1. Is "Saudi Surprise" cuts BULLISH or BULLDUNG ? * Aramco 2018  oil production a steady 10 million barrels a day per Aramco released financials.  THATS A...

  2. Aramco Raises $25.6B in World's Biggest IPO   (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Aramco raised $25.6 billion from the world’s biggest initial public offering, closing a deal that...

  3. Turkey involved in corruption?  Iran evading sanctions?  Unthinkable.  Nonsense.  Nothing to see here, move along. Massive Leak Confirms Turkey's "Gold-For-Gas" Scheme To Evade US Sanctions On...

  4. "Let them eat gas" - Macron.  (No, not really.) Maybe Greece will bail out France in its pension reform.  (No, not really.) Hey oil & gas...

  5. Iranian threats are reason for jump in oil price.  U.S. keeping the threat quiet  . . . .  but ready to UNLOAD on IRAN...

  6. The author does a remarkable job in decontructing some of the erroneous and fanciful assertions of the oil & gas hater crowd. From LinkedIn: What "Peak...

  7. Anybody else seeing the shale oil ‘house of cards’ collapsing as we speak? Many of us saw this coming, but were continually shouted down by...

  8. Way back when I was at University where I was a math major, my class used a classroom shared with some 500+ level economics group. We...

  9. Non-OPEC production is growing at record speed Oil production from non-OPEC countries is expected to grow at record speed in 2020, creating a headache for...

  10. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/chesapeake-energys-stock-soars-as-debt-deals-buy-time-for-troubled-company-2019-12-04  

  11. Some of Canada's sludge-like heavy oil will move in an even thicker form on railways in an effort to avoid pipeline bottlenecks and reduce...

  12. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  13. What will OPEC do?? Here is JPM's take!   Middle East Oil - OPEC+ preview Saudi to drive formalization of deeper cuts to 1.5mb/d and extension to December...

  14. First time the whole month net exporter September.  First full month net exporter. https://pubs.spe.org/en/jpt/jpt-article-detail/?art=6306 October record production 12.8 million barrels day.          

  15. OPEC+ Gambles US Shale's Golden Age Is Done     (Bloomberg) -- For years, OPEC ignored the rise of the U.S. shale industry and came to regret...

  16. U.S. Posts First Month in 70 Years as a Net Petroleum Exporter     (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. solidified its status as an energy producer by posting...

  17. Not all fractures created equal Technical Engineering Reservoir Modeling Article. https://pubs.spe.org/en/jpt/jpt-main-page/ https://pubs.spe.org/en/jpt/jpt-article-detail/?art=6240 Shale going bust laughable.  Shale and actually whole energy industry going thru transition. That is not...

  18. Saudi Arabia Signals It’s Had Enough of OPEC+ Quota Cheats     For the last year, Saudi Arabia has largely turned a blind eye to cheaters within...

  19. How many flying cars for Saudi future city NEOM can MBS buy with $1.5 Billion.  Giving son money to buy you present is nice.  Giving...

  20. Also, Record Crude Oil EXPORTS 3.48 MILLION BARRELS DAY Exports limited by lack of VLCC capable export terminals.  New terminals 18 to 24 months away    Large...

  21. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  22. I'm sure Ms Geiger is sincere in her reporting, but why aren't the 1000's of Oil Rigs in CA not included? https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/99-Oil-Rigs-Gone-And-Counting-Rig-Count-Falls-Again.html

  23. EVs produce more CO2 than say diesel – it’s just they emit via the power plant not the exhaust pipe. The brutal truth that no-one wants to listen...

  24. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/22/iran-faces-its-most-critical-moment-since-the-1979-revolution.html What would oil prices be like if Iran was able to maximize its potential production? Russia and OPEC would be in even more dire...

  25. I'm shocked.  Shocked I tell you.  Why aren't investors flocking to invest in this ponzi scheme? Cancelling all roadshows in developed markets is perhaps a...

  26. True Confessions of a Billionaire:  https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/11/20/neoliberalism-backfires/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th3KE_H27bs

  27. Putin: ‘We’ll Never Frack’ https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2019/11/20/putin-well-never-frack/#6ee29583f014 Putin has opposed American fracking and influenced all of Europe over the last eight years. Propaganda from Russia and OPEC. Our...

  28. Petroleum production in the U.S. has skyrocketed since 2000. But just six states account for more than three-quarters of that oil.   https://www.asme.org/topics-resources/content/infographic-united-states-of-oil

  29. This is one of many ratios bankers look at when considering loans or investors analyze that buy bonds of shale producers is EBIDTA ÷...

  30. Just when you thought you have seen it all.   West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil currently trades at around $58 U.S. per barrel (42 gallons). However, here...