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“Longtail-3, combined with our recent discovery at Uaru-2, has the potential to increase our resource estimate within the Stabroek block, demonstrating further growth of this world-class resource and our high-potential development opportunities offshore Guyana,” said Mike Cousins, senior vice president of exploration and new ventures at ExxonMobil. View the full article
Canadian Natural Resources, Cenovus Energy, Imperial, MEG Energy and Suncor Energy formally announced the Oil Sands Pathways to Net Zero initiative. “The initiative is an industry driven, made-in-Alberta solution which will strengthen our position as global ESG leaders,” said Sonya Savage, Alberta’s Minister of Energy. View the full article
Talos Energy has formed an exclusive joint venture with Storegga Geotechnologies to source, evaluate and develop carbon capture and storage project opportunities on the United States Gulf Coast and Gulf of Mexico, including state and federal waters. View the full article
The oil and gas giant still expects to appeal the verdict and believes it has been unjustly singled out, CEO Ben van Beurden said in a statement posted on LinkedIn. However, the company also feels “determination to rise to the challenge” posed by the ruling, he said. View the full article
The session will be at least the second meeting this year between top API executives and White House National Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy, who is coordinating the Biden administration’s efforts to clamp down on greenhouse gas emissions from the use of fossil fuels. View the full article
KKR and Contango are doubling down on investing in exploration and production companies as many in the sector seek to recover from years of poor returns amid the shale boom and bust. The combination is said to allow the merged company to reach greater scale, boost access to capital and drive down the cost of production. View the full article
Oil broke through a months-long trading range as expectations of tightening supplies in the U.S. compounded signs the world’s largest oil-consuming country is in the midst of a robust recovery. View the full article
“The offshore oil and gas industry continues to receive broad support across Newfoundland and Labrador and I believe this can be attributed to the value it provides our province and country in tangible terms of well-paying jobs, royalties and benefits to help pay for public services," said Charlene Johnson, Noia CEO. View the full article
KKR is bucking the trend among private-equity peers that have been unloading shale investments after back-to-back oil market busts. The move may signal a bullish turn with U.S. crude prices heading for the best annual performance since 2015. View the full article
Gender diversity remains a challenge in the U.S. shale patch, where fewer than two of every 10 jobs are held by women, according to the latest study by a trade group representing the hired hands of the oil field. View the full article
Oil futures dropped back below $69 a barrel on Tuesday, mirroring wider markets where the dollar rose and U.S. equity futures pared gains as the recent surge in various assets brought on inflation concerns. View the full article
KKR and Contango are doubling down on investing in exploration and production companies as many in the sector seek to recover from years of poor returns amid the shale boom and bust. The combination will allow the merged company to reach greater scale, boost access to capital and drive down the cost of production, the people said. View the full article
Bonanza Creek Energy Inc. and Extraction Oil and Gas Inc. -- which announced a merger last month and a plan to rename the combined entity Civitas Resources Inc. -- said Monday they’re buying closely held Crestone Peak Resources LLC. Crestone investors will get 22.5 million shares of Bonanza, according to a statement. All three companies operate in the Denver-Julesburg Basin. View the full article
Futures dropped back below $69 a barrel on Tuesday, mirroring wider markets where the dollar rose and U.S. equity futures pared gains as the recent surge in various assets brought on inflation concerns. View the full article
The Texas AandM Engineering Experiment Station will collaborate with energy-sector stakeholders, several national labs and universities in ten states as the manager of a new Ocean Energy Safety Institute. View the full article
Energy giant BP sees a strong recovery in global crude demand and expects it to last for some time, with U.S. shale production being kept in check, according to CEO Bernard Looney. View the full article
The Deepwater Atlas and Deepwater Titan are the world’s first eighth generation ultra-deepwater drillships, and the only rigs to feature a 3,000,000 pound hook-load. These drillships will include the offshore industry's first 20,000 psi well control systems. View the full article
The decline in U.S. drilling and output leaves little competition to OPEC's efforts to manage markets, Mike Muller, Vitol’s head of Asia, said during an online conference on Sunday. Brent crude closed above $70 a barrel last week for the first time in two years, as buyers demand more oil than producers are pumping. View the full article
Oil and gas employment has remained fairly flat in 2021 as companies have focused on reducing debt, repaying investors and focusing on research and development instead of boosting production. Employment in the sector is down 13.8% since the onset of the pandemic in March 2020. View the full article
Costs for everything from labor to diesel to steel have climbed in the oil field this year as explorers return to work following last year’s pandemic-driven crash in crude prices. Steel prices for the drill pipe used in new wells could rise about 50% in 2021, Citigroup said. View the full article
“The world risks a severe deficit of oil and gas,” Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin said Saturday at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. “The world consumes oil, but isn’t ready to invest in it.” View the full article
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that state energy company Tpao has found 135 billion cubic meters of gas at the Amasra-1 offshore well, bringing the total amount of deposits discovered in the Black Sea over the past year to 540 billion cubic meters. View the full article
Saudi Arabia increased oil prices for customers in its main market of Asia by more than expected after crude surged above $70 a barrel and OPEC forecast that global demand would heavily outstrip supply over the rest of the year. View the full article
Turkey has discovered further deposits of natural gas in the Black Sea, according to people familiar with the matter, and is likely to make an announcement soon. View the full article
If the world were to follow the International Energy Agency’s controversial road map, which said investment in new fields would have to stop immediately to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, “the price for oil will go to, what, $200? Gas prices will skyrocket,” said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. View the full article

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About this blog
I started this blog to express what I sense about the highs and lows of the oil realm, while cautiously analysing historical data, taking into account the geo-political development at the time of recording them.
I got into this field, having been a passive observer of fluctuations of crude oil prices and their global consequences for years.
Then, when on the day of Great Oil Crash in April, 2020, I made a decision to make my own blog, with the motto, ‘analysing data that really matters’.
Having come from an academic background in mathematics and physics, I analyse data using my own tools, created with JavaScript and Python, taking my decision on board while making decisions.