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Recovery of Jet Fuel Demand: Skies above Heathrow does not look good at present


This is the sky above the Heathrow airport in London, United Kingdom at 12.50 pm on Tuesday. 

Heathrow used to be world's busiest airport, a few years ago. Even at this time last year, you could see a plane, at every two-minute interval, in the skies above Heathrow.

It's really sad to see just three planes at the same location; perhaps, they may be just cargo planes.

Let's think about the haemorrhage of income for those who rely on a functionning airport:

  • Airport staff
  • Catering companies
  • Security companies
  • Cleaning companies
  • Engineering companies
  • Duty free shops
  • Fuel suppliers
  • Many more...

 Online-work is not a substitute for most of these positions. The damage of the pandemic to the industry is just beyond comprehension.

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