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Analysis by the father of American Geopolitics Dr. Daniel Fine 


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Reactions to Delaware Basin news shows misunderstanding of petroleum economics (or the end of OPEC) by Dr. Daniel Fine

The full article is here-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/industries/oil-gas/2018/12/18/delaware-basin-news-reveals-public-misunderstanding-oil-industry-economics/2282224002/ "This writer has warned that world oil demand is sluggish and imprecise with only references to legacy guesswork that the developing world plus China demand will support prices long term or forever. Yet, world oil consumption has increased only 5 percent in the last 10 years.   OPEC, with Saudi Arabia




Analysis: Trump and Saudi collision on oil, and Bingaman’s return to Santa Fe

The full article is here-> https://www.daily-times.com/story/money/industries/oil-gas/2018/11/25/analysis-trump-and-saudi-collision-oil-bingamans-return-santa-fe/2015081002/ "In an earlier column, readers overseas benefited from this writer’s forecast that crude oil prices would fall dramatically because most commodity traders got it wrong. Simply, this column’s analysis was the buying of oil assumed a shortage would result once the sanctions against Iran would be activated the first week of

