1. Story #1: EU Chief Calls Nord Stream Attack "Sabotage," Warns Of "Strongest Possible Response"  and Story #3: Former Bank of England Governor Carney’s Net...

  2.   The simulation, taken from a very reliable model for the next few hours, clearly shows that the US Gulf Coast refineries have been spared...

  3. Good article with historical data... https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/How-Big-A-Problem-Is-Americas-Shrinking-Oil-Reserve.html How Big A Problem Is America’s Shrinking Oil Reserve? By Robert Rapier - Sep 23, 2022, 9:00 AM CDT The Strategic Petroleum...

  4. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  5. The U.S. Federal Reserve hiked interest rates by 75 basis points on Wednesday. The rate hike is the third straight hike for the Fed, and...

  6. With the winter just a few weeks away, European energy crisis can only get worse unless the root cause is addressed as soon as...

  7. The price of oil has been falling for three consecutive weeks and analysts are struggling to find the real cause that is behind it....

  8. Sky-High Prices Create New Age Of Energy Awareness By Dan Doyle - Sep 07, 2022, 5:00 PM CDT Following years of ‘Green Enlightment’, decisionmakers are waking...

  9. As a meaningful - and sustainable - boost to the global oil output does not appear to be on the horizon, despite the optimistic,...

  10. First floated by U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the idea of capping Russian crude oil exports had a dual aim: keeping Russian oil flowing...

  11. US Expands With New Base In Oil & Gas Rich Syrian Province by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Sep 06, 2022 - 05:55 AM Chinese state media is reporting...

  12. Oil up nearly 3% as OPEC+ agrees to output cut Oil prices rose about 3% at one point on Monday, as OPEC+ members agreed to...

  13. “We will rely on no technology before it’s time” should have been a cornerstone in Illinois’ energy policy. The consequences of that mistake are...

  14. Since the Ukraine war, more than 7 fatal accidents and suicides of very important people in Russia have occurred, with many of them tied...

  15. The pitfalls of selective sensory disability Irina Slav Sep 2 https://irinaslav.substack.com/p/the-pitfalls-of-selective-sensory This week began with the European Commission’s President Ursula von der Leyen celebrating the early filling of...

  16. NOTE:  Janet Yellen was previously head of THE FEDERAL RESERVE.  See her mentioned in the article.  These are the type of LUNATICS who are...

  17. The price of crude oil has been falling while defying the inventory draw reported by the EIA, US Energy Information Administration. This happens when...

  18. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  19. Is The Food Crisis Over Or Just Getting Started? by ZeroHedge News Authored by Chris Macintosh via InternationalMan.com The folks over at the UN stopped destroying the...

  20. For many, many months and well before Ukraine-Russia, I have been saying that Europe is DELIBERATELY being destroyed.  This is not accidental.  It is...

  21. When people read the article, the bright ones will recognize that this has nothing to do with saving the planet or humanity, but rather...

  22. The Libyan oil output that has been in steady  decline this year was dealt a major blow on Saturday when the deadly clashes between...

  23. As we swelter in the dog days of summer, even crotchety ol' Grandpa Silas is starting to wonder if there might be something to...

  24. France and Canada Launch Climate Change Police Forcehttps://www.activistpost.com/2022/08/france-launches-climate-change-police-force.html EXCERPTS As reported by Breitbart, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin is hiring 3,000 “green police” officers to go...

  25. Those who are aware of the carbon credit charade know that it was designed by the elite who also benefit greatly from this scam. ...

  26. Hundreds of billions of dollars continue flowing into fossil fuels every year, with no signs of the trend changing any time soon. Many investors say...

  27. Hi friends,  List out 5 interesting facts about oil?  

  28. Although the price of crude oil is in decline, the rate of the fall is being dampened by the high gas prices. In this context,...

  29. EXCERPT - Numerous experts believe 2020 marked the beginning of a 30-year global cooling phase. Yet, the post-pandemic hype around global warming (aka climate...

  30. Life with energy scarcity 101 Irina Slav Energy scarcity seems to be descending over Europe slowly but surely and while the focus continues to be, for...