1. We are witnesses to the end of the petroleum age. After more than 125 years, oil is now beginning to radically descend into the...

  2. EXCERPTS:  ...the homepage of switchoffputin.org, a website that has been set up to promote "Switch Off Putin," a report that purports to show how...

  3. The space for cost reduction among the supermajors is dwindling. What now?

  4. Bahrain has discovered an oil field that they say will dwarf its current reserves. No details in numbers, though. Kind of ironic this find...

  5. The Strait of Hormuz is the world’s most important oil transit chokepoint   The Strait of Hormuz, located between Oman and Iran, connects the Persian Gulf...

  6. In today's episode of the long running soap opera called "OPEC and Frenemies", Saudi Arabia blurts out on behalf of the whole group, and...

  7. Looks like Petroteq, the very small company using technology developed by Canadian oilmen and financed by a somewhat opaque oil deal/distributor in Ukraine, has...

  8.   .       

  9. This has to be taken very serious. It's now or never. This is not amateur gamesmanship.  The ramifications of the outcome are unimaginable. The US Administrations...

  10. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Democrats-Just-Accidentally-Sparked-A-Federal-Fracking-Boom.html How high do you guys think oil prices will go if Warren is elected? I'm certainly no expert here but it does directly affect my...

  11. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2019/08/23/u-s-accuses-china-blocking-access-trillions-south-china-sea-oil-gas/   U.S. Accuses China of Blocking Access to Trillions in South China Sea Oil and Gas 76

  12. I'm not worried so much about the zero percent interest rate, I'm much more concerned about the ZERO PERCENT asset requirement for the banks!...

  13. Oil eased on Wednesday, but held in sight of three-year highs reached the previous day, as rising U.S. fuel inventories and production weighed on...

  14. .

  15. The latest offering in the popular pick-up truck segment is from Chevrolet, with a fairly hefty truck, 7700-lbs towing capacity, fitted with a 4-cylinder...

  16. Where oil rigs go to die @Rasmus Jorgensen, @Douglas Buckland, some others whose names I've regrettably misplaced. Nice read for the weekend

  17. I am not expert but I would like a opinion. For sometime US has gotten comfortable with cheap oil esp with shale. In effect this has...

  18. Sometimes I just want to dump a bucket of cold water on the rhetorical head of Wall Street Journal writers who obstinately refuse to report...

  19. Texas Oil Regulator Signals Flaring Crackdown After Backlash   (Bloomberg) -- Texas’s energy regulator is taking an uncharacteristically critical approach toward burning off excess natural gas,...

  20. “Addressing climate change requires a collaborative, society-wide approach,” the energy company said. “We agree that action is needed now on climate change, and we...

  21. Happy Dance and Popcorn time ! This Executive Order by Trump, combined with $70 oil [Brent] this week, is putting a huge grin on my...

  22. Hocus Pokus Presto!  A successful Aramco IPO means MBS keeps his head attached to his neck.  Pretty cool trick.  Nail biter for the audience,...

  23. Russia says It's satisfies with $70 per barrel . so it will go for $70

  24. I debated whether to put the "over pipeline" in the title, it seeming entirely superfluous. but I decided to do it anyway.  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-transcanada-headquarters-wet-suwet-en-arrests-1.4970441?cmp=rss "Dozens of opposing...

  25. Hoo boy, this is a scattershot opinion article, overflowing with political rhetoric.   *But*  - - - it nails home several stinging points that most...

  26. If the contracts are sustainable and are a success, what do you think the implications will be on brent and wti contracts? Thoughts?

  27. DUG Rockies: Plenty Of Promise, Despite The Politics   Technology has upended the conventional wisdom on well completions, and the passage of SB 181 in Colorado...

  28. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/aug/04/russia-lays-claim-to-vast-areas-of-arctic-seabed Russia lays claim to vast areas of Arctic This article is more than 6 years old  So what. RCW Foreign ministry says it has submitted bid...

  29. Google search is not kind to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt. Is he the last to leave Big Brother house? Watchdog to probe EPA email...