1. Saudi Aramco is planning a blockbuster investment in Reliance Industries (RELI.NS), the Indian conglomerate said on Monday, as the Saudi energy giant diversifies its...

  2. This is just... Oh, well, I'll let you judge for yourself: "Greenpeace activists arrived at BP in St James’ Square at 0200 GMT and encased...

  3. and China as well https://seekingalpha.com/article/4131801-venezuela-moves-oust-dollar-oil-trade-russia-next

  4. BP PLC suffered a setback to its post-Deepwater Horizon recovery plans after the Australian government said it would block a $1 billion deal that would...

  5. Japanese refiners have loaded Iranian oil onto a tanker, resuming imports after halting purchases because of sanctions by the United States, a spokesman for...

  6. https://www.newsmax.com/politics/rickperry-resign/2019/10/03/id/935580/   Rick Perry Expected to Resign as Energy Secretary Read Newsmax: Rick Perry Expected to Resign as Energy Secretary | Newsmax.com Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here...

  7. The first commercial shipment of 250 barrels of good-quality oilsands heavy oil has left the mining site in Utah, produced by a novel technique...

  8. VW is going all in.  Moving from diesel to electric.   Elon is screwed. Transition Time: Volkswagen Announces "Electric for All" Campaign Volkswagen is transitioning away from diesel....

  9. Could have fooled me. The answer: Tough to be an oil company if you do not have oil.   BP used to produce 2 mm bbls/day...

  10. Great idea. Put the first rig within sight of Mar-a-Lago. "...some Republicans told Politico that losing Florida with the approval of the drilling plan could...

  11. Recently Pacific Northwest National Laboratory had an "Ask me anything" day about this on Reddit. I looked at it, but don't have an account...

  12. Voters are split on whether the federal gas tax should be increased to pay for infrastructure improvements, according to a Quinnipiac University poll. According to...

  13. Okay, for you drilling hands, here is something that does not involve geopolitics, oil pricing or the Permian Basin. A week or so ago, in...

  14. The EIA recently began providing weekly storage capacity reports: https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/supply/weekly/wcrudeoilstorage.xlsx According to this report the US is only at 60% of capacity not including SPR. Adding...

  15. Brazilian oil workers began a 72-hour strike on Wednesday in a new blow to President Michel Temer following a nationwide trucker protest that has...

  16. Former executives from oil Royal Dutch Shell and Eni are to be tried on charges of aggravated international  corruption for their role in a...

  17. < *cough* > Guess I'll just wait here quietly for indignant wailing, gnashing of teeth, and implications that I am a neanderthal science denier... And just...

  18. US to become net oil exporter in November: EIA US to become net oil exporter in November: EIA  Imports projected to meet 8% of US...

  19. Let's hope it's successful. Experts commend China's containment strategy but believe it is not enough to control the novel Covad-19. The Chinese CCP should be charged...

  20. SEC dropped a two-year-old accounting probe into Exxon Mobil Corp.’s valuation of its reserves and whether Exxon Mobil's accounting practices were transparent about climate change risk. The...

  21. I'm shocked.  Shocked I tell you.  Russia and China violating UN sanctions by secretly selling oil to North Korea. What's next?  Iran defiantly selling oil...

  22. Petroleum production in the U.S. has skyrocketed since 2000. But just six states account for more than three-quarters of that oil.   https://www.asme.org/topics-resources/content/infographic-united-states-of-oil

  23. Venezuela said to be implementing a new cryptocurrency backed by oil, gold in temper tantrum aimed at US and its sanctions. How realistic is...

  24. Saudi Arabia's Crude Supply to U.S. Gulf Falling Fast and Hard Interestinger and interestinger. I see bright a future ahead for Canadian oil producers.

  25. Saudi Aramco reaches $69.1 billion deal to buy majority stake in petrochemicals firm Sabic Yet not a word on how they'll finance the deal, no...

  26. Who thinks WTI will be $60 a barrel by the end of August?

  27. You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas. Most famously stated by Davy Crockett. And now Elon Musk. Tesla will be...

  28. For a long time, I was generally under the impression that the years long international conflict in Syria was actually all about competing international...

  29. Considering trading crude oil. Will study for 6 months and use free practice trading accounts. Can the community help me create a list of...