1. The upcoming OPEC meeting should be lively.  Pretty much expecting a virtual food fight between Saudi Arabia + Russia vs. the rest of OPEC...

  2. Oil was down $1.85 yesterday.  Attack didn't even get the $1.85 back.  Came up way short. The reason . . .  Permian Basin, Texas, U.S.A. EIA...

  3. This is about U.S. Shale Oil.  Penned by @Mike Shellman  I recommend reading it, kicking the tires a bit, and mulling over the points made. ...

  4. http://money.cnn.com/2017/12/03/news/economy/murkowski-senate-tax-bill-alaska-wildlife-oil-drilling/index.html I love then they say that the tax cuts will help middle class. There is no middle class in US anymore  

  5. East Libyan forces took full control of Ras Lanuf oil terminal and the surrounding area on Thursday as they rapidly advanced against rivals who...

  6. (Bloomberg Opinion) --  "Here’s one underreported factor that may explain Russian and Saudi Arabian willingness to turn their backs on almost 18 months of Opec oil...

  7. After API Reports Big Crude Build, EIA Announces Official Data Won't Be Published by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022 - 03:38 PM Update (1700ET): Shortly after...

  8. Clearly, I have no way of verifying this news yet. US airstrikes target 32 oil tankers near Syria’s Deir al-Zor Staff writer, Al Arabiya EnglishWednesday, 24...

  9. Shortly after U.S. President Donald Trump announced in May he would reimpose sanctions on Iran, the State Department began telling countries around the world...

  10.   platts: Venezuela's PDVSA has notified eight international customers it will not be able to meet its full crude supply commitments in June.  PDVSA is contractually...

  11. Damming report into the Pryor blowout reveals that US onshore drilling is lacking in experience, safety, regulations and basic good oilfield practice. Its hard to believe...

  12. They are different in that Brazil was an auction of offshore leases and Aramco IPO a sale of shares.  They have a common thread ....

  13. The British government has stepped in to save a giant oil refinery from insolvency, according to the Daily Telegraph. Essar Oil controls sixth of...

  14. "But besides prices, Petrobras also said it expected permanent changes in consumer habits, resulting from the economic shock caused by the pandemic on a...

  15. That's what two anonymous (of course) sources told Reuters as Aramco is being audited independently. Now I want to see their reserve replacement rate...

  16. MEP Stasys Jakeliūnas (Greens, LT), MEP Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (Croatia – [MEP code=HR]) (NI, HR), MEP Virginie Joron (ID, FR), MEP Cristian Terhes (ECR,...

  17. Oil Rigs dropped 2 1/2 % (20 Rigs) from this time last year. Oil Production increased 20% (to 12.2 mbd) from this time last year. I...

  18. The stock exchange speaks: Crude oil is no longer worth anything. Companies are falling in rows, investments are unthinkable, parts of the branch are...

  19. There's a 50-50 chance Trump is about to trigger a global oil shock A lovely dramatic piece from the Daily Telegraph. I felt especially bad...

  20. ○ > > >  Happy Dance !  < < < ○ ◇  Happy Happy Joy Joy ! ! !  ◇ My endless blatherings about $70 oil...

  21. $100 oil isn’t necessarily a good thing for the U.S. shale oil industry, several U.S. oil industry executives said this week. $100 oil could...

  22. Magical "Green" unicorn farts can't compete against $30 or $20 oil. Expect oil & gas & LNG to regain market share globally, as low prices...

  23. US Opens Up California Land for Oil, Gas Leasing   The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management has opened up 722,000 acres of...

  24. https://www.bourseandbazaar.com/news-1/2018/11/3/iran-tankers-go-dark-to-keep-selling-oil Finally some relatively solid data. No wonder Iranian media today are openly defiant.

  25. Oil prices rose on Thursday after Iran said it had seized a foreign oil tanker in the Gulf amid rising tensions between Tehran and...

  26. Venezuela is about to experience its most critical situation since it started to be an oil producing and exporting country: to pay international prices...

  27. I came across this today and I was a bit, well, puzzled. "The four largest Gulf economies — Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait and Qatar...

  28. Iran issued a new warning over Mideast oil supplies as the United Arab Emirates said on Tuesday it could increase its own production, the...

  29. Something that we all were discussing in another thread of mine ("Oil prices going down") last week. This piece is quite insightful. @William Edwards and...

  30. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/US-To-Drown-The-World-In-Oil.html U.S. To “Drown The World” In Oil The end result will be that those nations who are overly dependent on oil revenues will suffer, our...