1. Oil prices are expected to oscillate close to current levels well into the next decade, averaging around $65-70 per barrel through 2023, according to...

  2. Philadelphia Energy Solutions seeks to permanently shut oil refinery - sources   https://www.reuters.com/article/us-refinery-blast-philadelphia-exclusive/exclusive-philadelphia-energy-solutions-seeks-to-permanently-shut-oil-refinery-sources-idUSKCN1TR09E

  3. This is what the behemoth, and it's 5-chime steam whistle, looked like as it passed about a mile (+) by my home this morning....

  4. The idea that electric cars are lowering demand is ridiculous.  Electric cars haven’t made a dent, just a small scratch in oil demand. Electric...

  5. Hello All! While the forum has so many intelligent and experienced contributors; I had this idea of why not organize the thoughts and comments and...

  6. There was a very interesting video presentation published in 2014 by Peter Zeihan on the subject of Geopolitics.  Click here It is of course based on...

  7. I trade trade Oil stocks which those prices are highly effected by all the variables. Oil consumption , what ever govt agency records this reports...

  8. ..

  9. Presented without comment.  Because I have hella jet lag and haven't slept for more than a day, and have another day to go. “We Want...

  10. The Saudis want to keep tightening the market and pushing prices up and now Iran's come out with an official statement against higher oil...

  11. Article is behind a paywall.  Excerpt below.  You can bypass this Business Insider paywall by using a Private Tab with Tor, which is built...

  12.   I have invested in about 10 wells with four different companies over the last 5 years.  I was originally contacted by phone.  First company...

  13. The Oil & Gas Industry responds to Democrat presidential candidate attacks with a full-page ad in New York Times. Oil and gas producers fire back...

  14. Putin outsmarts Iran, and uses OPEC infighting and a few OPEC government meltdown catastrophes to improve Russia's leverage in global oil & gas. I found...

  15. Rigs have been steady or lower in the past couple of weeks despite higher oil prices. And while the US can do more with...

  16. https://www.theepochtimes.com/real-death-toll-in-wuhan-might-be-12-times-official-figure-ashes-urns-tell-us_3289749.html   Real Virus Death Toll in Wuhan Could Be 12 Times Official Figure BY NICOLE HAO   March 29, 2020 Updated: March 30, 2020

  17. Fracking’s Secret Problem—Oil Wells Aren’t Producing as Much as Forecast "current production levels may be hard to sustain without greater spending because operators will have...

  18. A lot of people have asked about doing a breakdown on Iran and how the USA is draw them out to be. So today we...

  19. EXCERPTS:  ...the homepage of switchoffputin.org, a website that has been set up to promote "Switch Off Putin," a report that purports to show how...

  20. Maybe then ALL in the U.S. will finally understand the Chinese Leadership for what it is. The gripe is not with the Chinese people.  They are...

  21. Why US consumes more oil than any other country?

  22. I'm not buying this news.   But, this article is the musings of The Tylers on ZeroHedge, and The Tylers are generally well informed about the global oil industry,...

  23. White House insider who predicted Iran False Flag, David Goldberg found dead in his New York apartment http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=190059 , https://israeltodaynews.blogspot.com/  TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2019 David E. Goldberg was found...

  24. .      

  25. Western Canada Select (or Oilsands heavy crude) has now dropped to $38.29 a barrel, while West Texas Intermediate hovers near $70.  That is the...

  26. With less than a month to go before the US mid-term elections, the US and its long-term Middle Eastern ally, Saudi Arabia,  appear to...

  27.              .

  28. For much of the time since the cap was imposed, Russia’s oil—which does not only include Urals—has been trading above $60. Not only are Russian...

  29. Can someone please tell to go about buying oil? I have bought stocks before with no problems. Thank you Sean