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  1. Hi jjcar. Im 100 0/0 real and with a very simple Strategy for my investment. I belive that we are in the bottom of the next cycle and that we can see a upturn for the offshoresector where i have put my money. My conserns are on shale that grow very fast. And a president who do everything to increase american production. If shaleproduction expand dramaticly over the next 1-2 years il go out of oilproduction and in to oilshipping. If american oilexport goes up from 2 to 4 blday it will be a boom in oilshipping
  2. Since start of january Im heavy invested in oilstocks and have allready made a good profit. But il think it will go higher... Much higher. My Biggest conserns are american shale And a president who do everything to increase production
  3. Im very interested to know more about the american shale. Were it goes? Future potencial Polution Effect on worldmarked😀