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About this blog


A few of us have been throwing comments and photos etc into threads which have not been on topic so after Dan and Doug have offered and felt we should have our own little place to discuss restoration of muscle cars and or bikes for that matter. I am about to start a strip down of a Ford Landau (Galaxy) 292 V8 small block, I am not a car head, bikes are my bag, however I was offered this project and took it on, its taken a few years to get started, parts and upgrades are not easy to come by in Brasil, so after lengthy discussions with Douglas Buckland  he has driven me to start this up again.

I dont want this to be just about my build, it would be great to see photos from all others doing something similar or projects from bygone days, the idea is to follow the build. I think the blog function is better for this kind of project, however we can easily link it to a thread also and revert back to this blog for reference and photos etc.

I want to start this off with a photo of the car as I bought it, with my Brasilian Dad "Junior" who recently passed away, he was my mentor and one of the most knowledgeable people I have met on pre war British and German motorcycles. I work with his son now building show class motorcycles for wealthy clients.

So here is the car with Junior- So Once upon a time.....



Entries in this blog

Where it started with Doug

So here's where it started through OP and Douglas Buckland, we spoke for a great deal of time March 2019, the car was bought as is seen and was transported to Juniors shop as you can see its very old school and mainly a bike shop, in reality we were storing it there. Never would we have stopped the two wheeled marvels to go to four, but now, its on. The photos are to give you a general idea of what I and now Doug and Dan and my Mechanic are up against.  I have also thrown in a photo of and

James Regan

James Regan


New Parts on hand

Some of the new parts which will be used for the build. Im not sure how this blog works, if I can add people to also post, anyone know if this is possible? I want this be a community effort as I will need support as we move through this build.

James Regan

James Regan