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The petroleum industry is a mess. People rely on it for existence every second of every day, yet many groups are trying to kill it. Compounding the problem is that fossil fuel opponents are masters of social media and playing on the public's fears. We are therefore in a bizarre state where the industry that keeps us all alive is being threatened in order to offer theoretical help to life 50 years down the road. This website/blog is meant to present the realities of the energy world to anyone who is curious as to how we got this way and what to do about it.

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The lonely, thankless job of heating the world in winter

It’s almost here – the darkness and the icy death grip of winter. Some may not feel the full sting of it, if you live in sunny and warm climates, while other brave souls embrace it. Having had fingers so numb I couldn’t unlock a door, I tend to be not as thrilled, but in truth it makes no sense to go through life hating one of the four seasons just because it can be unpleasant. Whether you like or loathe winter though, if your home must endure one you have to respect it. Winter can kill you


Terry Etam

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