1. Without national targets and commitments, it's wishful thinking not policy. More than 50 leading European and multinational corporations argues that the 27% target is too...

  2. there you go. Using solar to frack the air, water and land https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/california-glasspoint-solar-enhanced-oil-recovery#gs.H2qNqKU

  3. This is just more testament to the lithium bull market: Consider that Panasonic is the biggest lithium-ion battery supplier for the auto industry, and...

  4. The site of the largest nuclear disaster in modern history soon will be a home to upwards of 100 megawatts of solar power generation...

  5. Bravo Google https://futurism.com/google-energy-renewables/

  6. Key players beside China are USA, Japan, UK, India....I'm not sure that big energy will be supported, maybe is better say how will energy be...

  7. I haven't jumped on lithium yet, but probably should have, so it's my New Year's resolution. I think it will be hard for anyone...

  8. https://cleantechnica.com/2017/12/02/google-expands-commitment-renewable-energy/

  9. The largest solar project in California is actually going to produce heavy oil ... This is a great example of how 'bipartisan' fossil fuels...

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