1. Saudi arabia cut again the selling price to crude oil to the US, despite dwindling amounts exported to the US from SA. Meanwhile, it...

  2. Oil price today last

  3. Nick Cunningham always has a few nuggets in his articles: Can OPEC Halt An Oil Market Meltdown? excerpt Because non-OPEC production (i.e. U.S. shale, Canada, and Brazil)...

  4. I admit I'm new to studying economics, which is why I'm here. Somehow, this statement seems illogical. Am I wrong?  

  5. This article from Bloomberg yesterday encapsulates many if not all of the issues in addition to "Iranian Sanctions" that may, or may not, affect...

  6. Norway's government is this week due to review a report from experts about whether it's a good idea to dump oil investments. When reports...

  7. Chart shows the plunge, which I mentioned would happen when Dow was at 25,636 last week. The big plunge is about to happen. The...

  8. A Senate bill is putting forward higher credit tax ceilings for electric cars but there's a caveat: "Under current law, once a manufacturer hits...

  9. Hi all, Where is Mr Market?   Lets look at the hard data on crude prices one year out and Three major oil companies. WTI closed on 6/5/2017 at...

  10. It seems that bitcoin is now a big threat to Paris Agreement. According to a study published in Energy Research & Social Science, John...

  11. Airbus signed a deal  to sell 300 aircraft to China Aviation Supplies Holding Company, including 290 A320 planes and 10 A350. 

  12. I would like to see a lot of all my stocks

  13. President Trump signed an executive order allowing sanctions on foreign companies, organizations or individuals the government determines to have interfered in U.S. elections. The order...

  14. The chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell referred to cryptocurrencies as risks with no intrinsic value on Wednesday at a congressional hearing. He said...


  16. On May 30, the Federal Reserve will meet to discuss the modification of the Volcker rule, which stops banks from trading in volatile markets...

  17. The value of the Q3 M&A activity in the U.S. oil and gas industry broke all quarterly records dating back to the fourth quarter...

  18. The Justice Department has opened a criminal probe into whether traders are manipulating the price of Bitcoin and other digital currencies, dramatically ratcheting up...

  19.  Chicago is becoming a home to traders, exchanges offering bitcoin futures. More companies involved in the crypto world are likely to open offices in...

  20. The eurusd has already bounce underneath 1.15 a couple of times, but every time was supported. It will eventually break 1.15 maybe even this...

  21. China plans to build a nuclear power plant in the disputed South China Sea. This construction has infuriated its neighbors who also believe they...

  22. U.S. stocks in 2018 suffered their worst annual performance in a decade. Despite making gains on Monday, the S&P 500 finished 2018 down 6.2...

  23.                      Tomorrow could be another big day of volatility.             ...

  24. Kevin Hassett, economic advisor to President Donald Trump, said that trade war with China will force other companies besides Apple to announce lower earnings. Hassett...

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