1. Banks raised their forecasts for oil prices for the 10th successive month in July amid anticipation of less Iranian crude and declining global inventories,...

  2. Private equity... what's the situation today with the prices that have smartly moved from sub $30 per barrel to near $70 and OPEC actually...

  3. SEC dropped a two-year-old accounting probe into Exxon Mobil Corp.’s valuation of its reserves and whether Exxon Mobil's accounting practices were transparent about climate change risk. The...

  4. Well it depends, if we look at the new oil discoveries, or shale production seems we're go down. War in Middle east OIl goes...

  5. https://www.ft.com/content/caca46c2-8e61-11e8-bb8f-a6a2f7bca546 Based on the report above where do we see Rig Utliziation and how will geopolitical events influence this?

  6. Crude oil and natural gas production hit a new record in June with the highest production ever in the U.S. Production of crude topped 10.7 million barrels per...

  7. Environmentalists in Canada are beginning to worry about the risks associated with transporting crude oil by rail. Better lat than never, I say.

  8. BHP sold its US shale oil assets for $10.8 billion, which it purchased a few years ago for over $20 billion. Ouch. If they are...

  9. i don't know.... ask China!! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-08-02/asian-oil-rig-giant-buys-into-old-folks-homes-across-the-u-s

  10. Interesting research from GlobalData Energy (via Forbes) recently out: According to the data from 26 operators in the Permian Basin, the break-even oil prices...

  11. Chinese teapots are cutting their crude oil purchases as they face higher taxes, costlier imports, and a glut of refined products. It's pretty serious,...

  12. BP's Angolan oil sits on water for two months.  https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-china-bp-oil-independents/bp-offloads-oil-cargo-to-shandong-refiner-after-two-month-delay-on-water-sources-idUKKBN1KN0IV?rpc=401&

  13. by the Warsaw Institute Foundation   It is all about the implementation of the contracts signed in October 2017. The entire process is expected to occur...

  14. One of the most pressing issues for independents is funding and harvesting inventory that still has producible oil and gas while not 'selling the ranch' equity...

  15. Kuwait's taken a loan of $1.1 billion to explore its shale reserves. My first thought was "Wherever are they hiding these shale reserves?" but...

  16. Crude oil was a bigger contributor to Canada's GDP this May than banking and insurance together. Sure, it's temporary but it's still a sign...

  17. Hello   Rumor hearing oil at close to $400.00 dollars a barrel by 2020. I think it will 300.00 dollars but an executive order will be put...

  18. According to Reuters poll, oil prices are likely to hold fairly steady this year and next as increased output from OPEC and the U.S....

  19. “It seems President Trump has been taken hostage by Saudi Arabia and a few producers when they claimed they can replace 2.5 million barrels...

  20. Last Saturday, President Maduro announced his intentions to rationalise the supply of gasoline in the country through some tool called Carnet de la Patria...

  21. According to the Wall Street Journal, July 30th, 2018, "Crude oil is being used faster than its being replaced." How can that be?  Amid seemingly...

  22. Where is the computer located that determine the supply and demand for oil and therefore create a price ?

  23. The way I understand it, MBS wants to take money out of the pocket labelled "Aramco" and put it in the pocket labelled "PIF"....

  24. India set out to cancel some Iranian oil imports because their insurance carrier dropped them like a hot potato. Iran generously stepped in to...

  25. Oil prices, as I have maintained, have started to fall. How low can they go? Well that is not easy to answer. Nor should...

  26. Citigroup’s commodities chief Ed Morse believes Brent oil prices, which are currently trading near $72.50 per barrel and have tried to breach the $80...

  27. Capital for small independents has been an issue since the downturn and doesn't appear to be abating even with $65-70 oil.  Banks have been...

  28. First fundamentally here are reasons why it is headed down. This will be the 4th week that oil prices are down, for the trend which...

  29. Hi my name is Riccardo Zingaro and I am writing my thesis in Finance about chinese crude oil future. I have some questions about...

  30. I'm no Econ major, but removing some zeros from their currency doesn't seem like it would solve Venezuela's problems. Is this kicking the can,...