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Bitcoin said to ‘drop,’ with Covid 19 woes, says

“The Wolf of Wall Street,’ Omar Abdulla??

by Faaiza Ismail

(19 February 2020-BBC) “The Wolf of Wall Street,’ Mr. Omar Abdulla is to
have addressed members of the investment community this week, stated that

the price of Bitcoin and other Chinese created Crypto Currencies related, are

said to drop with the fundamental data of the Covid 19 virus, the slowdown of

US growth and straddle economic data from The United States.

“The Chinese pandemic has caused major losses to China, and

thus impacting the growth

on The United States. I would sell Bitcoin, Dollar, and perhaps

hold the rand for some strength.’

he retired.

Speaking to Footprints in Wuhan, local Chinese resident, Ms. Ameila Wang says

that Wuhan has been locked down since 23 Jan 2020, and the death toll has

almost reached 2000.

“We are not even counting the dead bodies that have died at home, on the street,

or mis-calculations from the Chinese government.’

The Economic Times reported that we should see some dollar and

Bitcoin weakness

as China has not been to over in over two months, already impacting

the global sector.

“Third world currencies is where we see the investment rise, as first

world countries have

already seen fears rise, and South Africa or even Africa has

reported little or no cases.’

The Omar Abdulla Group which has investments into Bitcoin SA, Forex SA,

Instagram SA

and Facebook SA noted that they will be short-selling major currencies,

buying into

South African currencies and African shares.

“We see opportunities to about April 2020, depending on the

control of the virus.’

The World Health Organization is said to meet with President Donald

Trump and President

Xi Jinping this week to bring the economic crisis to an upbeat.

“China has already spent close to $4 billion dollars on the virus and a further

n estimated $3 billion dollars

wll be needed from The United States and The World Health Organization.’

The death toll has already reached 2000, with more than 70 000

cases reported, and we could see more short selling in the weeks to come,

as China deals with Covid 19, ended a Wuhan resident.

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Re: FF News: The Omar Abdulla Group



Markets ‘calm down,’ as the world awaits more lies from China, says

“The Wolf of Wall Street,’ Omar Abdulla…??

by Nabila Dockrat

(2 March 2020—ABC NEWS) The Wolf of Wall Street Mr. Omar Abdulla says that

China is reporting low number of cases the past several weeks whilst other

Asian countries are starting to peak with new cases daily from South Korea, Japan

Hong Kong and Singapore.

“Maybe the other Asian countries are the ones to be trusted, instead of lying

China,’ he told ABC NEWS.

Another resident who spoke to Hubei Times looped that China has been injecting

billions of dollars into their economy by stagnating the impact of Covid 19.

“China has been injecting stimulus into their economy to keep the market alive.

We believe that much more people have died at home, and China is keeping the

numbers low so that people can get back to work.’

Addressing members of Washington, President Trump says that the Corona Virus

Is ‘under control,’ and should see smaller numbers as Winter in China progresses.

The Omar Abdulla Group which owns shares in Bitcoin SA, Forex SA, Instagram SA and

Facebook SA added that investors were queuing to invest into GOLD and SILVER as these

Commodities were known as ‘safe havens.’

“Markets have stayed away from the see-saw markets of China and The United States,

and have Gold as the medium of trade.’

In other news, speaking to The Hong Kong Sun, local resident, Ms. Sue Ying cooled that

the rest of Asia should be trusted with their numbers, and not the Chinese.

“The Chinese government want to keep numbers low so that people can get to work,

and not cause billions of other people in Asia to panic.’

Meanwhile, South African shares seem to have progressed during this flu season,

as first world currencies have seen their money moved to third world currencies.

“Markets have moved some of their investment into Africa and South Africa, as very

few cases have been reported in these countries.’

Economist for The Omar Abdulla Group, Ms. Ayesha Noormahomed concluded her remarks

to The Sunday Times that she expects the South African Rand to get stronger within the year,

due to better economic data from South Africa and expects the Covid 19 virus to come to an

end by April 2020.

“We are already seeing low numbers from China, and although the virus is still not yet fully contained, we should see billions in China returning to work in coming days, which could see

the Asian markets rise to market expectations.’

Omar Abdulla 11.jpg

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