Justin McCarthy

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  1. The assumption that the US would continue to hollow out its economy as the first and last buyer of global production, for the benefit of Wall Street and the London Financial District, and could sacrifice its middle class forever before a political backlash occurred was dubious thinking. Or, continue to maintain a world order; an alliance structure; or energy security for Europe that is no longer needed to contain the USSR was also dubious. Especially, given that, many of our (US) erstwhile allies appear to want to game the system or be free riders. A recent PEW Research study indicated that few Europeans were prepared to defend "Europe". Since, that is the case, why should Americans? Times change, challenges change, allies change and policies change as needed. Maybe Charles De Gaulle said it best, to paraphrase: "in time, 250 million Americans will tire of protecting 300 million Europeans from 160 million Russians." Took awhile and the numbers changed. But, here we are. Adapt to the new reality. The US is still here, in the catbird's seat militarily, geopolitically, and geo-strategically; with the largest consumer market; the largest single integrated trade market on the planet and now energy independent. But, the US has new challenges and needs. We still have countries we like, and with which we potentially share certain values and interests. The only difference is that the terms of engagement need to change. Since "Europe" is incapable of leading; that leaves "follow or get out of the way."