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About this blog

I started this blog to express what I sense about the highs and lows of the oil realm, while cautiously analysing historical data, taking into account the geo-political development at the time of recording them.

I got into this field, having been a passive observer of fluctuations of crude oil prices and their global consequences for years.

Then, when on the day of Great Oil Crash in April, 2020, I made a decision to make my own blog, with the motto, ‘analysing data that really matters’.

Having come from an academic background in mathematics and physics, I analyse data using my own tools, created with JavaScript and Python, taking my decision on board while making decisions.

My website where I analyse data that really matters

Entries in this blog


Mexico’s richest man Carlos Slim to invest $1.2 billion in Lakach deepwater field in Gulf of Mexico

Slim’s Grupo Carso agreed to a deal with Mexico’s state-run Petroleos Mexicanos to explore and extract from Lakach, a deepwater field discovered in 2007 about 98 km (61 miles) southeast of the city of Veracruz. Carso will team with Houston-based Talos Energy and a local unit of Spain’s Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas SA to develop Lakach. View the full article

New Mexico slashes routine gas flaring allowances

The three-member New Mexico Oil Conservation Commission voted unanimously for rules that are set to go into effect as early as May. Oil companies, gas processing plants and pipeline operators will have until 2026 to get their gas emissions down to 2% of production. View the full article

