1. OPEC’s Banking on a Christmas Miracle   https://finance.yahoo.com/news/opec-banking-christmas-miracle-143835332.html

  2. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sent oil prices soaring and could soon deprive oil markets of more than four million barrels of Russian oil. For...

  3. U.S. oil production is predicted to hit 13 million bpd in September, matching the record output from November 2019.  Major companies including Chevron and...

  4. The OPEC+ decision to sharply curtail oil production threatens to push prices to levels that tip the global economy into recession, the International Energy...

  5. OPEC+ expects the global oil market to show a worse-than-previously expected surplus in the first quarter of 2022, according to an internal report seen...

  6. OPEC+ Gambles US Shale's Golden Age Is Done     (Bloomberg) -- For years, OPEC ignored the rise of the U.S. shale industry and came to regret...

  7. With the latest OPEC+ decision, which was a foregone conclusion anyway in light of the enormous power that Saudi Arabia wields in the organization,...

  8. Talk of Russia and Kazakhstan increasing production in Feb and March with a total of 0.075 million bpd (Russia 0,065 Kazakhstan 0,010) Saudi Arabia is...

  9. The monthly OPEC+ meeting for April, scheduled for tomorrow, appears to be a low-key event, as analysts believe that the status-quo will not change...

  10. According to the lates reports, the OPEC+ still maintains they got the growth figures right, although the Coronavirus situation in two of its most...

  11. The members of the OPEC+ are meeting to discuss the next move today at a time when the projected global demand has been shadowed...

  12. Although the OPEC+ put on a brave face, while trivializing the potential impact of the arrival of Iranian oil on the price, the members could...

  13. Opec, Russia and allies have agreed to extend record oil production cuts until the end of July, prolonging a deal that has helped crude...

  14. After maintaining 'cautious optimism', for months, OPEC+ finally expressed optimism about the recovery of oil demand on Tuesday; sensing the postive development, oil markets...

  15.   OPEC+ meeting ended on Thursday with Saudi Arabia reasserting its position as the shepherd of the block by leading the flock facing very little...

  16. As some analysts eagerly awat the latest move by the OPEC+, there are plenty of others who believe that there are lots of factors...

  17. BAKU/DUBAI/LONDON (Reuters) - OPEC and allies led by Russia agreed on Sunday to a record cut in output to prop up oil prices amid...

  18. With the production cuts announced by the OPEC+, the US and its long-term, Middle-Eastern ally, Saudi Arabia, are drifting towards a diplomatic impasse, something...

  19. OPEC playing same old games (1) will say recommend 600k or 1 million cut and then SURPRISE ! It's  1.2 mm bbls cut.  OMG...

  20. Great idea. Put the first rig within sight of Mar-a-Lago. "...some Republicans told Politico that losing Florida with the approval of the drilling plan could...

  21. Does anyone have any updates on reconnaissance Africa?

  22. I am not expert but I would like a opinion. For sometime US has gotten comfortable with cheap oil esp with shale. In effect this has...

  23. Pushing back against the narrative.  Good.  Happy to see some level heads and rational reasoning has not yet died.. Fear Porn pushed by the media can...

  24. https://www.theepochtimes.com/study-opposition-to-pipelines-costs-jobs-needed-infrastructure_3494286.html We need these lines. I would like to see a study of who opposes them and why. I suspect mone changes hands. RCW Study: Opposition...

  25. The price of Brent crude is forecast to reach $60 per barrel by analysts at Citi, the big US bank, as global economic demand...

  26. Investors have scooped up call options tied to crude prices hitting milestone for first time since gush of U.S. oil in 2014.  https://www.wsj.com/articles/options-traders-bet-on-return-of-100-oil-11623061227

  27. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2019-05-10/the-real-deal-with-iran-global-oil-inventories-video Inventories up year over year and rising.   Facts don't matter. OPEC has commodity traders well trained  Trade the market you have