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  1. Is the reported purchase of missile systems from Russia a point of concern re US and Israeli standing in the gulf? Is Russia going to unify the gulf with both Iran and Saudi as client states? I keep looking to see if Zeihan's prognostication that the US (and Russia) have no interest in supporting peace in the Gulf oil patch since they are competitors to domestic oil producers. While at the moment the Biden occupation administration is attempting to shut down US oil and gas, that will not hold for long and that attitude will be lost once the Jo Bi Deng crowd is safely in jail. So we should keep in mind that change of circumstance. Oddly, EU is not doing anything about Gulf security. Their recent experiences with power outages should have disabused them of the notion that they can have an oil free economy, not to speak of oil and nuke free. They should have noted what Trump said explicitly, that the free ride for protection of their resources and trade routes is over. It wasn't exactly reading tea leaves.
  2. Looks like seal hunting along the arctic sea coast brought central Siberians to the Americas. Probably at the end of the ice age.
  3. Siberia is from Russian enlightenment culture and history interest in high school and university. The attack by the Soviets and their repulsion via an H bomb from China is from refugee professors from China teaching in British Columbia after the 1970s purge of the Soviet control out of the CCP. Most are gone by now and were not permitted to publish on the matter. I heard about it from Fulford who mentioned it recently and another source from years back when I was supporting technical issues so was marginally attached to a sale of Soviet artillery to China 30 some years ago. They had been cut off, obviously.
  4. Inputs for renewables are up in cost, and will keep going up at an increasing rate. absolutely The big mistake is to believe that renewable costs actually fell permanently rather than cyclically as CCGT costs plummeted during the NG glut. So along with that came down the bid for renewables. They had to cut the price. The underlying costs, however have recovered well ahead of the bid dictated by traditional fuel sources after this long period of reduced investment in capacity. It will take some years for capacity to meet demand.
  5. Siberia was Tatar and Tartar and Mongolian, It was never Chinese. Indeed, Russia has explicitly told the Chinese that the borders are final and excursion into their space means instant first use of nukes. Mind you that post Mao, Deng Xiaoping tried to go independent of the Soviets so they sent an army down through Siberia to Mongolia heading into China to put the newly nationalist China back into the CCP straight and narrow. The Russian army heading in was nuked and the CCP was soon after purged of Soviet agents. Their unfortunate deal with City of London money and Kissinger and the CIA led them into other kinds of trouble. The recent hard line against Alibaba and other big Chinese tech is a sign of an ongoing purge of CIA and global banking assets out of China.
  6. The WMD did exist, McCain and the Bushies sold them to Sadam/Iraq. Israel tracked the convoy of WMD from the inspected buildings to Syria, the US tracked them as well. CIA decided to declare that they disappeared, and eventually McCain and the CIA managed to gain control of what was left in Syria during the Obama admin via their ISIS operations. Obama belongs to the same system that Bushies and Clintons belong to, CIA ops, this time with Bin Tallal money to back him up and split loyalty with the Muslim Brotherhood. Iran contra was a Bushie project. Besides, Obama is a pet Bushie in the first place.
  7. Again, you don't get it. The commercial producers do not have an economic inducement to cover the holes in their capital's production capacity AFTER renewables are in place. However,their customers do need the 100% service uptime. So regulators step in and force the solution to plug the hole that the commercial Battery+renewables installations leave. That is why the NG peaker is there. For when batteries run out but power demand doesn't during the renewables downtime. .
  8. https://www.ge.com/gas-power/resources/articles/2016/power-plant-efficiency-record 62% efficient at very best.
  9. The solution is to let NG and LNG continue taking market share. Then let solar and wind + storage fill in where it is feasible. Then realize the fertilizer effect of CO2 that has increased green biomass planet wide by over 30% and thus the rate of CO2 removal increased at the same proportion. There is no need to take out this vital plant nutrient with expensive unproductive processes. New technologies such as controlled fusion are actually being demonstrated. More is coming. I don't believe billionaires are in orbit for fun, I believe they are after something, likely He3 from the moon for balanced fusion with no particle radiation.
  10. Take note that there are already 150,000 cases of deaths documented to have been edited out of VAERS database if I got the referenced line item right (it may have been other adverse reactions as well) it is fake. There are people online documenting changes made to the VAERS entries one by one, all million of them. i should add that some airlines are considering a vaccinated passenger ban because of the severe increase in air travel related blood clots among the vaccinated. They are also entering into emergency recruitment and training of pilots to replace those dying of blood clots while flying following a vaccination for CV19. This is going to be a major crimes against humanity case against the vaccine makers and promoters, particularly politicians and government officials, public health authorities, and the social media and MSM that suppressed information on HCQ and other cures. Let's see who Fauci throws under the bus when his time comes up. MSM ratings continue to plunge as some former stars are readily beaten by videos of otters escaping a popcorn machine. Not to speak of "truthers" negating the MSM narratives. The MSM either come on board in reporting truth and win back some market share or face their advertisers leaving them high an dry after having driven their news coverage into corporate/DNC propaganda.
  11. You also subject yourself to military law when you join. It does have limits Yes, there are medical requirements that are not asking medical questions. The responses are "fit for work", yes no to drug test. Those are legitimate work related questions that do not tell the employer of a medical condition. Check what the scope of legal employer medical questions are. Very limited, at no time is an employer allowed to ask you about a particular medical condition or treatment status. The preponderance of employers asking these questions regarding testing masking and vaccination will result in a plethora of class action lawsuits. Since the CDC's recommendations have no power of law and its officials have no ethics guidelines prohibiting lying to the public, but the science DOES have the force of law, CDC and illegal government edicts will provide employers no legal cover. This is a nonsense counter on your part as it sweeps the differentiating particulars aside.
  12. Will get faster. Biden's EOs are easy fodder for overturning. They are blatantly illegal, unconstitutional, violate equal protections, violate full faith and credit as the Feds do not have authority to take back signed leases, even if they claim they do. Those are Federal liabilities covered by that legal requirement. We shall see about the pipeline decisions so far. May be reversed if presented properly.
  13. It is deniable. People receiving the vaccine have no CV19 antibodies at all. The blood banks can not use their blood plasma to produce convalescent plasma to treat CV19 patients. The antibodies produced by the synthetic spike protein are not useful for fighting off the virus. Possibly because the synthetic spike protein folds differently than the one presented by the live virus. It is possible that the vaccines sampled for approval are not what the pharma companies produced for use. "Right now the FDA does not allow the plasma of those vaccinated to be used. The reason why is because the vaccine causes spike antibodies, and for convalescent plasma, they need nucleocapsid antibodies." https://wsiltv.com/2020/12/25/vaccine-could-be-trouble-for-blood-banks-making-plasma-treatments/ "The confusion may have arisen over the Red Cross’ policy on convalescent plasma, meaning plasma that has COVID-19 antibodies after recent infection and can be used as a treatment for COVID-19 infection. The American Red Cross’ current policy is to only accept convalescent plasma donations from people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have not had the vaccine. Although, if plasma donated by people vaccinated against COVID-19 has a high-level of COVID-19 antibodies it may be used as convalescent plasma." https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-redcross-vaccinated-idUSL1N2MR1HU i am not going to look it up, but some doctors have claimed that the the natural CV19 antibodies are wiped out by the vaccines, and the spike protein itself that the vaccine intends to induce production of in your cells is the main pathogenic cause of CV19, thus creating a more deadly vaccine than the disease it is supposed to prevent. Suppposedly taking large doses of NAC, N acetyl cystein, will help in reducing spike protein production among the vaccinated. Don't know if that has been proven. It takes a special kind of malicious stupidity to promote what a lifelong large scale eugenicist, Bill Gates, is promoting. Believe him and his cronies in public health worldwide when they say they want to reduce the world's population by 90% and are acting to achieve that goal. Takes no effort to connect that goal and the forced "vaccination" of the world's population against a virus that kills one in 1000 infected or less if they are octogenarians and 1/10k if over 65, and practically no young people..
  14. Court participates in crimes against humanity, allowing commercial enterprises to illegally invade personal medical privacy and criminally demand use of dangerous experimental agents as condition of employment. Another judge to be tried in the next Nuremberg trials coming up soon. Along with hospital management, FDA, NIH and CDC officials and their moneyed sponsors among genocidal psycopath's NGOs and political puppets in offices they were not legally elected into.
  15. The CIA can pretend that they didn't knock out the Colonial Pipeline as part of the Biden economic destruction agenda aimed at "reducing CO2" meaning mass genocide. The uncreative name for the "hackers" and their inability to translate their Russian IP spoofing into something provable.