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  1. Curiosity caught the cat and looked it up: Its from wikipedia, and its in km, not miles, and according to wikipedia... China has 100% paved roads and ZERO percent unpaved... 😜 As for Russia... They have roads that are paved? It is tundra which means FROST heaving is omnipresent creating ULTRA expensive paved roads regardless of how cheap bitumen is. Likewise majority of roads in Canada are unpaved. I was surprised that only 25% of roads in the USA were unpaved. Would have thought it would be higher. Vast majority of roads West of Appalachian mountains are unpaved. I really have to wonder at that stat for what constitutes an "unpaved" road. Must be maintained multiple times a year or some such? Of course cities pack in the mileage of pavement so...
  2. 🤡 Suggest reading class, Eco simply quoted Nobrains link which he was too DAMNED LAZY,... and you as well apparently to READ 👍🤡
  3. We are perfectly aware of molten salt reactor designs. After all WE TOLD YOU ABOUT THEM!!! YOU linked to US nuclear subs.... Guess what they run on? Solid Plutonium Not molten salt which governments REFUSE to fund which are INHERENTLY safe and been known to be safe since Oak Ridge Labs made the first one back in the 1960's!!! But lost due to fact you can't harvest Plutonium out of them as easily as you can with the current designs. Ai carumba ... Use a mirror man
  4. ? Are you insane? Or just ignorant yet again?
  5. Well dimwit, 21,000,000/450,000 =~45 years per link nobrain posted as "proof" of GHG "savings" 🤡😁😜👍
  6. Actually, Should be running NG turbines to electric drive. More efficient. Tech is FULLY developed for ships anyways, with a LITTLE development in a smaller turbine for a truck. If Nations were not MASSIVELY subsidizing shipping industry, NG would have been the fuel of choice 2 decades ago as it would be cheaper to run than bunker fuel. Would take up marginally more volume of the ship though. .
  7. Hell no it does not graph with inflation adjustments, and even graphs I have seen, purposefully ignores all the products which have massive inflation in their "inflation" adjustments. LIes, lies lies in stats. On top of fact Fed is completely corrupt and 100% in the pockets of Chase, etc banks.
  8. Uh, India is DIRECT subsidizing 40% all solar installations under 3kw and 20% subsidy of cost for anything under 10kW.... Why you have seen the explosion of small residential solar. And WHY are they doing so? They do not have oil/NG... and India actually has solar potential unlike China. LIkewise what is majority of that solar for? Residential refrigeration which chills during day and during night stays cold + a couple small batteries so each house can have 1 or 2 lights on and a TV. What they both are doing right is going balls to the wall REFINING minerals which the USA/EU pretends is not their problem and magically appears and the world should kiss their feet and continue to supply them with refined minerals---> just because.
  9. What a load of ignorant spewing garbage. There were literally thousands of Nuclear projects that were being built and ALL came to a screeching STOP after 3 mile island and last nail was Chernobyl. After which every government STOPPED all funding to nuclear R&D and stopped ALL private companies from researching it either. Nuclear is dirt cheap. Its nothing but concrete and old tech steam turbines. The lawsuits etc etc etc regulations are horrifically expensive and SLOOOOOOOW.
  10. NO ONE CARES about ANYTHING you typed. What is the PRICE of transportation? What is the Price to Refiine a ton of steel? NO ONE CARES about ANYTHING you typed. So called "renewables" are INCREASING those costs and therefore no one without government corruption behind them cares.
  11. Oh boy... Vast majority, Vast Majority of base load power is NOT even tabulated in electrical demand(you have a point about ancient tech, not allowed to be developed into decent power load following Nuclear though). REAL base load power is supplied by Coal/NG/Oil in HEAVY industry directly as it is never converted into electricity, which you guys all BLATANTLY ignore. These processes work 24/7/365. Varrying their rates is minimal --> impossible economically PS Combined Gas cycle... 0%--> 80% is less than 5-->7 minutes, and hits 50% in less than 2 minutes. 100% is generally around 12minutes. Older models were ~45 minutes. Latest GE model hits 60% in less than 60s. Your Grand Daddy's stats are not reality. Pumped Hydro, is still the largest batteries around the world and provides far MORE than load smoothing for nuclear. Hydro is base load frequency stability control and has ability to START the grid from a black out is WHY pumped hydro was built and should CONTINUE to be built around the world in places that did NOT already HAVE large rivers and hydro dams. Or on rivers that are HIGHLY seasonal. Had nothing to do with nuclear and in fact were built BEFORE nuclear existed. As for built for coal? You could have a partial point there, but my previous reasons come first. Cold START from black out and frequency/voltage control.
  12. Stop the blatant lies. No one is selling unsubsidiezed Solar at 5-->7c/kWh to normal businesses. It is embarrassing to yourself. Uh, you mean Denmark is 20% lower GDP/Capita... Suggest reading glasses... PS: GDP is baloney. PPP is closer to reality. Here is reality: Manufacturing base = Power usage = power/capita = Geopolitical power. If you lose it, you get smashed around in this world. As for budget deficit... well, I am with you 100% and something my side of the aisle has been screaming about since the 80's, yet the other side doesn't give a shit and in fact the party unfortunately I have to vote for may as well be the other side as well regarding this topic. USA is falling. It will crater soon. When? Who knows. Hard assets which produced a goods only is what matters ultimately. Everyone has forgotten this.
  13. Are you this dumb? WHO, uh hem, WHO has the highest electricity prices in the world? Germany/Denmark/UK because the STUPID fools have installed so much Solar etc, where the sun does NOT shine. By nameplate value Germany has well over 80GW installed... They use ~60GW peak... They have 1.3X capacity and yet their HIGHEST ever total power produced was for a brief time last year.. 66% in HIGH SUMMER. Newsflash 50 degrees north installing "solar" panels you have to be BRAIN DEAD. If Germany/Denmark etc were not STUPID fools, and PAID to have EVERY single panel installed in S. Spain with gargantuan HVDC power lines run north, they would have spent a FRACTION the cost and achieved the same result as now they would have had the infrastructure to try and achieve solar power. No one, uh hem, NO ONE, gives one shit what percentage of power comes from x,y, or z. All they care about is PRICE Its the economy stupid
  14. So, you reply PROVING my point? Oh right, you think you actually made the opposite point as you REFUSE to do basic math Bravo! 🤡i
  15. Ah yes, proving once again, fools like you can't read, or do basic research. I never said put roads underground. Did say to put railroads under there though. UK's "coal" possible "resources" are under the sea... Great mining location apparently and judging by your highlighting ability where Million means a couple weeks of power... which if you bothered to look deeper, the UK is keeping for STEEL production. Germany's coal Reserves.... Google's crap 'search" engine makes it difficult but you just search for Germany Lignite Coal reserves and subtract from known reserves... ~35Gtons is lignite out of ~40Gtons. Wakey wakey Gasp, poor baby boo boo. Brown is also a stand in for Lignite. No one willingly mines Brown lignite coal unless you are DESPERATE. PS: Australia does not even classify ANY of Germany's "coal" as Black. So, depending on WHOSE statistics you are counting.... USA for instance does not count ANY coal seam of less than 1.5m thickness even if the seam is right on top of another seam separated by as little as 1ft of dirt as reserves and has to be within 300m of surface. If the USA changed reserves to only 1m thickness, and allowed for 1m between seams, Illinois would, by itself have over 250Gtons of coal which is what currently the ENTIRE USA claimed reserves. Russia for instance calls a seam thickness of 0.6m-->0.7m as deep as 1200m "reserves. Then again, this is from which then claims USA claims reserves of 0.25m and 600m as reserves which I patently know to be 100% false so... Lets just not use the above "claim" for Russia eh? Then again, they do correctly use the 300m depth and 1.5m thickness USA data later so... go figure. They seem confused or someone who wrote in never bothered to read base documents for several coal seam deposits and just winged it. Do prattle onwards. Bravo! Guess what Germany will continue to use until the last of said Lignite is burned or Fusion is found to work? Lignite is what.