James Regan


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  On 3/7/2020 at 1:09 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

How is the US any more hysterical than anywhere else? A gross generalization James...


Doug it’s fact the US has over 40% of mass hysteria of note in history. I don’t know why but hysteria is more prevalent in the USA than any other country.

heres a few to jog the memory , remembering that the USA is a very young country.


Edited by James Regan

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This is excellent commentary from Tucker Carlson on both the virus and China.


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  On 3/7/2020 at 1:47 PM, James Regan said:

Doug it’s fact the US has over 40% of mass hysteria of note in history. I don’t know why but hysteria is more prevalent in the USA than any other country.

heres a few to jog the memory , remembering that the USA is a very young country.



Jimmy, I am guessing that I could search ‘hysteria + (any country)’ and come up with examples....

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  On 3/7/2020 at 1:57 PM, El Nikko said:

This is excellent commentary from Tucker Carlson

  On 3/7/2020 at 1:57 PM, El Nikko said:
  On 3/7/2020 at 1:57 PM, El Nikko said:

This is excellent commentary from Tucker Carlson on both the virus and China.



Wow that’s the Government’s outlet kind of scary and designed to create hysteria in order to win an election. This kind of media does not exist in Europe on mainstream media channels that’s fact.


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  On 3/7/2020 at 2:03 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

Jimmy, I am guessing that I could search ‘hysteria + (any country)’ and come up with examples....


Doug you could and will, I am merely stating the the USA is fertile ground for hysteria. Not being anti American just stating an opinion, let’s see what the next few weeks bring as they ramp up testing.

You know I am not Anti American in fact I’m probably more anti England than anything....

To add freedom and freedom of speech comes at a price sometimes and while other countries to the left are able to stem the affects of saying too much in the USA you have the full gambit, good in many ways but does carry a collateral risk. Ill informed public in a massive land area are susceptible to slants on the truth and can and do act in hysterical ways.

Edited by James Regan

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Well I think he does have a point that relying on one Communist country that is a geopolitical/strategic foe and economic competator is probably a really bad idea in the long run, like Germany relying on Russia for their gas.

I wasn't joking in another thread when I said this could be a golden oportunity for the West but mainly the US and probably UK to divest away from China and move manufacturing to the US and also South America for cheaper goods.

The problem with China is they haven't been playing ball for years and have taken advantage of the greedy and corrupt as Tucker says.

I have one example when I used to work for a very big service company, they were trying to get permission for an azimuthal resistivity tool to be used in China for the first time. I believe there were restrictions (possibly government) on the export on state of the art technology (which it was at the time) but somehow management overcame it. They started drilling the well with that tool in hole and were then informed they were stuck, the crew were kicked off site and later told they had P&A leaving the tool in hole and therefore cemented in the ground. Everyone believed the Chinese company was lieing and they probably recovered it later to be reverse engineered. I wasn't there but I heard this from several people.

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Wouldn’t surprise me at all. A colleague of mine went to work in China to design a difficult well. When he got there they told him that they must have access to anything on his personal laptop regarding drilling as he was now contracted to them. This is their mindset.

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  On 3/7/2020 at 2:14 PM, James Regan said:

Doug you could and will, I am merely stating the the USA is fertile ground for hysteria. Not being anti American just stating an opinion, let’s see what the next few weeks bring as they ramp up testing.

You know I am not Anti American in fact I’m probably more anti England than anything....

To add freedom and freedom of speech comes at a price sometimes and while other countries to the left are able to stem the affects of saying too much in the USA you have the full gambit, good in many ways but does carry a collateral risk. Ill informed public in a massive land area are susceptible to slants on the truth and can and do act in hysterical ways.


I would say that the American media, not the American people, are the cause of the hysteria and tend to bias their reports to show perceived hysteria.

Hysteria sells!

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  On 3/7/2020 at 2:38 PM, Douglas Buckland said:

Wouldn’t surprise me at all. A colleague of mine went to work in China to design a difficult well. When he got there they told him that they must have access to anything on his personal laptop regarding drilling as he was now contracted to them. This is their mindset.


I saw a Scottish Amoco Company man do the same thing on a simple fishing tool in the North Sea. Human nature and the drive to succeed and impress others is bewildering at times.

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United States is a Free Market Economy

The strongest Economy in the world.

Russia can pressure U.S. to cut production all they want.  Not gonna happen. 

go shaft yourself out your market stole mostly all my wealth with you reckless oil business that make 0 profit all USA stock of shall are down 89% and will try to recover to make market money to drill again this wont happen since new investor aren't interested in oil this market burned all investor too the ground USA production is going down to 0


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USa burned down the last generation that believed that oil had a value bank stole all our investment filling up your tank on money that investor lost this is absurd unless oil goes back to 80$ a barrel fracking is dead meat for the next 6-10 years 

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posting losses after losses after looses killing every single shareholder of every single business in USA go to hell your energy freedom died when your bank shorted 100% of what they sold as investment I hope no one ever invest a penny in united stat energy for the next 20 years 

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  On 3/8/2020 at 6:18 AM, zextaz said:

posting losses after losses after looses killing every single shareholder of every single business in USA go to hell your energy freedom died when your bank shorted 100% of what they sold as investment I hope no one ever invest a penny in united stat energy for the next 20 years 


Dont hold back @zextaz say Whats on your mind, I am a up there as a Shale Hater with you...

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OMG those asshole that keep posting losses stock goes down every single trading day for year after year after year only to gain a 20% up when bankster cover and start that short selling again and again until smaller player are forced to sell to bigger one at 84% losses and those bigger player failed again and again only to sell at 80% losses to even bigger player until your 40$ shares of 2014 worth 0.01 cent and then the 0,01 cent share merge 1000:1 with other player and the new player shares worth 50$ ans drop again again to 0.01 cent so eventually your 500,000$ investement worth 25$ and trump is proclaiming that USA is energy self sufficient yhea freaking right look like HMNY process all over energy buy 1 pass and we will fill up your gas tank for 30 days at 99% losses  until we go bankrupt  

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USA energy sector look more like biotech investement even worst I lost more money on my oil investement that I tought was secure than every single biotech penny stock I bought USA shall is bull freaking crap investement I hope no one ever buy any single share or invest any penny they work for in those buisnesses each time you think its a good buy its never it will go down every time to lower and lower level until they reveres split or get bought out at cheaper than market price

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I swear to god ive seen stock that was trading at 0.50 cent (used to be a 20$ stock) and the CEO of those fracking business agreed to sell the business at 0.05 while it was trading 50 cent on market !!!! and this was fully legal!

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stock collapsed from .50 cent a share to 0.45 the same day!


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I mean collapsed to 0.50 cent to 0.045 cent 

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they sold the entire business at 90% under market trading stock prices while they had a "reserve" values of 4-7$ a share why? because bank said NO to renewal of their credit and they couldn't find a bank to renew their mortgage so they were forced to sell to shark 

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the shark will creat a new trading name and try to steal money on market from new investor USA criminal shall activity OIL price is too high trump was saying now go shit on yourself north America energy sector if DEAD and all those nice jobs ppl have are going down the drain

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Russian was starting to get out of the red and building a new economy they are refusing to work with opec and they will go down the drain and ensure their ppl get poorer they will only survive on low oil prices will USA will become stronger with cheap gasoline perfect rebound of economy exactly what trump was waiting for only this isn't good for south ppl since they will all be jobless

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what I know for a fact is that when those asshole shale retarted business go all bankrupt natural gas will spike the problem I see now is that mostly all gas stock are down 90% but are linked to oil price and not natural gas prices because of shall boom once that retarded boom collapse the gas will worth way more than it does right now 

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stock market give 0 value to gas price only to condensate and oil but natural gas had way more value before the reckless drilling of shall

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  On 3/8/2020 at 6:12 AM, zextaz said:

reply too

United States is a Free Market Economy

The strongest Economy in the world.

Russia can pressure U.S. to cut production all they want.  Not gonna happen. 

go shaft yourself out your market stole mostly all my wealth with you reckless oil business that make 0 profit all USA stock of shall are down 89% and will try to recover to make market money to drill again this wont happen since new investor aren't interested in oil this market burned all investor too the ground USA production is going down to 0



So all IS production is shale (shall ?) oil?

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  On 3/8/2020 at 6:46 AM, zextaz said:

stock market give 0 value to gas price only to condensate and oil but natural gas had way more value before the reckless drilling of shall


Did you forget to take your medicine today?

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