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shadowkin last won the day on April 13 2019

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About shadowkin

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  1. Again displaying your ignorance and hypocrisy but at this point it's willful stupidity This article was published several times by several outlets. That doesn't happen unless the CCP allows it. It's clearly part of their propaganda effort in the same way they come up with fake maps to justify claims on other lands.
  2. You've repeatedly shown yourself to be ignorant and hypocritical so you cannot be learned or rational.
  3. It is you who needs to bring yourself up to date and stop telling lies. From the article: Recently, official Chinese outlets relentlessly republished an article written by a Chinese historian, Cho Yao Lu, several times. The provocative article titled “Tajikistan Initiated the Transfer to China of Its Land and the Lost Mountains of the Pamir Were Returned to Their True Master.” This is how it starts, with propaganda. Then it escalates to debt trap or military force to acquire territory. Now China wants 45%. Greater than 0 is expansionism by definition no matter how small.
  4. How convenient to restrict to land borders. You really don't want people to know about the South China Sea and 9 dash line. I want to see you twist yourself in knots blaming this on former colonial powers.
  5. China has border disputes because she is a colonial power that wants more land and sea because she sees it as her right as a great power. Her latest target is Tajikistan. Afaik no former colonial power had anything to do with that. The former colonial powers are gone but 100 years from now you'll still blame them.
  6. I think China has a bigger problem and that's figuring out how to feed it's population as their diet becomes more Westernized. This also feeds into the pollution aspect due to overuse of fertilizer and chemicals to squeeze out bigger yields. I would be surprised if they off shored manufacturing in any meaningful way if for no other reason than the CCP is loathe to have millions of unemployed or who now must take lower paying jobs once manufacturing leaves.
  7. Besides TSMC asking if Taiwan is of value to us is the same as asking if the Sudetenland had any value to us. Allowing the CCP to gobble up Taiwan would only embolden the CCP to attempt more invasions. She already claims all of the South China Sea. See 9 dash line. Really outrageous claims to territory right off the shore of all these countries. CCP tactic is to invent some fake map and say 1 merchant traveled there 500 years ago therefore it's Chinese land and we are entitled to it.
  8. Also checkout Rumble as an alternative to YT
  9. The effectiveness of masks has been a subject of debate, at least in part because public health officials have sent mixed messages. Early in the coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Surgeon General, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading member of the Trump administration's White House Coronavirus Task Force, all advised against using a mask in public if you were healthy. While the WHO, the Surgeon General, and Fauci eventually modified their position, some of Europe’s top health officials have continued to resist calls to mandate or even recommend the use of masks to slow the spread of COVID-19, saying there is little empirical evidence to suggest they have a positive impact. “The studies so far have not shown a dramatic effect, countries such as France and others, which have obligatory mask-wearing in place, have still experienced a big spread of the disease,” Dr. Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s top infectious disease expert, recently observed.
  10. .

    They're making inroads
  11. .

    He'd fit in better at MSNBC
  12. It was never about controlling the CCP virus
  13. .

    Fox news is dead. State media is dead. Newsmax, OANN. and many more.
  14. He utterly destroyed that Deep State traitor
  15. I see my post about the FBI was removed. I guess they didn't like my characterization of the FBI. Off topic here but the engagement on the forums seems way down compared to 9 months ago. And some regulars, who were also moderators, don't seem to post anymore. Have they been told not to as moderators and is oilprice limiting the reach of topics? I haven't been around the past 9 months so. If anyone can explain or post a link from oilprice regarding this issue that would be helpful.