion designs, in the Permian subbasins. Horizontal oil wells completed since 2016 only. Recent well results in the Midland basin have improved again, while you can still observe a negative trend in the Delaware basin in the past 2 years, based on the average cumulative oil production during the first 3 months. Well performance is the result of many competing factors, including geology, completion designs and well spacing. Novi Labs’ analytics software allows operators to optimize these factors to improve overall economic outcomes. Gas oil ratios The Permian Basin is one of the few US basins where natural gas production is still rapidly growing, mostly due to its production next to the more profitable oil stream. This gas-oil ratio (GOR) is furthermore increasing over time, as the following charts reveal: Gas oil ratios in the Permian Basin, overall (yellow curve, top chart), and by vintage of first production (bottom chart). Horizontal wells starting production since 2012 only. Finally Production and completion data are subject to revisions. Note that a significant portion of production in the Permian comes from vertical wells and/or wells that started production before 2001, which are excluded from these presentations. Sources For these presentations, I used data gathered from the following sources: Texas RRC. Oil production is estimated for individual wells, based on a number of sources, such as lease & pending production data, well completion & inactivity reports, regular well tests, and oil production data. OCD in New Mexico. Individual well production data is provided. Visit our blog to read the full post and use the interactive dashboards to gain more insight:
  6. Last week
  7. call up your congressman/woman and tell them that your numbers are better and that everything is a lie.......I am sure they will hire you instantly... and at the same time try to sell them your grand tunnel scheme...I bet you they hire you and pay you a million dollars a year ...based on your posts and your tunneling experience. Until then I will look at the data put out by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. You do not have to believe them as I am sure you have much better data gathering than them...chuckle chuckle Until then, Enjoy the GDP numbers (adjusted for inflation numbers) they all look good right now........or are you living in your own recession....????? PS BEA is hiring, but you have to be a US citizen How to Apply Applications are accepted via More information on how to use USAJOBS. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Applicants are encouraged to pay attention to the "Who May Apply" section of announcements. Current and former Federal employees (Status Candidates/Merit Promotion Candidates) are encouraged to apply to the vacancy announcement that has been identified as "Merit Assignment Procedures (MAP)" or one open to all "Status Candidates." Applicants should contact the HR Specialist listed in the vacancy announcement to ask any questions.
  8. Uh, India is DIRECT subsidizing 40% all solar installations under 3kw and 20% subsidy of cost for anything under 10kW.... Why you have seen the explosion of small residential solar. And WHY are they doing so? They do not have oil/NG... and India actually has solar potential unlike China. LIkewise what is majority of that solar for? Residential refrigeration which chills during day and during night stays cold + a couple small batteries so each house can have 1 or 2 lights on and a TV. What they both are doing right is going balls to the wall REFINING minerals which the USA/EU pretends is not their problem and magically appears and the world should kiss their feet and continue to supply them with refined minerals---> just because.
  9. How Volvo landed a cheap Chinese EV on U.S. shores in a trade war
  10. A new term will be inserted into our discourse....This will be quite interesting...Or maybe not...Go Figure! remand Primary tabs To remand something is to send it back. Remand implies a return. The usual contexts in which this word are encountered are reversal of an appellate decision, and the custody of a prisoner. remand something is to,the custody of a prisoner.
  11. Good read; Bitcoin is and always will be a Ponzi Scam; it has nothing of value behind and supporting it. Why people bet into this is crazy; no fundamentals at all. People are better off going to a Casino where when they eventually lose their money best gold investment companies, they at least losing it to a business that hires people, the building is taxed. Just saying....
  12. As a nursing professional, I highly recommend considering the services of for nursing essay writing needs. Nursing is a demanding field, and having reliable support for academic writing can be invaluable. WritePaper boasts a team of skilled writers who understand the intricacies of nursing topics and can deliver high-quality essays tailored to your specific requirements. With their expertise and dedication to excellence, WritePaper is undoubtedly a trustworthy resource for crafting top-notch nursing papers.
  13. The Mob was the favorite source for agents to do wet work and still is. More assassinations go on than we have any idea of. Recently a Boeing employee supposedly committed suicide in the company parking lot. He had been testifying about why doors were falling off in flight. It has led to employees being hired for DEI reasons and parts imported from cheaper sources etc. He had left a note about not being suicidal, just in case. The FBI is still covering up evidence in the shooting in the back of a prominent Democrat operative who was shot on the street after he released information on evil doings. His name eludes me right now. They are also covering up the information on the fake bombs they placed to smear the protestors at the Capitol on January 6, 2020.
  14. 'Affecting' the economy? No kidding. Chinese investor behavior in general has been pretty naive. This isn't helped by the way various businesses and government entities have jerked around private sector workers in the Chinese economy. True, as far as it goes. At some point these issues get resolved. In this case these will likely settle down in the next couple of years. Plant Vogtle Nuclear Units 3 and 4 are now in production... at $15 per watt each. According to the EIA (US Department of Energy) utility scale solar in 2023 cost $1.11 per watt. What is the difference between a 'government' subsidy and a 'ratepayer' subsidy, with ratepayers paying for $15 per watt nukes? Economic systems are always operating 'at their limits'. The bounding parameters shift from day to day - somedays it's an armed uprising, some days it's a ship stuck in a canal, some days the stock exchanges are closed for a holiday. Some days the 'limits' are defined by whether people want to get out of bed and do anything at all.
  15. The first post in this thread was on 4-15-2020 and crude was selling for $15-$20. Now about 4 years later crude is selling for $87. This is an industry for gamblers.
  16. The earth does not attract particles from the sun. The sun shoots out high energy particles called solar wind. The magnetic field primarily deflects solar wind particles away from the earth. The portion of solar wind the magnetic field fails to deflect is what causes the northern lights. Not refraction. Yes, harvesting a a certain colour (frequency) of light does produce an ejected electron of a specific energy (the photoelectric effect). This is how standard solar panels work.
  17. Oil and natural gas would have been had far higher production under Trump! Biden has put barriers in the way of increased production of both. Many states are suffering because of his policies and all consumers. He has caused increased inflation because of higher energy prices, and costs of commercial shippers.
  18. Thanks for sharing this information, Your writing is really great. I’m so glad I read it. It kept me hooked the whole way through. Pasco Connect Login
  19. Earlier
  20. It's not like the USA doesn't have volcanoes. Mount St. Helens is active; Yellowstone is a giant one. I wonder how much energy could have been drawn from the Old Faithful if some sort of power plant was put on it a long time ago. There have been more than 1,000,000 measured eruptions. It varies but it is around 25,000L of boiling water per hour.
  21. The phrase could be seen as satirical or ironic, playing on the idea of using the most extreme and unsettling concept, nuclear war, in a calm and relaxing context: dissertation proposal service. It's essential to note that the juxtaposition is likely intended for humor or shock value and not as a genuine recommendation for studying or relaxation.
  22. Эффективность миотокса в ботулинотерапии: научное подтверждение после миотокса [url=][/url] .
  23. are being applied against them inDecember 2023 0:05 / 25:38 • Intro RUSSIAN Trade with China Stopped by Sanctions as Chinese Banks Refuse Payments As Sanctions Increase
  24. Gareth Soloway gives a superb "Game Plan" every weekday 30 minutes prior to Market Open. Today, Friday April 12, 2024 Gold broke $2400 an ounce and silver is approaching $30 fast! The DXY has climbed to 106. WEBSITE - Verified Investing - Gareth Soloway [Packed with Info on the Home Page]
  25. Thanks for sharing this mate as I found it very much helpful and informative.
  26. Uh, Don't think you know what a PAC can do and what they can't do. They can't give a single penny to any candidate for starters... Nor can they run ads with any candidates name in them. They cannot fly a candidate anywhere... Host a political candidate anywhere other than for a meal... Just what miraculous actions do you think a PAC(Political action committee) can do? Curious minds want to know. Give you a hint: One thing PAC's can do is provide cushy "jobs" for Political people who lose elections or who were associated with said political candidate. Thus when you lose an election all of your executive branch operators do not disappear every election cycle.
  27. Very Nice!
  28. I feel badly for the Russian people and the Ukrainians. The Russians are the aggressors though and most support Putin and believe his lies. It is sad so many Russians are dying for his ego to survive.
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