1. https://www.ntd.com/rejoining-paris-climate-deal-will-have-devastating-economic-consequences-experts-say_556723.html This is at the heart of Biden's America Second Policy. We deserve better leadership. RCW Rejoining Paris Climate Deal Will Have Devastating Economic Consequences, Experts...

  2. With Governor Brown signing SB100 into law that sets California on a path toward 100% renewables and “zero-carbon” sources in electricity by 2045, Californians are...

  3. I thought US undertook an investigation into tanker and pipeline bombings.  Has any conclusion been released ? The Yemen border is 600 miles from the...

  4. The collapse of WCS today is historic as I write, now sitting at minus one cent per barrel.  It has apparently been swinging in...

  5. If MBS didn't plan to kill Khashoggi and it was a good plan that went arye, WHY DID HIS AGENTS BRING BONE SAWS ? Saudi...

  6. California's Oil Industry Collapses Despite Shale Boom Not that long ago, California was the second most vital U.S. oil producing state. Since peaking in...

  7. Presidential Advisor Jared Kushner (Trump son-in-law) paid record high price for 666 Fifth Ave building in NYC while his father was in jail for...

  8. propaganda

            During the Iraq protests their were signs and chants saying “ no blood for oil “ but after oil companies...

  9. oil production cut

    I do not understand the following: When OPEC countries are talking to each other, and with other non-OPEC countries e.g. Russia about an oil production...

  10. Six companies, including ExxonMobil Corp, bought a total of 11 million barrels of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve, in a sale timed...

  11. NOW $4.18 https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/30/a-barrel-of-oil-is-now-cheaper-than-a-pint-of-beer-in-canada.html   And you thought U.S. shale had it bad. Very expensive to shut down an oil sands operation and turn back on again. This time will...

  12. Just saw the official video released explaining the reason for this land rig blowout, its a shame five people lost their lives and there...

  13. Western Canada's Wexit secession is more bark than bite, but anyone nipping at the heels of Trudeau's anti-oil and pro-Socialist / Climate Panic-mongering policies gets...

  14. Story #1: EU Chief Calls Nord Stream Attack "Sabotage," Warns Of "Strongest Possible Response"  and Story #3: Former Bank of England Governor Carney’s Net...

  15. Oil/NG companies undervalued/overvalued Post Ukraine invasion?   So, anyone able to take a long position on Russian company stocks? Seems this should be the #1 topic...

  16. A multitude of Western MSM headlines blame Trump for falling oil prices.   Here's one that doesn't: Oil Declines as Saudi Arabia Restores Capacity Ahead of Schedule (Bloomberg)...

  17. The EU embargo on Russian crude oil came into effect on December 5th and its embargo on oil products will come into effect on February...

  18. Hint: do not wear an "I Love Canadian Oil & Gas" t-shirt.  Because apparently that is "hate speech". Posted in full below for those who do not...

  19. U.S. Senate Democrats  urged President Trump to try to prod OPEC to take steps to lower oil prices and suggested that millions of Americans...

  20. BHP sold its US shale oil assets for $10.8 billion, which it purchased a few years ago for over $20 billion. Ouch. If they are...

  21. "...consciously filtering the more unpalatable aspects of reality out and focusing on a version of reality it wants to see." Asking for blood from a...

  22. IMO 2020 could create fierce competition for scarce water resources The International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations set to take effect in 2020 have sparked mountains...

  23. The U.S. currently holds the title of global leader in recoverable oil resources, according to the latest annual report of world recoverable oil resources...

  24. Do you ask for a do-over? Tesla might be rethinking all that boot licking since it obviously didn't work. The rub of working with a despotic...

  25. “This scenario looks to keep prices on track with our base case outlook, with second quarter Brent at $17/bbl, with a three-month point price...

  26. White House insider who predicted Iran False Flag, David Goldberg found dead in his New York apartment http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=190059 , https://israeltodaynews.blogspot.com/  TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2019 David E. Goldberg was found...

  27. This article is a bit feisty.  More than a bit, actually.  Pretty sure quite a few readers here will disagree. And that's perfectly OK.  Give...

  28. Consumers Will Pay For Carbon Pricing Costs By Irina Slav - Nov 22, 2020, 2:00 PM CST https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Consumers-Will-Pay-For-Carbon-Pricing-Costs.html Carbon pricing sounds like the simplest solution to the...

  29. After a three-year delay caused by political paralysis in January Lebanon re-launched first licensing round for exploration and production rights in five blocks (1,...

  30. My version of "treadmill" is "hamster wheel of debt".  More accurate visual image, in my opinion. As WTI slows down overproducing, the rest of the...