1. The U.S. wants Iran’s oil exports to drop to zero, according to a recent statement by National Security Advisor John Bolton. The question is:...

  2. US lawmakers re-introduced legislation in the Senate that’s aimed at allowing the government to bring lawsuits against OPEC members for antitrust violations. Lawmakers in the...

  3. As M. King Hubbert (1956) shows, peak oil is about discovering less oil, and eventually producing less oil due to lack of discovery.   Oil discoveries...

  4. This from the FT: Aramco's in-perpetuity rights to Saudi oil have been cancelled and replaced with a 40-year contract with a renewal option. According to...

  5. In today's episode of the long running soap opera called "OPEC and Frenemies", Saudi Arabia blurts out on behalf of the whole group, and...

  6. An Iraqi delegation will travel to Washington to ask the Trump administration to allow it to ignore some sanctions against Iran, its neighbor and close...

  7. Been trying to investigate all the time frames to see if I could find any support for oil going above 70 to 80. Based...

  8. 'Who's the cleanest of them all' Take a wild guess what country is reducing its greenhouse gas emissions the most? Canada? Britain? France? India? Germany?...

  9. will wti crude hit its new HIGH..?

  10. Oil mostly like to cheap of Trump side another opposite side opec want really costly oil closely saudi want 70 to 80 bet movement...

  11. there are bound to be winners and losers. Vote now!

  12. crude

    crude prices today  

  13. US about to release 11 million barrels of crude from stockpile as sanctions on Iranian oil exports start off ... So how is this...

  14. API reports crude oil inventory draw of 5.17 million barrels. Expected -1.497 million.

  15. Friends what the move daily oil movement i have see all past month see etc dollar index, ovx chart , us oil, not global...

  16. Small cap oil and gas producers run into snags as they seek funding to either continue to grow or merely stay in business.  Opportunities...

  17. Or so says IHS Markit. These guys have been very optimistic about U.S. oil recently, I notice. Could those barrels really be extracted at...

  18. < *cough* > Guess I'll just wait here quietly for indignant wailing, gnashing of teeth, and implications that I am a neanderthal science denier... And just...

  19. Technical Outlook with COT Update WTI Crude Oil (CL) 65.91 basis September futures declined 1.72 points or -2.54% for the week after an unexpected inventory...

  20. Chinese buyers of Iranian oil are starting to shift their cargoes to vessels owned by National Iranian Tanker Co (NITC) for nearly all of...

  21. Western Canada Select (or Oilsands heavy crude) has now dropped to $38.29 a barrel, while West Texas Intermediate hovers near $70.  That is the...

  22. In the battle between Socialism and Capitalism, Socialism's inevitable defaults on debts will likely not be allowed to stand uncontested. Venezuela’s Key Refineries At Risk...

  23. China is one of the largest importer of oil. Imposition of 25 % tax by it on oil imports from US will create a...

  24. The latest musings from the unique voice of Mike Shellman. If you are in the oil & gas biz, and you haven't heard of Mike,...

  25. Venezuela is about to experience its most critical situation since it started to be an oil producing and exporting country: to pay international prices...

  26. Shocker. Libya reaches 1 million bpd, and holds there for just days before new protests derailed it yet again. If you're looking for stable...

  27. The new U.S. special representative for Iran said the Trump administration is prepared to impose sanctions on all countries that buy oil from Iran...

  28. The embattled Keystone XL oil pipeline faces yet another delay after a federal judge ordered the Trump administration to conduct a new environmental review...

  29. Someone looked for gas, found oil. Like a fairy tale.