1. Mob before the Constitution ? The Mob and Democrat legislators  promised riots before the election if Trump won. (Isn't that considered insurection)  Every major city...

  2. The Philippines is looking to seal a pact with China within a few months to jointly explore for oil and gas in a part...

  3. Article about Wyoming GOP.  Liz will likely move on to be a CNN Contributor as have Chris Christie and John Kasich. https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/1005694/1   Reasons for Wyoming GOP...

  4. North Korea on Wednesday threw into question an unprecedented summit between its leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump scheduled for next...

  5. The dynamic, historical 2022 story of Canada's Freedom Convoy Event is visually retold, especially during the first 20 minutes.  The retelling and visuals will...

  6. Allegedly there was an attempt of a military coup in Gabon, the second minor oil producer in OPEC against president Ali Bongo, which was...

  7. Juan Guaido has been banned from running for public office in Venezuela by the country's embattled government, for inconsistencies in his personal financial disclosures...

  8. Arctic countries and indigenous communities are calling for a ban on ships burning heavy fuel oil (HFO) in the region, extending a measure already imposed in...

  9. https://edition.cnn.com/2003/US/04/11/sprj.irq.pentagon/ "And while no one condones looting, on the other hand one can understand the pent-up feelings that may result from decades of repression and...

  10. Ten years ago, the Iranian rial was trading at 9,315 to the US dollar.  Today it is at 44,000 to the dollar on the...

  11. "We had Clinton, We had Everything" ABC kills Epstein story 3 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=22&v=3lfwkTsJGYA

  12. Co-owners Hunter Biden  and Chris Heinz established Rosemont Capital in 2008 while Joe Biden was VP and John Kerry was Secretary of State.  Over the years the Rosemont Capital has signed up lucrative...

  13. https://www.theepochtimes.com/beijing-has-no-way-out-of-the-crises-it-faces-chinese-scholar_3507024.html   CHINESE REGIME Beijing Has No Way Out Of The Crises It Faces: Chinese Scholar BY NICOLE HAO   September 20, 2020 Updated: September 20, 2020

  14. COME ON MAN" A Biden Presidency would be compromised from the start.  Joe, the working class Irish Catholic boy from Scranton PA. sold his soul to the...

  15. https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-ex-husband-missing-chinese-141415271.html Why the Ex-Husband of a Missing Chinese Billionaire Is Risking All to Tell Their Story

  16. By Clare Nuttall in Glasgow December 17, 2021 https://www.intellinews.com/death-of-the-soviet-union-the-borders-drawn-in-the-1920s-are-serving-russia-well-in-the-2020s-230468/?source=russia Quote   Some of the borders drawn up in the 1920s when the newly formed Soviet Union was divided into...

  17. World Bank had made an estimate about global GDP growth during period 2017 - 2019. And, of course big countries will have a biggest...

  18. Iraq’s top court will begin hearings in May on the legality of oil exports from Kurdistan, which are at the center of a row...

  19. Yet there is still people on the stock boards backing the truck up to buy them     CVE, CNQ they are half the...

  20. There have been a number of "odd" events occuring in India in recent times (blackout, border skirmishes with Chinese troops, a glacier chunk "breaking...

  21. The reason I'm posting this is: Australia is seeking to repair its relationship with its largest trading partner, China, following a deterioration in ties after...

  22. .  

  23. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/05/27/the-russian-economy-is-stagnating-a65760   The Russian Economy Is Stagnating GDP growth since the start of the year has been well below forecasts. The economy of Russia is now only equal...

  24. Chinese authorities are investigating the boss of CEFC, the energy company, for alleged economic crimes. As far as I understand, this has added fuel...

  25. Set a thief to catch a thief, after all, right? Interesting to watch how this develops. Only Criminals Can Clean Up Argentina’s Corruption

  26. Effect of too long quarantine: Conspiracy Theory about origins of COVID-19 1. Strategic goal of China: Become hegemonic country. To do it, China needs to become...

  27. https://www.timesofisrael.com/redacted-fbi-document-hints-at-israeli-efforts-to-help-trump-in-2016-campaign/ Redacted FBI document hints at Israeli efforts to help Trump in 2016 campaign Affidavit quotes Trump confidant Roger Stone being told by a Jerusalem contact:...

  28. The Whispers getting louder and consistent. I previous heard Spring/Summer timeframe.  Now told will commence much sooner.   There is going to be a run on...