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Things that make you go: Huh. Or Agendaspotting

Jason Martin


Huh doesn't mean "why", Huh is a quote from the last episode of the Doll House by Joss Whedon, where the character Topher Brink final "figures it out." Seeing it all come together, just seconds before he is going to die, he goes: "Huh." 

There is something that should make you go: Huh. 

Read this quote:


Just under 3 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week, a reading that boosts the two-month total closer to a staggering 40 million, or nearly a quarter of the country's entire workforce. 

-- https://www.thestreet.com/investing/dow-futures-fall-as-fed-chair-powell-recovery-warning-echoes?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO&yptr=yahoo

Emphasis mine.


Why did they write it that way? If the last week's jobless claims are 2.98 million, why say "Just under 3 million?" If you know the number, why not say the number? They actually do it twice. 


a reading that boosts the two-month total closer to a staggering 40 million

Emphasis mine.

Curious, how much closer? Why such imprecision? The tally as of the 7th of may is 33.5 million. Sure, that's getting close to 40 million. But why not just say 33.5 million? Or 36.45 million if you add the latest weeks claims number.


Spotting agendas is fun.


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