1. As part of its plan to gradually eliminate fuel subsidies, Saudi Arabia plans to raise domestic gasoline prices by 80 percent in January, and...

  2. HOUSTON, November 03, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tellurian Inc. (Tellurian) (NYSE American: TELL) completed sales from Driftwood LNG’s capacity for the first two plants with the signing...

  3. Qatar’s OPEC exit could backfire on LNG superpower, says an energy journalism vet but can it, really?  "If its new status outside the cartel adds...

  4. Northeast struggles due to insufficient gas pipeline infrastructure Loath of repeating something that has been said a hundred times already on this forum I'll just...

  5. Global LNG market may need up to $200 billion in investments within the next 12 years. Years of underinvestment expected to slow industry growth in...

  6. List the top 5 Companies which produce large quantity of Natural Gas?

  7. https://www.rt.com/newsline/465974-greece-israel-us-cyprus/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS   Greece, Israel, US & Cyprus agree to boost energy cooperation – Athens Published time: 7 Aug, 2019 13:43 This is just one more sign that natural...

  8. https://www.naturalgasworld.com/new-permian-pipe-in-service-kinder-morgan-73351?#signin NEW PERMIAN PIPE IN SERVICE: KINDER MORGAN

  9. So, a company wants to close down a coal - fired plant, and open a natural gas - fired plant to replace it, as well...

  10. Fire them. Bank analyst fired for suggesting that all of Gazprom's projects were unprofitable, except for the subcontractors that were friends of Putin. http://uawire.org/sberbank-lays-off-analysts-for-negative-gazprom-report Well, that's...

  11. "Most energy executives underestimate how much they can cut emissions as they extract and transport natural gas, according to a survey by the Energy Institute. Producers can reduce...

  12. Two gas stations duking it out in a small town by going tit for tat with price cuts. Will the lower oil prices of...

  13. A polar blast has heated up natural gas futures, which are up more than 13 percent in the past week on strengthening demand and the outlook for...

  14. While the EU whines about Nord Stream 2 but does nothing to speed up the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline, Poland is taking actual action and diversifying...

  15. China  is already the biggest importer of oil and coal. After US and Russia, China is is the world’s third biggest user of natural...

  16. West Virginia – update through December 2017 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed...

  17. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  18. LATE-NIGHT DEAL BREAKS DEADLOCK OVER NATURAL GAS EXPORTS. THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION IS ECSTATIC  https://dailycaller.com/2019/02/22/federal-energy-natural-gas-trump/

  19. A Keystone-Like Pipeline Opens Fierce Battle Over New York’s ‘Energy Future’ is there a bit of common sense left or is it Cuomism (Cuomonism?) all...

  20. Haynesville (LA) – update through February 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed...

  21. Kinder Morgan et al are moving forward with their plan to build their US$1.7-billion gas pipeline in the Permian. Expected to reduce current Permian bottlenecks, and reduce...

  22. Norwegian Energy Minister expressed  dissatisfaction  with an asset swap deal between Austria's OMV and Gazprom that would give the Russian gas giant access to...

  23. Canada's energy industry is not in the best of shapes. Now Shell could drop a major LNG project if the federal government fails to...

  24. Romania plans to double its gas production in the next few years. Right now, it produces about as much as it consumes and imports...

  25. Freezing temps in US means we're burning more fuel at home and not sending as much to Mexico. 

  26. Not good.  Reasons for the low pressure outage currently unknown.  Algonguin Gas Transmission Company has some 'splainin to do. National Grid Gas Outage In Newport,...

  27. There's new research saying that gas is among the least sustainable fuels for electricity generation. Shale gas in particular ranks seventh out of nine...

  28. Interesting afternoon pop. 35. Will see.

  29. There’s More Upside For Natural Gas Prices By Irina Slav - Oct 06, 2020, 1:00 PM CDT https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Theres-More-Upside-For-Natural-Gas-Prices.html With winter around the corner, the outlook for natural...

  30. What is most the important course  in LNG?

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