1. Crisis in North America Shale   https://stratasadvisors.com/insights/2019/080719-crisis-in-north-america-shale

  2. Does anyone have any updates on reconnaissance Africa?

  3. BP new report "Advancing The Energy Transition" calls for lowered greenhouse gas emissions through 2025 from operations. Did BP go as far as anyone...

  4. Turkey involved in corruption?  Iran evading sanctions?  Unthinkable.  Nonsense.  Nothing to see here, move along. Massive Leak Confirms Turkey's "Gold-For-Gas" Scheme To Evade US Sanctions On...

  5. A court delivered a painful nip to European Union fishermen on Thursday by tightening Norway’s grip on snow crab catches in the Arctic, a...

  6. First floated by U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the idea of capping Russian crude oil exports had a dual aim: keeping Russian oil flowing...

  7. Reuters Agency noted that the Trump Administration has temporarily frozen a program meant to exempt small oil refineries in financial distress from the U.S....

  8. ZOMG RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA !!!! U.S. Democrats to panic soon. Rising oil prices will likely outweigh sanctions against Russia. Russia To Overtake Germany As World's Fifth-Largest Economy The...

  9. Since the creation of this Green New Deal by AOC, States with oil and gas production seem to be making policies to undermine their...

  10. The OPEC+ decision to sharply curtail oil production threatens to push prices to levels that tip the global economy into recession, the International Energy...

  11. "Canada’s top climate change official on Thursday said she would make no apologies for the nation’s support for its oil producers, saying environmental and...

  12. So I keep reading in the headlines how the USA will become an unstoppable force in terms of production growth: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-oil-eia-outlook/u-s-crude-output-to-surpass-12-million-barrels-per-day-by-mid-2019-eia-idUSKCN1NB2F5 https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/IEA-Chief-US-Oil-Output-To-Near-SaudiRussian-Production-By-2025.html And at the same time...

  13. According to their lawyer, Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA has sued a group of oil trading companies through a U.S. trust over a multi-billion...

  14. Iraq’s Oil Minister Thamer Ghadhban said on Tuesday that the shortfall in oil supply caused by new U.S. sanctions on Iran had yet to...

  15. https://lta.reuters.com/article/idLTAL2N1SV1LX?rpc=401& Maduro said that blaming him for Venezuela’s economic meltdown was a “stupid simplification.” And he pledged to boost oil production and open dialogue with business...

  16. As some may not know, I am just a lowly vac truck driver full of second hand hearsay and unconfirmed speculation. So as a(totally) reliable...

  17. https://www.reuters.com/article/conocophillips-pdvsa-assets/conoco-moves-to-take-over-venezuelan-pdvsas-caribbean-assets-sources-idUSL1N1SD07L

  18. any quesses and thoughts on the reports later today and tomorrow?

  19. https://www.wsj.com/articles/glencore-subpoenaed-by-u-s-over-compliance-with-corruption-laws-1530604303?mod=e2tw

  20. https://in.reuters.com/article/venezuela-china/venezuela-to-receive-250-mln-from-china-to-boost-oil-production-idINL1N1TZ1J4. I have always said that the day China stops these types of aids to venezuelan government, the Maduro administration will definitely enter its...

  21. Russia's Catastrophic Oil and Gas Problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo6w5R6Uo8Y  How Putin's greed led him into the Ukraine war  and caused Europe to turn against him and his aggression....

  22. Well heck, of course the "Keep Oil & Gas In The Ground Forever" crowd are concerned about plans to increase oil & gas drilling...

  23. Sempra, CTG sign first US-China LNG agreement since tariff implementation       Parent company Sempra Energy also announced an agreement to sell an 83.6% stake in the...

  24. President Biden’s huge SPR release announcement has pushed WTI prices back below $100. SPR release may calm crude prices only in the short term. U.S. SPR...

  25. Reuters reports today that workers are fleeing PDVSA in the thousands, running from Major General Manuel Quevedo, the new oil czar.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-oil-workers-insight/under-military-rule-venezuela-oil-workers-quit-in-a-stampede-idUSKBN1HO0H9 

  26. Iraqi oil production has surged by 400,000 BPD to reach 4.9MBPD in 2019 August compared to the average levels of 2018 of 4.5MBPD. Such...

  27. First Big Oil sells assets in the North Sea and there's a cry to high heaven regarding decommissioning costs of oil fields and now...

  28. "Over the past year, production from the Permian in West Texas and New Mexico has changed, with more super-light oil being extracted, as producers...