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Biden’s freeze on oil, gas leases on public land temporarily reinstated

President Joe Biden won temporary permission to once again pause energy leasing on federal lands and waters, after a U.S. appeals court found a trial judge’s order against the moratorium too vague to review.

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“It’s unfortunate we have to continue litigating policies by Biden that cause pain for American families, especially those crushing us at the pump,” Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said in an emailed statement.

That’s from the above link.

So here we are are, net energy independent and that means enough oil for US consumption. Yet Republican leaders lie and give the false idea the US is short on oil. Their own government reporting has consistently shown the US to be an petroleum goods exporter for over two years.   
If Biden’s actions lead to a drop in US production I would say the Attorney General has a point. But as long as US oil production covers US consumption he should quit misleading the public. Trump told enough lies. Why don’t you boys try some truth for an experiment. 
American patriot drillers keep foreign oil demand a distant memory. Honor their work don’t misrepresent the results. 

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