1. The OPEC+ Cut helps but hardly makes up for demand loss. It's not a supply problem at this time.  It's the DEMAND. Said the OPEC+ cuts...

  2. Key bit of the article bolded below. Oil Extends Gains As OPEC Leaders Call Emergency Meeting To Discuss Trump Production Cuts Global oil prices extended gains...

  3. https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/02/tucker-carlson-shutdown-strategy-coronavirus/   Tucker Questions Severity Of Shutdown Strategy: What If ‘We’d Adopted A More Conventional Response To This Epidemic?’


  5. More PR than substance. The producers have to make major cuts to exports not production.   There is so much oil in storage and the demand destruction...

  6. India just declared Force Majeure with Saudi Arabia oil.  Don't need anymore oil.  Don't want anymore. Saudi exports to U.S. last week dropped in half.  Supposedly...

  7. Quote Just spoke to my friend MBS (Crown Prince) of Saudi Arabia, who spoke with President Putin of Russia, & I expect & hope that...

  8. So, the fed says it's doing a $2t direct stimulus and also a $4t fund for loans to "whomever." I hope somebody is up...

  9. Due to global oil demand collapse, too many oil producing countries are still overproducing, and are rapidly running out of storage for oil.  Overproduction is...

  10. Jungle drums are beating and it looks like a few of the Contractors are preempting the inevitable. https://seekingalpha.com/amp/article/4331180-valaris-prepare-for-bankruptcy-after-recent-events Pacific and Noble sited to be in same...

  11. We are witnesses to the end of the petroleum age. After more than 125 years, oil is now beginning to radically descend into the...

  12. MbS is determined to shoot himself and Saudi Arabia and OPEC in the foot.  I'm fine with that. As Saudi Arabia Boosts Oil Output, Some...

  13. https://twitter.com/tassagency_en/status/1245179320575782913 Article referenced: https://tass.com/economy/1138399 The US Department of Energy said that "Secretary Brouillette and Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novak had a productive discussion on the current...

  14. NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration plans to lease out space for energy companies to store oil in the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve,...

  15. https://news.yahoo.com/suspected-sars-virus-and-flu-found-in-luggage-fbi-report-describes-chinas-biosecurity-risk-144526820.html Suspected SARS virus and flu samples found in luggage: FBI report describes China's 'biosecurity risk'

  16.   DR. AI FEN HAS DISAPPEARED   Just pray there is no second wave of a mutated deadlier Covid virus. Nobody knows but we should be prepared. Nobody in...

  17. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-31/keystone-xl-oil-pipeline-gets-go-ahead-with-tc-energy-decision

  18. This bumper sticker was mentioned in a Forbes article on the boom/bust cycle of the industry and the assessment of risk The 1985 - 1986...

  19. Tough with $22 brent Their pipeline  is vulnerable to attack  for 100's of miles.  Why would someone want to invest in such a risky asset,...

  20. https://www.theepochtimes.com/real-death-toll-in-wuhan-might-be-12-times-official-figure-ashes-urns-tell-us_3289749.html   Real Virus Death Toll in Wuhan Could Be 12 Times Official Figure BY NICOLE HAO   March 29, 2020 Updated: March 30, 2020

  21. The curfew was lifted.  The angry citizens of Wuhan want to leave Hubei Provence . The route over the bridge was blocked by police....

  22. KAPSARC published an interesting perspective on the world oil market  this week--I encourage you to read it and would be very interested in hearing your...

  23. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  24. I'm sure you are all aware of Alexander Novak, the destroyer of worlds, who is using Russia's sovereign wealth fund to subsidies oil at below break...

  25. Looks like Wyoiming Light crude went negative, selling at minus $1.76/bbl.   And Canada WCS is down around $6.50 US.  Oil-sands bitumen?  Essentially worthless.  OK,...

  26. Hi can any one tell.me how Brent price are related to the bunker price in the market

  27. I have started a petition to white house I need signatures, if you have better ideas I encourage you to do this same. Share...

  28. In Nigeria, oil & gas is likely considered an "essential business" of the country. Curious what will happen in say, Saudi Arabia, if an outbreak spreads at...

  29. Unexpected news.  Posting article in full, because the Sputnik website seems to be having difficulties. Russia's Rosneft Oil Company Announces Termination of Its Activity in...

  30. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4333579-contrary-to-assertions-saudi-arabia-cant-endure-30_00-oil-for-long Contrary To Assertions, Saudi Arabia Can't Endure $30.00 Oil For Long