1. Private equity... what's the situation today with the prices that have smartly moved from sub $30 per barrel to near $70 and OPEC actually...

  2. Article is behind a paywall.  Excerpt below.  You can bypass this Business Insider paywall by using a Private Tab with Tor, which is built...

  3. Shale continues to shoot itself in the foot, might have been a good idea to think this thing out beforehand. US slowly diluting it’s...

  4. Lukoil, Russia’s second-largest crude producer, saw profits jump by nearly half in 2018 on higher oil prices and a weaker rouble, the company said...

  5. Good move on the part of the Saskatchewan government, 2 thumbs up. Unfortunately, there are already 18,000 applications for 2,100 jobs. But it's a great move in...

  6. Progression Of Completions   The evolution of designs hastens the U.S. shale boom. In the 70 years since the first hydraulically fractured well began commercial operations, the technique’s processes and...

  7. Oil prices are expected to oscillate close to current levels well into the next decade, averaging around $65-70 per barrel through 2023, according to...

  8. This is from the UK Daily Telegraph March 29 A looming British ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars was thrown into...

  9. Barclays Bank fossil fuel funding protests to spread worldwide I'm taking bets when this will spread to other banks as well.

  10. I debated whether to put the "over pipeline" in the title, it seeming entirely superfluous. but I decided to do it anyway.  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-transcanada-headquarters-wet-suwet-en-arrests-1.4970441?cmp=rss "Dozens of opposing...

  11. Scott Pruitt resign from his position leading the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Friday, following months of high-profile controversies regarding his spending, ethics and...

  12. To me, it seems very apparent that various writers are consciously making blatant efforts to constantly boost oil price increase expectation. It seems quite...

  13. Just a question.( or three 😊) Has anyone here had any experience with pulsed wave fracturing, as opposed to traditional? Are the propagations longer? shorter, more...

  14. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/10/21/nyet-coming-vladimir-putin-to-snub-boris-big-climate-summit/ Nyet Coming: Vladimir Putin to Snub Boris Johnson’s Big Climate Summit Why not? https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/10/01/boris-thunberg-you-have-every-right-angry-about-climate-change-says-pm/

  15. Vlad doesn't look too happy. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-pollution/putin-backs-state-of-emergency-in-arctic-region-over-fuel-spill-in-river-idUSKBN23A2HL

  16. A video that gives a  thesis reasoning Putin's recent aggression posted previously credit surrept33. NATURAL GAS VIDEO https://youtu.be/If61baWF4GE?t=752    . .  .  and how about the wwater REUTERS https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-says-ukraine-blocking-water-supply-crimea-european-lawsuit-2021-07-22/.  CRIMEA WATER...

  17. Putin outsmarts Iran, and uses OPEC infighting and a few OPEC government meltdown catastrophes to improve Russia's leverage in global oil & gas. I found...

  18. Putin: ‘We’ll Never Frack’ https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2019/11/20/putin-well-never-frack/#6ee29583f014 Putin has opposed American fracking and influenced all of Europe over the last eight years. Propaganda from Russia and OPEC. Our...

  19. The West has clearly run out of ideas when it comes to dealing with Russia and surging oil and gas prices. The latest, reported...

  20. "QP, which produces 4.8 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed), aims to boost its output to 6.5 million boed in the next...

  21. Qatar Petroleum is looking to invest at least $20 billion in the United States over the coming few years, after this state unexpectedly quit...

  22. Qatar is taking a stake in Rosneft of nearly 19 percent, rescuing the Russian oil major from its stalled deal to sell a major...

  23. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/03/qatar-to-withdraw-from-opec-as-of-january-2019.html   The article comes from CNBC,  so consider the source. According to the article,  they are saying they are NOT leaving because of the Saudi's. I find that...

  24. one of the reasons for the halt in the meteoric $4 rise in crude since friday. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/03/qatar-to-withdraw-from-opec-as-of-january-2019.html You will find some subdued reason in the news...

  25. "The Quebec government will ban fracking for shale gas and impose stricter rules when it comes to the exploration, extraction and storage of oil...

  26. "Quebec's premier is quick to reject "dirty" oil from Western Canada in favour of hydro power, but new data indicate the province's citizens are...

  27. Two quick questions since I am new to the industry: 1). What are PMS & AGO refined oil?  Are they real acronyms?  I am guessing marine...

  28. New here and struggling to understand US crude oil production numbers. The whole thing doesn't make any sense to me.  It has been said that...

  29. Hello Gent's,......been lurker here for a while. I am new to this forum,..this is my first post,...but I'm in other forums of various interest...

  30. Many things indicate that oil prices should increase in 2020: Many of the points listed below were already trending this direction through Q4 2019 which,...