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when did humans first learn to use Petroleum ??

Dr.Masih Rezvani


Various theories have been advanced over the years as to the origin of petroleum proposing an animal, vegetable,mineral and even meteoric origin.
Today, however,most scientists believe that oil and gas originated in plant and animal matter that accumulated in fine grained sediments at the bottom of ancient seas many millions of years ago .
This theory suggests that oil originated as the remains of countless organisms that either lived in the sea or water deposited there with mud and silt from prehistoric rivers and streams. The remains of those ancient plants and animals were transformed into oil and gas by bacterial action with heat and pressure resulting from deep burial beneath other sediments.
It seems,then .that the story of petroleum began hundreds of millions of years ago


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Hello Dr. Rezvani, I have been studying geologic research for some years now and I may be able to show you something quite remarkable about the oceanic basin’s origin and their evolutionary dynamics that helps explain the concentration of these plant and animal matter in the oceanic basins.

I initially began developing a model to explain this planet’s plate dynamics back around 2012 and had quickly concluded that the evidence suggested that a mantle oscillation cycle would explain the majority of the still unanswered questions that lingered in geology.  The model that resulted predicted that an oscillation that would have the crust attaining and disposing of a net plus of compression would elapse over a several million year period, and a very large cycle period that would result in a massive compressive discharge large enough to deform crustal boundaries would occur at around 15-20 million year intervals.  


I then discovered the research by Embry et. al. that matched exactly what the model suggested.


   http://assets.geoexpro.com/legacy-files/articles/Sequence Stratigraphy Meets Plate Tectonics.pdf


 <Quote>  "Thus I was faced with the hard-toescape interpretation that significant tectonic episodes affected large areas of the Triassic world and that they were separated by long intervals of relative quiescence. Derek Ager’s oft quoted quip that "the stratigraphic record is like a soldier’s life; long intervals of boredom separated by short intervals of terror" took on new meaning. The Triassic was of course the time when Pangea was in full bloom and one way of rationalizing such widespread tectonics was that I was actually looking at only one continent, albeit a super one. I then looked at my Jurassic unconformities that also had all the indicators of a tectonic origin."  - Ashton Embry



Episodic Tectonics in the Phanerozoic Succession of the North American Arctic and the “10 Million Year Flood”

Ashton Embry, Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary, aembry@nrcan.gc.ca

Benoit Beauchamp, University of Calgary, Calgary, bbeaucha@ucalgary.ca

Keith Dewing, Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary, kdewing@nrcan.gc.ca

James Dixon, Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary, jdixon@nrcan.gc.ca



"A given tectonic episode began with the initial uplift of the basin margin (start of base level fall) and ended with the collapse and marine flooding of the margin (maximum flooding surface). The sequence boundary was generated during the tectonic episode and represents the time of maximum uplift and basin ward extent of the unconformity. It is estimated that the duration of each of the tectonic episodes was in the range of a few million years and was significantly shorter than the intervening times of tectonic quiescence."

It has also been determined that 16 of the18 Cambrian-Pliocene mass extinctions identified by Bambach (2006) coincide with an identified tectonic episode and that many of the tectonic episodes correlate with significant carbon isotope excursions (Saltzman and Thomas, 2012). Such correlations would imply that the episodes were the expression of a global phenomenon rather than one confined to the NA Arctic. Thus, it is quite possible that most, if not all, of the recognized, tectonically-generated, sequence boundaries of the NA Arctic represent episodic tectonics which occurred on a global scale. Given that all the tectonic plates are linked and a mantle-driven, major adjustment in the speed or direction of one plate would require compensatory movement changes in all the other plates, a phenomenon of episodic global tectonics occurring with a frequency of 5 -15 million years is a theoretical possibility.


 Implications for Petroleum Exploration

These results have implications for petroleum exploration in that petroleum traps would have been formed, altered and sometimes breeched during the tectonic episodes. Also, the movement of subsurface fluids would have been greatly influenced by such intermittent convulsions of the sedimentary column. Finally the recognition and dating of these tectonically-generated sequence boundaries in combination with their potential global distribution allows their occurrence to be predicted in unexplored sedimentary basins.


Fifty-six, large magnitude sequence boundaries have been delineated in the Phanerozoic succession of Arctic North America. The characteristics of the boundaries indicate that they were primarily generated by tectonics. The boundaries occur with an approximate 10 million year frequency (9.8 +/- 3.1). Each boundary was generated during a tectonic episode interpreted to reflect a mantle-driven, plate tectonic reorganization and consequent changes in regional stress fields. Such episodes likely lasted for a few million years and were separated by longer intervals of relative tectonic quiescence. There are indications that the recognized tectonic episodes affected basins throughout the world.  <Unquote>


These events would involve massive elevation changes in vastly separated coastal boundary areas around the super continent of Pangea that would have been washed over by oceanic flooding that would make the most current and recent tsunamis seem unremarkable by comparison. This would undoubtedly wash away to the oceanic basins vast amounts of the affected biological materials to be concentrated by time and the geologic processes of heat and pressure. These are very periodic events of global significance.

My work can be viewed at;  https://www.electroplatetectonics.com/  and specific reference to the above research can be found in Part 2 of it, on page 28. 

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Has anyone ever tried to calculate the biomass buried and approximate the volume of oil theoretically generated from this mass?

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