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About this blog

I started this blog to express what I sense about the highs and lows of the oil realm, while cautiously analysing historical data, taking into account the geo-political development at the time of recording them.

I got into this field, having been a passive observer of fluctuations of crude oil prices and their global consequences for years.

Then, when on the day of Great Oil Crash in April, 2020, I made a decision to make my own blog, with the motto, ‘analysing data that really matters’.

Having come from an academic background in mathematics and physics, I analyse data using my own tools, created with JavaScript and Python, taking my decision on board while making decisions.

My website where I analyse data that really matters

Entries in this blog


World Petroleum Congress kicks off in Houston

Returning to the U.S. for the first time in 30 years, the 23rd World Petroleum Congress (WPC) got off to a fast start on Monday in Houston. Considered the epicenter of the global energy debate, Houston is easily recognized as the energy capital of the world, home to 4,600 energy firms. View the full article




World Oil editorial: UK government can’t have it both ways

Recent moves by the UK government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson indicate that people in his regime must think that they can play both sides of the street, so to speak, when it comes to oil and gas policy, and get away with it. We are here to tell them that this is not practical, much less ethical and effective. View the full article




Wintershall Dea to deploy Halliburton’s “industry first” drilling solution offshore Norway

UEM is an innovative approach that, for the first time, simultaneously integrates static and dynamic data in real time to represent subsurface conditions across multiple scales. This method improves the accuracy of reservoir models by consistently incorporating geologic uncertainties, making UEM vital to optimize reservoir recovery under uncertainty. View the full article

Will Iraq be back to square one with increasing violence?

The twin suicide bombings in Baghdad, the Iraqi capital, once again shows the vulnerability of the oil-rich nation in a perpetually volatile region, especially when the West started gradually pulling out its troops. Although Iraqi leadership talks with pride about the country being free from foreign interference, the situation on the ground is far from being conducive for it – judging by the daily protests by the people over corruption, mismanagement, lack of basic care and of course, deter




Why the drop of crude oil inventories did not excite markets?

The substantial fall of US crude oil stockpiles has not excited the oil price yet, buckling the familiar trend. The positive news has been overshadowed by a myriad of factors, according to seasoned market watchers. Some of the key reasons are as follows: ·       The Federal Reserve makes it known the inevitability of its continuing support to revive the battered economy ·       The outbreak of Covid-19 clusters again in China in the middle of winter ·       The rel

