1. Why is Saudi Arabia's Motiva buying up our SPR? Should we be worried? But more importantly, I'm not sure I understand the nature of...

  2. Saudi Aramco’s Motiva eyes $6.6B petrochemical expansions If it's worth less than a few billion bucks, we won't bother with it, seems to be the...

  3. You ain't seen nothing yet ! California just the tip of the iceburg.  Most want stricter mandate then 50% by 2030. I think 50% by...

  4. Great News Comrades!  CCP is buying oil at fire sale prices!  Small, independent oil companies and service companies in the Western world will go bankrupt, but they...

  5. As oil prices surge, the investors are back in business, encouraged by the indicators that predict rising prices. Please read here for more:

  6. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-oil-opec-usa-exclusive/exclusive-trump-requested-saudi-oil-support-before-iran-nuclear-decision-sources-idUKKCN1J320P "Sources" they say  Bob, from accounting, maybe?

  7. "Scotland’s oil and gas sector stands at a “crossroads” with the North Sea in danger of losing its status as a major player in...

  8. Hear from a handful of experts in 3 minutes.  The global markets could take up to a decade to replace all the oil that...

  9. https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2018/06/07/senator-charles-schumer-pushes-feds-tighter-rules-crude-oil-shipped-rail/677994002/ I have two words for you: Pipe. Line.

  10. Congressional Dems challenge BLM’s methane limits revision Two US Democratic senators led a group of 51 largely Democrat members of Congress in filing an amicus...

  11. Denial of service attacks are easy when there is no IT staff or moderation. To write a Python program to query a website for updates,...

  12. Iraq's oil pipeline now complete as of April, which brings the oil to its southern ports, and now Iraq is looking to build up a...

  13. Oil company finding costs reached a 10-year low in 2018 In 2018, a group of the world's largest crude oil and natural gas producers added...

  14. EU May Crack Down on Turkey for Drilling in Mediterranean   (Bloomberg) -- The European Union will examine retaliatory measures against Turkey over its drilling activities...

  15. This article   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Big-Profits-Are-No-Longer-The-Top-Priority-For-Oil-Investors.html   contains the bigges bullshit ever. I am a huge investor in gas and oil and I don’t give a shit about new energy....

  16. "OPEC will soon discuss with Russia a new way to measure oil stockpiles, with the Saudi Energy Minister saying that finding reliable inventory data...

  17. New weekly free energy podcast with star guests https://www.macrovoices.com/111-macro-voices-energy-week/564-energy-week-geopolitics-bull-bear-cases-and-price-outlook Ignore at your own risk:)

  18. Exxon's $53 billion Iraq deal hit by contract snags, Iran tensions     Reuters) - Just weeks ago, U.S. energy giant ExxonMobil looked poised to move ahead...

  19. So I changed the article's clickbait title to something a bit more even-keeled.  Bear in mind this article is from an investment site, so...

  20. More PR than substance. The producers have to make major cuts to exports not production.   There is so much oil in storage and the demand destruction...

  21. https://www.theepochtimes.com/study-opposition-to-pipelines-costs-jobs-needed-infrastructure_3494286.html We need these lines. I would like to see a study of who opposes them and why. I suspect mone changes hands. RCW Study: Opposition...

  22. Interest Rate Hike Hits Oil Hard Oil prices have been slammed over the past week, dragged down by a variety of forces, including soaring U.S....

  23. Some can never pass up an opportunity to dump on shale. 

  24. The latest fall in oil prices has some analysts wondering if the world has passed peak demand.  https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/big-oil-confronts-possibility-of-terminal-demand-decline-1.5011438  

  25. Bank of America sees the potential for $100 oil within the next 6 months if this year's winter is colder than normal. But will...

  26. I invested into Callon Petroleum Company (CPE) yesterday & bought 1650 shares @ $5.46 per share.  I could’ve sold them when the stock went...

  27. Can't let go of the consumption puzzle ,sorry guys, just trying to understand some data ;). Assume the following formula: Consumption = Production - Exports...

  28. HI Friends   My take is oil will be range bound say 70-76  for Wti through out the year , Seem like all risks are factored...